Monthly articles on recovery and fellowship written by members of A.A. in San Francisco and Marin.

June 30, 2024 by The Point

June 30, 2024 by The Point
By Anon I always thought I was actually the responsible one in the equation. I thought that the “other half” of the relationship, whether business or marital, was what needed fixing. Most certainly if you […]

June 30, 2024 by The Point
If We Are Painstaking   By: Rick R. Unless you were born with a total understanding of alcoholism, had the desire to become an alcoholic, and had the capacity to make the decision to do […]

June 30, 2024 by The Point
By Anon While it had certainly become clear I had lost complete control over the grog I, of course, was absolutely in denial about that simple truth. Equally certain was I had no practical conception […]

June 30, 2024 by The Point
By John R. W How could it be that this was so daunting? The process so far had been as advertised Yet lingering somewhere still was a notion haunting That by these Steps I was […]

June 30, 2024 by The Point
Baseball in Alcoholics Anonymous By Christine. R Our Big Book describes us as “enthusiasts.” Apparently one big enthusiasm we enjoy extends into the game of baseball. Here’s the lineup of baseball references:  When all our score cards […]

July 30, 2023 by The Point
Our minds try out a lot of things pre-transformation. – Jim F  

July 30, 2023 by The Point
By Dede H The house is rumbling early  Pitter patter of little feet on the floor  My husband is grumbling clearly A Yorkie is scratching at the door  I’m here writing with my Muse Yet […]

July 30, 2023 by The Point
By John W Who cares to admit defeat Or that I, not you, caused the harm. Ignorance is bliss, why sound the alarm? Still the silent echo screamed: “Be Complete”. What lengths would I go, […]

July 30, 2023 by The Point
By Christine R Every now and then we need a blessing that’s NOT in disguise. We want that blessing front and center – not hidden in the background waiting to surprise us down the road. […]

July 30, 2023 by The Point
Where is All This Warmth Coming From? By Richard R   I came to Alcoholics Anonymous bankrupt in every department. When I started to take the steps, my first big challenge was to find a […]

July 30, 2023 by The Point

June 30, 2023 by The Point
  By Eric S | Read by Stephen R A member shares their story about the origin of a meeting.    

June 30, 2023 by The Point
By Dede H.   I am your animal, God You’ve created me to do what? On a precipice of sod I sit Wondering should I jump or squat? A decision is just a choice You […]

June 30, 2023 by The Point
  By Delilah V Every day for the past month and a bit I’ve been saying, writing, reading and repeating the 7th step prayer that begins with “My Creator”. I haven’t been perfect, some days […]
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

June 28, 2023 by The Point
By John W   It is so hard to understand Why some things so good today Can be so bad tomorrow  How feast becomes famine as an eye blinks.   To such peril, relationships have […]

June 28, 2023 by The Point
  I Got it Right the Second Time By Rick R.   Let me preface this article by saying that I am not being critical of anybody for any reason concerning where a person is […]

June 28, 2023 by The Point

May 30, 2023 by The Point
By John W By the time of this challenge Things seemed to have turned, Mostly for the better, but still a mélange Of times for which I had always yearned. To avoid “laurel resting,” a […]

May 30, 2023 by The Point
By Cabin Wisdom Latecomers to AA meetings are such a nuisance. They arrive late. Grab what’s left of all the coffee. Make a kerfuffle in the kitchen and the meeting rooms as they shuffle in. […]

May 30, 2023 by The Point
By Frank T  Moving from tolerance, to acceptance, to appreciation, to love.

May 30, 2023 by The Point
By Dee H I named the tall tree Lucy Had no idea if it was a she It’s beyond gender you see My love for this simple tree Its poison ivy skirt reminded me  Of […]

May 30, 2023 by The Point
Continuous Credibility Leads to Integrity By Rick R When we are satisfied that we have given steps one through five our best effort and have identified the most glaring defects of character and shortcomings, it […]

May 30, 2023 by The Point

April 30, 2023 by The Point
By Cabin Wisdom After 10 years of sobriety, I thought I knew a thing or two. Marching down the center aisle to claim that X Chip, I thought I had it made. 7 a.m., 7 […]

April 30, 2023 by The Point
By John W  Some one thing all understood, present in crowd or solitude, Amidst darkest night, a heel longest day, flanked By anger, resentment, remorse, despair, this phalnx Of loneliness seemed impenetrable, my admissions Of […]

April 30, 2023 by The Point
By Jillian E More than ten years ago, I was going through a very difficult divorce, and one of the principles I have learned in A.A. is to do more service when I feel shaky. […]

April 30, 2023 by The Point
I Think Before I Do By Rick R In my early days of sobriety my wife came home from an Alanon meeting all excited about what they had talked about. Apparently, they were discussing their […]

April 30, 2023 by The Point
By Dede H Thanks for taking me back I have nowhere else to go  I’ve analyzed my thinking It’s a good thing you see Getting off track isn’t healthy Physical sobriety is not new  I […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point
I Got it Right the Second Time By Rick R My first attempt at doing a Fourth Step inventory came as I was approaching my first year of sobriety. I now realize that I was […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point
By Bree L My Higher Power or God was never an integral part of life before A.A. Early on, I prayed up to heaven, looking for someone or something to emerge and help. I prayed […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point
by Cabin Wisdom Thirty days, 60 days, 90 days, six months, nine months, then on through the years. Go to any chip meeting and you will witness the time-honored tradition of praising in public those […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point
By Sandra D When I first got into recovery I was anti-God. I had grown up in a Catholic family and then my dad started taking me to a Christian church. I joined a bible […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point
by Sandy B When I first came into A.A. I was totally mystified. How can something work when there wasn’t a Board of Directors, President, Vice Presidents etc.? In short, a management group responsible for […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point
By John W This particular winter had seemed long in the making Even longer in leaving. . .like an end that never came The awaited package which never arrived A Nordic darkness bereft of light […]

March 30, 2023 by The Point

March 2, 2023 by The Point
The Doorknob By Cabin Wisdom Can a doorknob be your Higher Power? Walk into the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous and eventually you hear how “anything can be your Higher Power. Even a doorknob.” Surely folks […]

March 2, 2023 by The Point
Neither He nor She By Caroline M My early religious training as a child in Sunday school used the pronoun He for God. I learned too, that when God was angry because we were all […]

March 2, 2023 by The Point
Counting Blessings By Judy G Read by Michelle G

March 2, 2023 by The Point
The Universe is Calling  By Dee H All the energy of the universe is calling I need only receive the fathomless Word There’s no reason for me to keep falling Relief is in sight when […]

March 2, 2023 by The Point
Say “Hello” to my Higher Power By John W As I am sure was true with many, I did not arrive at the rooms of A.A. on the wings of victory. Not long after I […]

March 1, 2023 by AA SF/Marin Intergroup

February 1, 2023 by The Point
Touchstones Into Stepping Stones  By Christine R. Walking into these rooms only to hear “pain was the touchstone of all spiritual progress,” how heartily I wanted to run the other direction! My alcoholic story was […]
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February 1, 2023 by The Point
Made Possible by Alcoholics Like You By Vanessa H. Seeing that “aspirations” was the theme for the February 2023 issue of The Point, my mind immediately went to the bridge of the Reading Rainbow theme […]

February 1, 2023 by The Point
Reactability By John W The knack of re-acting, again and again I had this down pat, I was a pro with no equal or so I mused Often did I indulge in this reality It […]

February 1, 2023 by The Point
Save Me From Myself By Dee H To whom it may concern Please God save me from myself I’ve grown weary and forlorn Trapped inside this lonely shell There often is nowhere to turn No […]

February 1, 2023 by The Point
Finding a Higher Power when capitalized words have a negative affect on an alcoholic with an on-again off-again relationship with formal religion. (Audio Only)  

February 1, 2023 by The Point

December 31, 2022 by The Point
Thinking of writing for The Point? Share your experience, strength and hope on any topic related to your recovery. If you are looking for ideas, explore the topics listed in the calendar above. We are always looking […]

December 31, 2022 by The Point
“Be quick to see where religious people are right, make use of what they offer.” (Alcoholic Anonymous, pg. 87) Photo by John L St. Mary’s Church, Nicasio, CA – December 2022

December 31, 2022 by The Point
By Dede H. If only my spouse treated me better What if my candidate became president? If my dog didn’t pee on the carpet I wouldn’t drink today If only my friend would call soon […]

December 31, 2022 by The Point
By John W Drawn in the Sand A spent wave obliterating The once fine border Until the water recedes Revealing…The Line, resolute! Hell is a relative state Here today, gone tomorrow, for eternity Never leaving […]

December 31, 2022 by The Point
Living by the Dictates of My Conscience By Rick R. “Desperation” has been the great motivator for me in the thoroughness I have applied since the day I surrendered and came to Alcoholics Anonymous searching […]

January 1, 2023 by The Point

November 30, 2022 by The Point
  The Continuing Search for Connection By Roman R I’m over six years into recovery and have been swamped with contradictory feelings. I feel grateful to no longer feel as much of a draw towards […]

November 30, 2022 by The Point
By Dee H Why do I turn from the light? Why is a happy day followed With a dark night of the soul? Is my God too bright? Why do I need my shadow? Many […]

November 30, 2022 by The Point
By John W Since before he had his first taste Since before his wound was inflicted He had longed to be in that number, Had longed to come marching in He was no saint, of […]

November 30, 2022 by The Point
By Christine R. In his final days, my friend Paul B. spent a lot of time in the hospital. During one of those overnight stays, at around 2 a.m. the night nurse came in. Paul […]

November 30, 2022 by The Point
What Went Wrong Between Then and Now By Rick R. I was deeply touched by what I heard a young man at a meeting share about planning a party for his mother. He started to […]

December 1, 2022 by The Point

October 31, 2022 by The Point
By Dee H My Higher Power is not myself I’m thankful I don’t need to be right Today I put my ego on the shelf Meditation reverses my search lights I’m glad there’s nothing I […]

October 31, 2022 by The Point
No Criticism or Character Assassination By Rick R. Hanging on to resentments and criticizing the behavior of others is often a noticeable characteristic of some members of the Program that never find the serenity and […]

October 31, 2022 by The Point
By Christine R. “Christine, you need eyes for your 9th Step. You need someone to receive your 9th Step amends on behalf of your dead father. Before you go to his tombstone in Reno, make […]

October 31, 2022 by The Point
By John W The business man had successfully remained anonymous City meetings avoided, in his small hamlet, few knew him. He came and went with ease, OK with the occasional familiar face. In passing weeks […]

October 31, 2022 by The Point
By Paula M Subtext Bill and Bob introduced an awareness of body-mind connection insofar as the phenomenon of craving and the mental obsession.  In the 83 years since the Big Book’s first publication, in a […]

October 31, 2022 by The Point
By Jessica M There is an annual event where people swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco. It is the swim the Anglin Brothers and Frank Lee Morris made in their escape from Alcatraz on the […]

November 1, 2022 by AA SF/Marin Intergroup

September 29, 2022 by The Point
By Jillian E. I was going through a difficult divorce and one of the principles I have learned in A.A. is to do more service when I am feeling shaky. The Big Book says, “Practical […]

September 29, 2022 by The Point
Accepting the World as It is By Rick R. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. The degree that the individual carries out these two goals is […]

September 29, 2022 by The Point
By John W Many a youth has marveled, upon tossing a large rock into a pond, at the ripples created and how they disperse across the breadth of the pond. Science tells us that for […]

September 29, 2022 by The Point
By Anonymous We often talk in the rooms of A.A. about spiritual awakenings. It’s the great promise of our 12 Steps. I’d like to talk about my second spiritual awakening, which happened when I least […]

September 29, 2022 by The Point
By Jessica M. The importance of service was instilled in me by my first sponsor. Her ability to show up for her meeting commitments and for sponsorship of me and four other women she sponsored […]

September 1, 2022 by The Point
By Dede H   My first act of service is to love myself so I may love others and you It may not be the self you know but I must tell you I have […]

September 2, 2022 by The Point
Rectangled by Bernadette S Organize Chaos Collection created in the quarantine 2020  

September 1, 2022 by The Point
By Megan B. Before sobriety, I was hollow. I had a presentable exterior, a shell; a big kid job, a car, my own apartment, a boyfriend (sometimes), cute clothes, a nice butt. I was proud […]

September 1, 2022 by The Point
By Anonymous When told How It Works, we are warned that alcohol is “cunning, baffling and powerful.” Often old-timers have suggested that the word “patient” be added to this list of John Barleycorn’s attributes. The […]

September 1, 2022 by The Point
By Sandy B I have always (until recently) fought with the opening of all our meetings and Chapter 5 in the Big Book. What was I fighting with?  “Rarely have we seen a person fail […]

September 2, 2022 by The Point

September 7, 2022 by The Point

September 1, 2022 by The Point
by Christine R We sure do a lot of turning in this Program. Out of the 46 known instances for “turning” or “turn” in our literature, here are a few you might recognize: “We stood […]

August 1, 2022 by The Point
By Christine R. “You aren’t giving up the booze, you are getting your life back.” That’s what “Happy” said to me as I trudged through the door of happy destiny. Happy lived up to her […]

August 1, 2022 by The Point
“A. A. is not for everybody” “A. A. doesn’t work for me.” When we hear these from someone, how do we react? By Jamie M. Once at a meeting I heard a young man talk […]

August 1, 2022 by The Point
Written by Guru P Read by Michelle G A member shares their experience of service in H&I, gratitude for diversity, and being able to keep connected online.  

August 1, 2022 by The Point
The Bad Days are but Distant Memories By Rick R. I am seven years old and every adult in my immediate environment is drinking daily and it is not hard for me to get a […]

August 1, 2022 by The Point
By Karen B. I got sober in the pink room at the Dry Dock on Greenwich St. in San Francisco. If you’ve been, then you know. Just a small pink room that is always there, […]

August 1, 2022 by The Point
By Dede H I sit in the sun every morning Light streams into my forehead Behind my eyes a radiance It is energy, love, and peace I carry this gentle joy with me Throughout the […]

June 1, 2022 by The Point
The Central Office Archives Committee and longtime Bay Area member Peter M. compiled a history booklet of our local Central Office which serves San Francisco and Marin counties. It highlights important facts and developments. In […]

June 1, 2022 by The Point
By Christine R. For years I kept hidden the very topics we share daily.    A huge surprise to hear the men and women share their experience, strength, and hope on the topics I was […]

June 1, 2022 by The Point
Entirely Ready by Dee H When I am a better person I won’t harm myself Are you ready? I am entirely ready.  Pride, anger, fear—feelings come up Self righteousness, sloth, too lazy to clarify Resentment […]

June 1, 2022 by The Point

June 1, 2022 by The Point
Just Another Friday By John W Only a fool would play with all chambers full The brutal truth, they would do so only once. So too the bottle for those enslaved by its pull, Handcuffed […]

May 2, 2022 by The Point
What More Could a Person Want By Rick R. In my early days of sobriety, I was hearing a lot of words that were unfamiliar to me and I did not pay much attention to […]

May 2, 2022 by The Point
Getting Old While Sober By Lizzie R.   This afternoon, I found myself sinking into one of those dark icky funks.  No reason, no particular cause—just a malaise that caught hold of me and wouldn’t […]

May 2, 2022 by The Point
A Step One Poem By Dee H. Powerless without my stinking thinking Sick and tired of being sick and tired God wants me to stop drinking Concretely and abstractly My Father Mother God loves me […]

May 2, 2022 by The Point
Our Group Conscience, Our Higher Power By Jamie M. In the early days of A.A. we had some great support from various professional practitioners including, at least indirectly, Carl Jung. The quote from Herbert Spencer […]

May 2, 2022 by The Point
Step Five Rewards By Bob S. My Fourth Step inventory focused the light of truth onto unrealized driving forces of selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear. It also provided certain necessary tools to face and be […]

May 2, 2022 by The Point
“Alcohol gave me wings, then it took away the sky”

May 1, 2022 by The Point

May 1, 2022 by The Point

April 6, 2022 by The Point
1, 2, 3 and Out    By Rick R.

April 7, 2022 by The Point
By Kathleen C.

April 6, 2022 by The Point
Bill W’s Letter from the Archives

April 6, 2022 by The Point
By John W.

April 7, 2022 by The Point
by Anonymous

April 6, 2022 by The Point
Letter from the Archives

April 7, 2022 by The Point
For April 2022

April 7, 2022 by The Point
For April 2022

March 8, 2022 by The Point
Ceased Fighting Anyone and Anything By John W. After struggling with high school chemistry and biology, I threw in the towel before entering the Realm of Physics.  Still, although I never truly appreciated what Newton […]

March 8, 2022 by The Point
Crossroads By Michelle W.   Neither here nor there Many paths But One Path Sitting in peace and heaviness Can’t stay here much longer Mindful of Directions, goals and actions Look around, Look Inside It […]

March 8, 2022 by The Point
Alcoholism: A Disease of Perception By Rick R.   Alcoholism is often referred to as a disease of perception, and oh how I find that statement to be true! Like most alcoholics, early in my […]

March 8, 2022 by The Point
First Official Gay Meeting in San Francisco By Conrad G., who was there Editor’s note: This story first ran in The Point in 2007. It is being re-published as part of the celebration of the […]

March 8, 2022 by The Point
None Greater Than I Anonymous    As master of the universe, it was difficult to comprehend How my best thinking had destroyed, or nearly, all I held dear. No longer was my presence cherished, for […]

March 8, 2022 by The Point

March 8, 2022 by The Point

February 7, 2022 by The Point
Following the suggestions I had been hearing at meetings, shortly after the miracle of sobriety had come into my life when the obsession to drink had literally vanished on Saint Patrick’s Day, I got a […]

February 7, 2022 by The Point
Written by Laura V. On January 7th, 2022, The Sobriety by the Bay Conference returned to San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral to do what it does best; bring hundreds of sober alcoholics from across the Bay […]

February 7, 2022 by The Point
Step Two: “Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” BELIEF: William James taught: “pragmatic rationality.” That is to say that under certain conditions, it is both right and […]

February 7, 2022 by The Point
Sincerity is a Great Healer Rick R. Recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) affects people in many ways. The first and most obvious is their ability to abstain from the use of alcohol, for without that […]

February 7, 2022 by The Point
Days of sobriety are like pearls on a necklace. One pearl at a time, one day at a time, pearls line up on the strand of life. Each day of sobriety is like a pearl […]

February 7, 2022 by The Point
“We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.” I went to my first meeting in Turlock, in 1980. I was eighteen years old. I’d left home at fifteen. My folks gave me a choice, […]

December 31, 2021 by The Point
As a newcomer to AA, when I first heard we were to be happy, joyous, and free I thought, “Sheesh! What an order!  I can’t go through with it.”

December 31, 2021 by The Point
The creepy bas reliefs of skull and crossbones only made me feel more alive

December 31, 2021 by The Point
Seven years ago the idea of Marin having its own Intergroup was revived

December 31, 2021 by The Point
On a scale of 1 to 10, let us say that I woke up each morning at an emotional level of 2, while the normal person wakes up at an 8

December 31, 2021 by The Point
They warned me to be wary of the “Squatters in My Basement.” Resentment, rationalization, self-pity and, the one sitting at the top of my list: Justifiable anger.

December 31, 2021 by The Point
Having a Gratitude Attack is a reason to celebrate and encourages optimism

January 8, 2022 by The Point

January 8, 2022 by The Point

November 30, 2021 by The Point
The perfect place to share how we stay sober in social situations

November 30, 2021 by The Point
I became very crafty when it came to manipulating the people who loved me

November 30, 2021 by The Point
A sister-woman seeking help from another; looking for open hands to hold hers; open ears by which to listen; someone open to sharing their experience, strength, and hope by working the Steps; guiding her from the present-day disaster of incomprehensible demoralization into the Sunlight of the Spirit

November 30, 2021 by The Point
If time allows, I like to have a meeting-after-the-meeting to provide a welcome

November 30, 2021 by The Point
Many little things that happen on a day-to-day basis that rise above my state of happiness

November 30, 2021 by The Point
While she has continued her work in the recovery field, Michele has been of continuous service in her private life – giving unselfishly of her time and resources

December 4, 2021 by The Point

December 4, 2021 by The Point

October 31, 2021 by The Point
I woke up on the ground at Seventh and Market. The check cashing place was on the corner, and I was lying next to a man I didn’t even know ... l had the shakes really bad and felt empty with nothing inside. I tried to figure out what to do

October 31, 2021 by The Point
When big-time marital discord drove me towards a solution rather than a drink one day, the thought of attending a 7:00 AM meeting as suggested by that anonymous voice on that anonymous 24-hour a day hotline, seemed a half-baked idea

October 31, 2021 by The Point
I couldn’t resist its lure. Without a second thought I began guzzling straight out of the bottle and within a few minutes the kitchen started spinning so badly I had to steady myself against the counter

October 31, 2021 by The Point
More than most folks, alcoholics are tortured by loneliness … There was always that mysterious barrier we could neither surmount nor understand

October 31, 2021 by The Point
Some groups take inventory by examining how well they are abiding by the Twelve Traditions. At the District and Area, we sometimes look at our relationship and understanding to the Twelve Concepts of World Service. Ultimately, the inventory questions are up for the group conscience to decide

November 1, 2021 by The Point

November 1, 2021 by The Point
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September 30, 2021 by The Point
We finally found a dog named Rei in Sonoma County. Yet I hadn’t expected self-centered fear to take over as I was driving up north
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September 30, 2021 by The Point
The scales of judgment fell from my eyes

September 30, 2021 by The Point
You can take the alcohol out of the alcoholic, but you can’t take the alcoholism out of the alcoholic

September 30, 2021 by The Point
Her new friend said she might not be ready

September 30, 2021 by The Point
As a Los Angeles taxi driver during the 1980s, I had any adventures

September 30, 2021 by The Point
Living in fear is optional

October 1, 2021 by The Point

October 1, 2021 by The Point

August 31, 2021 by The Point
A co-worker asked him if he knew where they might get some drugs. Brad was savvy and began his business as a supply agent at Kaiser. What started as a favor in surgery, expanded as he moved into other departments. He was invited to many parties

August 31, 2021 by The Point
I got another DUI. The last one had been over ten years before (lucky for me) so I was tried and convicted as a first-time offender again. I had the same attorney (a friend of the family, so I could afford her) and received the minimum required sentencing. Did it get me to stop drinking? It did not. Did I stop driving as my license was suspended? I did not

August 31, 2021 by The Point
How many times in your life have you been faced with a decision and you did not know what to do about it? Then a day and a half later, you awakened in the middle of the night, sat up in bed, and said to yourself, “Aha”

August 31, 2021 by The Point
I could not figure how going to any lengths to show up for a 7 a.m. meeting as the Butt-Can woman would keep me sober. How could picking up your butts keep me sober? I was there to save my own butt

August 31, 2021 by The Point
When asked what she’s learned over her forty-plus years, she says, “It’s really important to ask for help. That’s the ticket to an easier life.”

August 1, 2021 by The Point
My husband asked me once, as I was putting down my phone after a long conversation, “How many women do you sponsor? Isn’t it a big burden?” I laughed and told him, “Honey, you don’t understand. This is a team effort. It takes a lot of sober women to keep me sober!” We go to meetings together and chat in coffeehouses

September 1, 2021 by The Point

September 1, 2021 by The Point

August 1, 2021 by The Point
When Rick R's grandson was five, he was learning about space, animals and what “bad” behavior was. When in a moment of irritation grandpa resorted to blame

August 1, 2021 by The Point
I remember my sponsor early on asking me why I wanted to work in rehab when, as he said, “It’s full of a lot of crazy people”

August 1, 2021 by The Point
There is fun in sobriety. Everything, a lot of things are easier sober. Including fun things

August 1, 2021 by The Point
When my grandson was in preschool I spent many hours with him, talking about everything from stars and space to bugs and animals. I wanted to give him the best perspective I could about how to respond to life issues at a level that he could understand. He came home from school one day and told me one of the boys in his class was being bad

August 1, 2021 by The Point
When faced with the steps I was selective about which part of the suggestions I would embrace and which suggestions I would dismiss as OK for you but not necessary for me. I did not think my problems were about mental, emotional or spiritual matters. If I could just stop drinking things would be fine

August 1, 2021 by The Point
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA to always be there

August 1, 2021 by The Point
As I was both a good drinker and a great forgetter, I needed to hear my friend’s share

August 1, 2021 by The Point

August 1, 2021 by The Point

July 1, 2021 by The Point
Periodically, he’d return to court, but treatment would be denied because he’d had too many dirties when they tested him. The last time, he was sent to Redwood Center inpatient program. It was an opportunity to get out of the city

July 1, 2021 by The Point
So it's morning and these two bright-eyed little two year olds come bounding into the bedroom. They start jumping on the bed as if it's a trampoline. One of them landed on my stomach, really hard

June 30, 2021 by The Point
Because of the ingenuity, resourcefulness, and dedication of A.A. members, we saw members adapt to the situation, finding new ways to interact. We saw the spark of A.A. continue to burn

July 1, 2021 by The Point
We had a lot of fun driving back and forth from Inverness Park to Bolinas and Stinson Beach. We had endless discussions puzzling about sobriety, meetings, A.A. in general, the Big Book, the Steps and our various personal problems as we drove back and forth trying to avoid the wildlife on Highway 1

July 1, 2021 by The Point
I come from a long line of alcoholics. All of them participated in alcoholic antics: Playing chicken with trains while drunk, sleeping in the neighbor's dog house ...

October 31, 2021 by The Point
We can experience a benevolent healthy ego that keeps us happy, joyous and free

July 1, 2021 by The Point

July 1, 2021 by The Point

June 1, 2021 by The Point
There were lots of things that I had to be drunk to do. One of them was anything to do with the opposite sex. I remember going on a date when I was 14 and we told my parents that we were going to the movies ... We parked in the back and my boyfriend had a six pack

June 1, 2021 by The Point
I knew these AA folks in the Marin Fellowship I’d started hanging around with professed to not being a glum lot but I was not in any mood for their kind of sober fun, whatever that looked like. I oozed contempt prior to investigation. Yet I kept coming back

June 1, 2021 by The Point
I first picked up in Mill Valley when my dad, a Hayward cop, left our home. I hit the streets and worked as a babysitter and with my money bought marijuana, but soon moved to alcohol. I was eleven and in fifth grade

June 1, 2021 by The Point
The sink was always full to the brim with soaking dirty dishes. This softening of caked-on food was an integral part of housekeeping duties. The dishes had to soak a long time before I actually washed them. It happened frequently that I’d run out of plates and have to put on heavy rubber gloves to rescue a plate or two from the swamp ... The water would develop a thick scum with a bit of green color as the dishes continued to soak away, waiting to be washed.

June 1, 2021 by The Point
I am a fully-recovered alcoholic. This means if I throw AA under the bus tomorrow morning, I could be “boiled as an owl” by midnight

June 1, 2021 by The Point
my hope laid concealed beneath it, just beyond what was my last trap door

June 1, 2021 by The Point

June 1, 2021 by The Point

May 1, 2021 by The Point
After relapsing, I got a new sponsor, who is very hands-on and who provides the kind of structure I need and appreciate. It would be fair to say that I am grateful for her

May 1, 2021 by The Point
In 1969 I was actively escaping through reading anything I could find. I read about the Stonewall Riots in NYC. There were unfamiliar words in the article, so I got out the dictionary and looked them up. Even at that young age I identified and realized I was not alone

May 1, 2021 by The Point
We held a sharing session for first-time General Service Representatives (GSRs) to reflect on what they saw, heard and felt

May 1, 2021 by The Point
A group of 10 men met in Gordon T’s apartment. I was there. The apartment was on Central Avenue in the Haight Ashbury. Our meeting was called to discuss starting the first official gay AA meeting in SF

May 1, 2021 by The Point
During my most desperate days, I was the guy standing around in the parking lot at 5:45 AM along with one or two other desperate souls, waiting for the bar to open. I was craving a drink. When we heard the keys being inserted in the door from the inside, we knew the agonizing wait was almost over

May 1, 2021 by The Point
I did not arrive at the doors of AA on the Wings of Victory. When I drank the embarrassing moments in high school, which had been cute or funny, became embarrassing moments in college. These ranged from dubious badges of honor to moments friends just looked the other way. After graduation this proclivity to imbibe translated into a wrecked car and arrests, more than I care to acknowledge

May 1, 2021 by The Point
Individual Contributions to Central Office were made through April 25, 2021 honoring the following members:

May 1, 2021 by The Point

April 1, 2021 by The Point
She became a licensed funeral director and worked in the funeral business, from Sacramento to San Francisco, and finally migrating back to Maui. Her drinking escalated ... Around this time, she decided she needed to have another baby. She looked for the most single biker she could find and within five months was married and pregnant.

April 1, 2021 by The Point
Sometimes it's better to not care too much. Really. Caring too much can destroy friendships, screw with your serenity and mess up your sleep schedule. I know: it's happened to me

April 1, 2021 by The Point
My name is Jackie and I am an alcoholic. I serve the San Francisco Fellowship as the Chair of our General Service District. While Intergroup serves the local needs of members in San Francisco and Marin Counties, our General Service District links the meetings in San Francisco to AA as a whole.

April 1, 2021 by The Point
Hostage-taking is a difficult topic for me to write about, because I don’t want to admit to it. The phrase struck me because I remember feeling that my own mother took people hostage, and I remember observing that my mom seemed to be held hostage by her parents and her brother in a family that was 100% alcoholics. Each person propped up the others and sucked them dry at the same time

April 1, 2021 by The Point
The word friend is misunderstood. We often refer to people we are associated with as friends. Others will say that you can count on one hand the true friends you will have in a lifetime. So where do these acquaintances come in?

April 1, 2021 by The Point
by John L I love trees. In any size, shape or form, be they deciduous or evergreen, conifer or broadleaf, fruit-bearing or ornamental, I love trees.  I love the play of light through a single […]

April 1, 2021 by The Point
AA members everywhere responded, adapted and met calamity with serenity

April 1, 2021 by The Point

April 1, 2021 by The Point

March 1, 2021 by The Point
With Audio by the Author | My first sponsor came up to me at the end of a meeting and offered to be my sponsor. I said, “No, thank you.” She proceeded to tell me I would be saving my own life, which made me cry. She also said, “You can fire me any time ...”

March 1, 2021 by The Point
In my mind, when I started to do the third step I thought it was impossible, just too hard. But once this step has been accomplished all the others will begin to fall into place

March 1, 2021 by The Point
Although at the time I would not have agreed with what I am about to say, when I first came to AA, I was a self-centered, emotionally immature woman. I was depressed, full of fear and unbearably unhappy. I didn’t really think alcohol was my problem

March 1, 2021 by The Point
I hoped simply that by attending the 7:00 a.m. meeting prescribed by my spouse, it would bring an end to the nagging. This was becoming a daily routine from my wife who was at wit’s end with the sot she had married

March 1, 2021 by The Point
As a kid approaching adolescence, I had my first encounter with alcohol, and it did something for me I had never experienced

March 1, 2021 by The Point
So when that day a wisp of smoke on the horizon he saw Down familiar paths, almost forgotten

March 1, 2021 by The Point

March 1, 2021 by The Point

February 1, 2021 by The Point
Listen on Spotify

February 1, 2021 by The Point
Who cares? That’s the first phrase of page one of Step One in the 12 and 12. Who cares to admit personal powerlessness? No one, of course! Especially in our Western culture where information is power, knowledge is power, money is power — at least that’s what we’re told

February 1, 2021 by The Point
by Kathleen C. Which is my favorite Alcoholics Anonymous wallet card? Every one. I stash them in my desk drawer and purse, where I used to hide my booze and drugs. The life preserver card […]

February 1, 2021 by The Point
by Bree L. Clayton was educated at a public high school in upstate New York. He found himself academically over his head once he started college. There was also a change in social class. He […]

February 1, 2021 by The Point
What did service look like my first year in 2010 ? It looked like writing my number down when a women’s number card was passed around for a newcomer. It looked like me sharing at every meeting I went to because I needed to remind myself why I was there

February 1, 2021 by The Point
When born, most of us come into the world untainted and perfectly innocent. From that time on, we are influenced by everything we experience in life, good and bad

February 1, 2021 by The Point
When they pulled Ramone Luna off his plane at Los Angeles, he was talking to his wife back in São Paulo after flying overnight from Brazil. His jet was taking on new passengers before continuing to San Francisco. Two men in fine suits waded through the departing travelers and arrested him

February 1, 2021 by The Point
I hated losing mom’s books. A writer friend mentioned Portrait of a Lady and I winced. The Henry James classic had lived on her mahogany bookshelves along with Shakespeare, George Eliot and a rotating cast of library novels. Some of them had mom’s name—Estelle, or star—written in longhand on a flowery bookplate

February 1, 2021 by The Point

February 1, 2021 by The Point

June 30, 2021 by The Point
A man shared that he could love someone, but he doesn’t have to like him or her. I’m saying it’s not the man that you don’t like; it’s his behavior ... I was at a meeting recently and the topic was “Love without strings”

December 31, 2020 by The Point
My experience getting involved with Teleservice reminds me of a phenomenon I experienced some years ago growing up in Orange County. Have you ever had a favorite radio station that keeps playing a really awful song that you totally hate? When I was younger, I listened to KROQ 106.7 all the time. My clock radio woke me up by playing KROQ

January 1, 2021 by The Point
The Point Podcast, Rick R reminds us The Golden Rule requires high self-esteem (and how to get it). When all else fails, try the power of promotion from Kathleen C’s Little Sister (and more ... )

January 1, 2021 by The Point
I had no direction in my life, no moral compass to speak of

January 1, 2021 by The Point
When my sister Carolyn and I were kids we once drew a chalk line down the center of our shared room and promised death to whoever crossed the line. She thought I was a mean bossy big sister. I thought she was an annoying sensitive little sister

February 1, 2021 by The Point
Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix

January 1, 2021 by The Point
Reflection upon the prior step can produce unexpected, positive results. So, too, with the principle of service

January 1, 2021 by The Point
As an A.A. member, I am an anarchist who revels in liberty

January 1, 2021 by The Point
Individual Contributions to Central Office were made through December 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

January 1, 2021 by The Point

December 1, 2020 by The Point
Before this I had only gone to meetings that were held in church basements with an older crowd that felt very paternal and reminded me how I felt too young to be an alcoholic

December 1, 2020 by The Point
It started back in 1998 when I went to Alcoholic Anonymous meetings with my mother. Unfortunately I went to the “outside meeting”

December 1, 2020 by The Point
“Come and get me,” Marcus called his brother in the middle of the night

December 1, 2020 by The Point
On the advice of my sponsor, I always reached out to the person first to make sure they were ok to have me make amends. Everyone on my list said yes. Everyone except my mom

December 1, 2020 by The Point
He was released with a full week of sobriety on December 18, just one week before Christmas. He never drank again

December 1, 2020 by The Point
A brief history based upon 14 years as an Intergroup rep

December 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through November 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

December 1, 2020 by The Point

October 31, 2020 by The Point
When London Breed posted instructions to nest in place eight months ago, I figured it would be easy-peasy for this alcoholic. Isolating was easy. It was most comfortable to go it alone and block out the outside world. The first month I read four books, watched a ton of videos, caught up with American’s Got Talent and perused a bunch of TED Talks

October 31, 2020 by The Point
I always held back everything, danced and two stepped around the subject because survival depended on it in the old lifestyle. I was trying to defend myself from others.

October 31, 2020 by The Point
During my drinking days I used to deal marijuana. I gave a good deal for the money and my dope sales funded my drinking. Fast forward to double digit sobriety ...

October 31, 2020 by The Point
Walking with women in graceful recovery has gently loosened the tight corset of addictive behaviors

October 31, 2020 by The Point
Even with two alcoholic parents I thought was untouchable and could never be sullied by the word alcoholic. I was, after all, your standard ambitious young professional and stuff like that didn’t happen with my high-achieving friends

October 31, 2020 by The Point
Hitting bottom was staring me in the face. It had become a game of shadows. I stalked the deadly first drink during waking hours

November 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through October 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

November 1, 2020 by The Point

October 1, 2020 by The Point
How many times have we heard someone say, either in or out of A.A. meetings, something like the following? “The surgeon prescribed pain medication for me to take four times a day after my knee surgery, but I’m only taking it twice a day...”

October 1, 2020 by The Point
We cannot ignore the need for up-keep in the program any more than we can ignore maintenance when we purchase a new car

October 1, 2020 by The Point
I don’t like being told what I can or cannot do. If I had walked in through the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous and heard, “You must stop drinking” or “You need to give us money” or any other command, rule or regulation, I would have walked right back out

October 1, 2020 by The Point
This bubbly, happy blonde was a regular at our Bernal New Day meeting. She talked about how she used to come home from the night shift as a nurse at San Francisco General Hospital, drink wine, then could not stop

October 1, 2020 by The Point
I had not realized how dire my straits were

October 1, 2020 by The Point
I start the day by gently waking up all four parts of my humanity

October 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through September 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

October 1, 2020 by The Point

September 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for Audio -- I hit my bottom on a trip to New York City. I knew it was coming, but I was shocked it came so quickly. I was only 24 and thought I had more time

September 1, 2020 by The Point
Don’t know about you, but this A.A.-er is in full COVID-19 fatigue. I’m sad and tired for all the people dying, for all the people suffering … I grow weary of sitting with these kinds of thoughts in isolation

September 1, 2020 by The Point
When I was 12 I was told there was no such thing as God. I was experiencing a life trauma no one should have to go through ... I was lost, like a ship in a stormy sea with no sails and no rudder

September 1, 2020 by The Point
I love the first passage to Step Nine in Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, page 83 of this chapter. Good judgment, a careful sense of timing, courage, and prudence—these are the qualities we shall need when we take Step Nine. When I started this journey into recovery I had no idea or concept of courage

September 1, 2020 by The Point
I started drinking at eighteen while at San Jose State. There was a party with a big punch bowl. I drank avidly, blacked out, passed out and was carried out. I knew I wanted to do it again

September 1, 2020 by The Point
My problems grew in frequency and complexity. However, I didn’t believe they were related to drinking. I saw only the penalty received, the reward denied and the justice being thwarted. Ironically, I learned the principle of justice through the steps

September 1, 2020 by The Point
I was circling the drain when I showed up at the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous, desperately seeking how to stop drinking. The drinking was just the tip of the iceberg, as I discovered

September 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through August 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

September 1, 2020 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

August 1, 2020 by The Point
Proud of the fact that I had been born in San Francisco, it cut deep when my soon-to-be ex-wife’s lung problems caused us to move to Marin County. My problems with alcohol moved with us. Our growing family now numbered three, all under age eight

August 1, 2020 by The Point
One day at the Lavender Dragon, I met my future ex-girlfriend. There was an meeting in the back room of the bookstore and she was there to set it up. I had no idea what A.A. was but I was intrigued

August 1, 2020 by The Point

August 1, 2020 by The Point
Around 2009 I visited my city’s A.A. Central Office for the first time in sobriety. I asked if they needed some help, such as working on their web site. They had a web master, but they needed someone to pitch in and help out with assembling and mailing their next issue of The Point (their monthly Intergroup newsletter). I swallowed my pride and helpe

August 1, 2020 by The Point
For some people it’s impossible to let their guard down. I think that most of us understand this, simply because we have all had to face this issue, to one degree or another, as we go through the steps. One of the things I learned when I was faced with this matter was

August 1, 2020 by The Point
My little brother played a joke on me on a Sunday morning. He splashed water in the face of his hung over, passed out, older brother. I lashed out of my stupor and smashed the small container he used, a shot glass I had stolen the night before, in his face. The glass survived unscathed

August 1, 2020 by The Point

August 1, 2020 by The Point

July 1, 2020 by The Point
I wanted to say I was sober but it was a stretch. I stayed restless, irritable and discontent. That was when I brought my less-than-charming self to A.A., even though I knew you couldn’t teach me much because I knew it all already

July 1, 2020 by The Point
I realized I hadn’t had an H&I commitment for a spell. I finally attended the monthly orientation at the Mission Fellowship at 2900 - 24th Street. The Mission District commitment  at Friendship House got my attention

July 1, 2020 by The Point
I landed in the rooms of A.A. in December 2013. Coming off the longest stretch of unmanageability I’d experienced in years, I came to believe in hope. Hope that a life without booze was possible for a drunk like me. What I found immediately was identification

July 1, 2020 by The Point
I had stylish notebooks with neon, glitter pens, lots of free time, and endless potential, if only I could follow through on one of my brilliant ideas. I would announce my lofty plans to all of my friends, frantically organize my workspace, sit down and start trying to work, then get up and pour myself a drink

July 1, 2020 by The Point
When I feel like I’m under attack, I can enjoy a normal, calm response with these clear-cut directions in the Big Book. I can choose to rise above what my emotions are shouting at me ... Otherwise I'm running around town like a wet hen or a dry drunk

July 1, 2020 by The Point
I had lost complete control, was in denial about that simple truth and had the hubris to assure everyone that all was right with the world and my place in it. Life was a dream to me ... until that day’s blackout began sometime after the children were asleep and the serious drinking had taken its toll

July 1, 2020 by The Point

July 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through June 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

June 1, 2020 by The Point
(Click for Audio) I am not going to drink over a big crisis. I am going to drink because somebody hurts my feelings or makes me angry and I have no mental defense against the first drink. I am just as likely to drink over something good in my life

June 1, 2020 by The Point
My sponsor described coming through the side door of Al-anon. Which doors have others come through? A couple of members describe their entrance

June 1, 2020 by The Point
When I was new I had so much enthusiasm for everything about A.A. I wanted to bring the message to the world, and cash in on my life-changing seminars ...

June 1, 2020 by The Point
There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to be honest.

June 1, 2020 by The Point
(Click for Audio) I seemed always ready, willing and able to agree to have a drink. To say “OK, just one more,” or “Make it a short one”

June 1, 2020 by The Point
I had to be absolutely truthful with myself. Only then was I able to start with Step Six

June 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through May 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

June 1, 2020 by The Point

May 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for audio! Anything is Possible (AIP) meets 5 PM Monday through Friday, 11 AM Saturdays and 1 PM Sundays. Our roots grew from Nu Outlook, a clubhouse similar to the Dry Dock

May 1, 2020 by The Point
In the last days of my drinking, living in a welfare hotel on the upper West Side of Manhattan, I hope I never forget

May 1, 2020 by The Point
I’m human: I want things. I think I know things. I do know some things. But I don’t know what is best for the group all the time

May 1, 2020 by The Point
We had the required coffee as well as fresh fruit, pastries and cookies

May 1, 2020 by The Point
Step 5 for me was the beginning of the changes I had been looking for since the first time I was intoxicated. Changes I truly needed to continue in a positive way. After putting all my effort into my fourth step, sitting down with my sponsor and telling him all my dirty laundry really opened up my eyes

May 1, 2020 by The Point
I nervously approached an open gate that led to a building’s side alley and avoided the person who was about to greet me. I walked through an open door and heard many people laughing and chatting. The air in the small crowded room was saturated with cigarette smoke. Bewildered, I did not know what to do or where to go, so I found the coffee machine

May 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through April 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

May 1, 2020 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

April 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for Audio! Looking at the online rows of my homegroup’s faces, and faces from people from all over the world, hearing their voices one by one, I think to myself, “Every time you talk, I feel my defects.”

April 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for audio! Long before I became a grateful alcoholic (never thought I would describe myself in that way), I heard the gift of courage described as fortitude

April 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for Audio! This alcoholic never was much for prayer and meditation. They were for the geriatric set. Meditation was for yogis, not for me. Life was to be lived and grabbed

April 1, 2020 by The Point
My sponsor wisely did not allow me time to develop fear before writing my Fourth Step

April 1, 2020 by The Point
by Bill P. a late bloomer. Yet I was out of the house and independent enough to own my own dog before I even had my first drink. Chauncey dog and I stuck to each […]

April 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for audio! Why the program of Alcoholics Anonymous works so well with the disease of alcoholism is hard to fathom when we first arrive. Many of us are confronted with the idea our perception of life had been wrong from the start. Issues like faith, higher power, insanity, surrender, denial, guilt and shame had to be revisited to see where past thinking let us down

April 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through March 25, 2020 honoring the following members:

April 1, 2020 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

February 1, 2020 by The Point
I’m pretty sure “someone” is looking out for all of us, if we care to acknowledge there’s a higher power we can tap into. I don’t mean to be grouchy, but I don’t completely agree with that saying – I’ve seen plenty of alcoholics who are struggling. What does it mean that someone is looking out for them?

February 1, 2020 by The Point
From the depths of despair alcohol and drug addiction bring to being happy, joyous and free? From powerlessness to letting go of our fears we walk into the sunlight of the spirit

February 1, 2020 by The Point
The Big Book implies a vital spiritual experience is necessary for alcoholics to face and be rid of the obsession to drink. Yet paradoxically we are told that belief is not necessary to accomplish this miracle—we need only become willing to believe

March 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for audio! The 7:00 a.m. in Fairfax is in a large room which doubles as the City Council meeting location. Great pastries in the morning, often home-made and great sobriety there. Everyone seems to have at least 100 years, except the frequent newcomers who are welcomed like family (at least the family you wanted to be part of)

March 1, 2020 by The Point
Brad O. discovered Wake Up after completing his 30 days. He also just completed a secretary stint. There’s Jamey R., the coffee maker extraordinaire, who supplies the delicious Top of the Hill Cafe donuts. Jamey says the timing is perfect as she comes over from Daly City. Eight o’clock in the morning works for her exercise schedule.

March 1, 2020 by The Point
This year's Sobriety by the Bay Conference held meetings in a historic and beautiful location. Gathering with alcoholics who traveled from all over the Bay Area made for an electric atmosphere. You could feel the gratitude

March 1, 2020 by The Point
Click for audio! I feared leaving my job, but felt like I was dying inside because I couldn’t show my true self and skills. I was going back and forth with looking for a new job for about two years ... I spoke to many people and I even asked for a sign

March 1, 2020 by The Point
One month after the first edition of the Big Book was published back east, I was born in St. Mary’s Hospital in San Francisco in May 1939 to John Flynn and Elizabeth (Stumpf) Flynn. They were both born at the end of the 1800s: dad to two migrants from poverty in Ireland, and mom to two migrants from poverty in Germany. Mom’s dad, it turned out, was a sometimes raging alcoholic

March 1, 2020 by The Point
It is very gratifying to watch the progress of a newcomer who comes into the meeting overwhelmed with typical alcoholic problems explaining them to the group. Within a month, we see their whole outlook on life change

March 1, 2020 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

March 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through February 15, 2020 honoring the following members:

February 1, 2020 by The Point
“Home, imagined, comes to be. It is real, realer than any other place, but you can’t get to it unless your people show you how to imagine it—whoever your people are. They may not be your relatives… They are your human community.”

February 1, 2020 by The Point
Harp player Jym takes us from Battery Park to UCSF

February 1, 2020 by The Point
Three featured poets from Marin and San Francisco

February 1, 2020 by The Point
by Rick R. When we are born, we come into the world perfectly innocent and untainted. From that time on, we are influenced by everything we experience in life, good and bad. If we are […]

February 1, 2020 by The Point
Dear Frank, Hope the family and you are well. I'm glad you all enjoyed the Birds Anonymous artwork

February 1, 2020 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

February 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through January 15, 2020 honoring the following members:

January 1, 2020 by The Point
With a year and a half sober, I was finally looking for a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous

January 1, 2020 by The Point
My journey started back in 2015 when I first heard the idea in detox of going into a program. My mind thought it was like a camp

January 1, 2020 by The Point
Many weights have been lifted from me over time. Done mysteriously by my Higher Power, often in the guise of my sponsor, a co-worker, a parent, a sibling, a sponsee, a friend—even an enemy has lifted weight from my shoulders. The first time I felt lighter was at my first meeting

January 1, 2020 by The Point
We join the fellowship if we have the desire to stop drinking

January 1, 2019 by The Point
None of us can do this alone. I always say that if I could do this alone, I wouldn’t be sitting here in this proverbial church basement at 7 AM on a Sunday morning. We need to be accountable to each other

January 1, 2020 by The Point
I got sober in the late 1960’s and my copy of the Big Book is the second edition. The foreword to that issue reads, “Of alcoholics who came to A.A. and really tried, 50% got sober at once and remained that way: 25% sobered up after some relapses.” It goes on to explain about the others

January 1, 2020 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through December 15, 2019 honoring the following members:

January 1, 2020 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

December 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

December 1, 2019 by The Point
On Christmas Eve 2018, I woke up to my husband having a stroke ... The first miracle was to get him to agree to go to the hospital

December 1, 2019 by The Point
“Truly a gem in San Francisco. It’s one of the oldest landmarks and a real Zen place to meditate and pray.” This Lyon Street meditation meeting is a chance to reconnect with A.A.'s origins

December 1, 2019 by The Point
I got sober almost 9 years ago with no idea how to be a grownup ... to do the right thing even when no one is looking. In other words, learning how to be a decent human being

December 1, 2019 by The Point
As I drank myself into a corner, ran out of options and desperately searched for answers, something told me to read the book Alcoholics Anonymous. I found stories from people who had overcome so many things

December 1, 2019 by The Point
My sponsor and I wanted to identify a 12-step activity that would be a good fit. In the past, my ego had gotten over-involved ... I had to learn the difference between caregiving and being of service

December 1, 2019 by The Point
Subconsciously I think I have always known helping someone else, even if I was grouchy about it at the beginning, always wound up feeling good

December 1, 2019 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through November 15, 2019 honoring the following members:

November 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L.   Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m one of those who came in through the back door (controlled drinking and other 12 step programs). That is, unlike those who came in the front door—the […]

November 1, 2019 by The Point
This A.A. found a meeting that feels like home by Henry Y. I believe it was one of the first A.A. meetings I went to back in early 2013. I remember it as small and […]

November 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. When evening comes, perhaps just before going to sleep, many of us draw up a balance sheet for the day. This is a good place to remember that inventory-taking is not always […]

November 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Having completely bought into the deal that I was powerless over alcohol and that the unmanageability of my life was a direct result. Once admitted, without any action on my part except […]

November 1, 2019 by The Point
by Carla H. Most Saturdays, Lush Lounge looks like a women’s meeting, but appearances can be deceiving. A regular once said, “This is the women’s meeting for women who don’t like women’s meetings.” But it’s not a […]

November 1, 2019 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through October 15, 2019 honoring the following members:

November 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rob S. A well-known A.A. speaker from the 1970s remembered his wife asking how his very first A.A. meeting went. Well, he replied, they smoked a lot of cigarettes, they drank a lot of […]

November 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

October 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. When I first came to A.A., I was pretty desperate, and wanted to get out of my life. I’d been drinking steadily at my Tenderloin apartment and been kicked out of my […]

October 1, 2019 by The Point
by Stephen R. Truly a child of the 1010 Valencia Fellowship, I went to my first A.A. meeting just a week after 1364 Valencia relocated there. There was a four-day around-the-clock Alcothon. I served on […]

October 1, 2019 by The Point
by Jillian E. One of the principles I learned in A.A. is to do more service when I am feeling shaky. The Big Book says, “Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity […]

October 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. My husband asked me once, “How many women do you sponsor? Isn’t it a big burden?”  I laughed and told him, “Honey, you don’t understand. This is a team effort. It takes […]

October 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. It had been so long Since their faces together                                                   He had seen – Bewilderment · As the sunshine                                                                   Of the Spirit                                                                            Had dimmed – Despair · Try as he might                                                                      Their visages […]

October 1, 2019 by The Point
by Carla H. The following is just my opinion. I don’t speak for Alcoholics Anonymous. But as a member, I was interested to discover recently that some of the first people who tried to help […]

October 1, 2019 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through September 15, 2019 honoring the following members:

October 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

September 1, 2019 by The Point
 by Jerry L. Hi, my name is Jerry. My sobriety date is July 25, 1998. I drank and used drugs for 20 years before getting sober. For my personal life, I came to San Francisco […]

September 1, 2019 by The Point
Hyper-Local —

September 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. I thought of myself as a good mother: Didn’t I stop drinking while I was pregnant with my twin daughters? I didn’t even take any drugs when I gave birth. I didn’t […]

September 1, 2019 by The Point
by Jackie V. Alcoholism is like a colicky baby. If your life is like a bunch of spit-up, it’s telling you there’s work to do to get the burp up. There is a bunch of […]

September 1, 2019 by The Point
Individual contributions to Central Office were made through August 15, 2019 honoring the following members:

September 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. When I first heard people talk about humility and Step 9 I was annoyed at their seeming haughtiness. Later I had more reverence for the humility they appeared to be espousing. By […]

September 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

September 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rick R. At 9:00 AM I was just waking up with a terrible hangover. For some reason, my brain was telling me I was going to die prematurely if I didn’t do something about […]

September 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. Emotionally absent, that’s what I was while either drinking or thinking about drinking. When I got sober there came a time when I wanted to make my 9th Step amends to five […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
by Anonymous When I was a barroom drunk, the lounge was my living room. The only reason that I went to my apartment was to shower and to sleep. Words like humility or ego were […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. I started drinking in 8th grade; I was 12. I’d sneak down and drink all the left-over cocktails after my parent’s parties. My high school A’s and B’s went to B’s and […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. There are a lot of Buddhists in San Francisco and Marin A.A. A lot. Many of my favorite people. Old-timers, paragons of service, pillars of the A.A. community. Yet it gives me […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. When I first got sober and worked the steps, I completed a thorough Step Eight (to the best of my ability at the time, which my sponsor had approved). I saved the […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rick R. As we approach Step Eight in the 12 & 12 (Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions), it describes the A.A.  journey as a “moving and fascinating adventure” (Page 77). In Step Nine we […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
by Robert S. It wasn’t always easy to be completely honest about all the persons and businesses I had harmed.  For many years I blocked out most of these painful memories. How I disgraced my […]

August 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. As a teenager I was proud of having a bad attitude, of being a rebel. My opinion was that I was right, and anyone who told me what to do was wrong. […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by John A. In early 1976, several members of the gay A.A. community began a conversation geared toward starting a conference for the sober LGBTs here in San Francisco. The fruit of those conversations bore […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
The Point is a monthly newsletter of articles from SF and Marin members sharing experience, strength and hope they found in A.A. Proud of her bad attitude, Kathleen C. thought anyone who told her what […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. Ken’s father was a convicted murderer, a member of the Hells Angels and a heroin addict who died after serving 15 years in prison for murder. His mother was a Hells Angels […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Something had to change if I was to stay sober. The key to change was my own, personal willingness to go to any length, to want this like my life depended upon […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rick R. Early in my first marriage I could easily rationalize all of my alcoholic behaviors. These things meant nothing to me, at the time, but that all changed the day that I became […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by Carla H. Possibly the most mysterious job in Alcoholics Anonymous, the General Service Representative, is the link/channel/delivery vehicle in human form who shares information from meetings to the broader service structure of A.A. Before […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
by Judy G. One of things I love best about A.A. is the slogans. Easy does it. One day at a time. Don’t let the life that A.A.  gives you get in the way of […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point

July 1, 2019 by The Point
All attendees must be pre-registered (before day of event). Please indicate choice of entree on your check: Poached Salmon with Cream Sauce & Rice, or Breast of Chicken with Cream Mushroom Sauce & Potatoes, or […]

July 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

June 1, 2019 by The Point
44th Annual Western Roundup Living Sober Conference by Maggie R. Hi, I’m Maggie, and I’m an alcoholic. I just celebrated six months of sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous. I work with a sponsor, I work the […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
by Lynn D. Alcoholics Anonymous was born out of the spirit of service—one alcoholic talking to another. Ebby T., an old drinking buddy of Bill W., visited Bill in his Brooklyn apartment one day in […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. My first drug of choice was my thumb. I was a thumb-sucker until the fourth grade. “I always needed something to take the edge off.” I had my first drink at about […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
By Rick R. Sometimes the wording used in the Big Book and in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions means something different based on how we evolved with respect to religion, agnosticism, atheism and other […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
by Chris B. When I was barely 90 days sober, I used to go to coffee with old timers and newcomers after the Saturday Night Owl meeting. The meeting started at 10:00 PM and often […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bruce B. Our Biarritz A.A. Convention has been fortunate to feature A.A. speakers with long-time sobriety—since its inception, the average length of sobriety for speakers has been 40 years. Participants come from all over […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Something had to change if I was going to get sober. After making that admission and finally becoming willing to look at change for me, the screen of alcoholic denial having finally […]

June 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

May 1, 2019 by The Point
by Jhene C. From about 1989 till 1999, I owned and rode a 650 Honda motorcycle … sporadically. There were long periods of time when I just pushed the bike back and forth across the […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
Belong | There is another meaning for the Hebrew word that in the King James version of the Bible is translated ‘salvation.’ It is: ‘to come home.’ I had found my  ‘salvation.’ I wasn’t alone anymore,” […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
by Ken J. Once you’re a pickle you can never go back to being a cucumber.  I’m not a gerkin; more like a jumbo dill … When I was young I watched people, and based […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. My two sisters and I clung to each other as our mother clung to life in the Intensive Care Unit. Chemotherapy for cancer had thrown her into septic shock. She spiked a […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rick R. Don’t think I’ve ever witnessed an alcoholic that came to Alcoholics Anonymous that loved themselves or that wasn’t riddled with guilt and shame. It’s hard to understand why alcohol affects some people […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
by Claire A. Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers. “My sponsor sold me one idea … Sobriety. At the time, I couldn’t have bought anything […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Like many others before me, I had heard the mantras: Don’t Drink, Get a Sponsor, Work the Steps—Your Life Will Change. I thought of this change as being of a tangible nature. […]

May 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

April 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. I don’t identify as an alcoholic unless I am in a meeting, with a sponsee or doing A.A.-related service. Those are like alcoholic islands in my day. The rest of the time […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
by Claire A. There is much that resonates with me in this Tradition 4 chapter. Most of all I can relate to the promoter, who ignores the advice from the A.A. Foundation and plows ahead, […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Cerebral Mr. Spock tells Captain James Kirk, in a story clothed in the fantasy of the future, “Change is the one essential principle of the universe.” Of course, this Vulcan character did […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

April 1, 2019 by The Point
by Kathleen C. Short Form: At all responsible levels, we ought to maintain a traditional “Right of Participation,” allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge. No members are […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
A poem by J.W. Main Street in a Spaghetti Western Facades, store fronts only, Props and propped up, mere ideas Thoughts of a reality that was not My life was this street A facade, a […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
Turn mourning into dancing by Hal C. Many alcoholics convince themselves that a painful moment will last forever and that we must go out and drink in order to relieve that suffering. As alcoholics we […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
A quiet path in recovery by Carla H. Read this book in a morning and you may feel better. The Tao of Recovery–A Quiet Path to Wellness by the late Jim McGregor has lovely, short […]

April 1, 2019 by The Point
Q. “What’s the point of doing this? There are so many other more important things.” A. “The Point is all about service.” Wisdom from Bay Area members this month includes linking Rule 62 and Tradition […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
by Claire A. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking. It’s such a simple statement, but I’ve found that it’s not that simple. Yes, anyone who wants to stop drinking […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Before, it had always been so linear. When confronted with a problem or looking for a solution, I applied my best analytics to the circumstances and made a decision. If things turned […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
by Anonymous | Another way of looking at the third step | We don’t think any two people in the A.A. program decide on an identical concept for a higher power. Most alcoholics have been […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rick R. Not everyone that comes to A.A. has the degree of desperation I did. That, I believe, is responsible for the various levels of success we have when it comes to abstaining from […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
Faithful Fivers are A.A. members who graciously pledge to contribute at least $5 each month toward the support of Central Office. Faithful Fiver contributions go a long way in helping make our vital services possible.

March 1, 2019 by The Point
by Henry Y. I’ve just returned home from a long day at my internship, followed by a two-hour evening class. As soon as I pulled out of the parking garage to head home, I attached […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
by Carla H. How hard was Step Three for me? When my sponsor suggested I put God in the driver’s seat, instead of myself, I asked, “So I’m riding shotgun?” “You’re not even in the […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
The pictures are so beautiful • and add so much … “Yes” from one voice in the foaming sea, to steal from a great article on Step 3 in this March edition. I would agree […]

March 1, 2019 by The Point
Rebel without a Clause | Here at The Point we love stories that carry the message. We are growing as a vehicle for local voices in recovery. Bill W. called practicing alcoholics rebellious nonconformists. Fortunately, our […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
by Claire A. I was deeply skeptical of the “God thing” when I joined A.A. I was accustomed to the icons of the Christian church, crosses, stories of miracles: Stuff I called hogwash. Asked to […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. The world isn’t OK, but I am When he spoke, it was with a noticeable Southern twang that made it clear, in Marin, he was not from around these parts. He had […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
by Rick R. Individuals choose their own concept Alcoholics Anonymous came into existence in 1935 at a time when much of our society was centered around churches in the communities where we lived. Much of […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
By Greg F. Recently I fell and broke my neck. Retrospection as always is my friend. I’ve spent years cultivating my belief in my version of God. What do you know? God was and is […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
by Henry Y. From the time I was young, I learned to gauge the wants and needs of those around me and conform my behavior accordingly. Roles of child and parent were often reversed. I […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
The more we learn, the less we believe to be trueThe more we prove, the more remains to be provedWe’ve got to have faith in something biggerFaith in something biggerFaith in something big inside our […]

February 1, 2019 by The Point
Book Review by Carla H. The Recovering is a fascinating read for people who are and are not in recovery. The author has been to Harvard, Yale, and the Iowa Writers Workshop, and now directs […]
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January 6, 2019 by The Point
Neither [A.A.’s] General Service board … nor the humblest group committee can issue a single directive to an A.A. member and make it stick. —Twelve and Twelve, p. 173 How John W. learned there are […]

January 1, 2019 by The Point
by Melissa M. I get to have a relationship with reality I’ve lived a life of “geographics”—moving from one place to another has become such an integral part of who I am that I have […]

January 1, 2019 by The Point
by Anonymous Intrigued by this meeting I had been invited to attend, I saw the secretary took no notes, created no minutes and had no real agenda. People chimed in all over the place. A […]

January 1, 2019 by The Point
Area 11 Connecticut General Service Committee What Can Groups and Members Do? Groups and members can discuss the topic of safety, to raise awareness in the Fellowship and seek through sponsorship, workshops and meetings, to […]

January 1, 2019 by The Point
by John W. Each member is a small part of a great whole. “No rules,” just like Paul Newman’s character Butch Cassidy said was true in a knife fight, as told to the opponent he […]

January 1, 2019 by The Point
by Bree L. It takes a village My sobriety date is September 11, 1986, my sister’s birthday. We drank and used together, shoplifted together, got into crazy dangerous situations together. She was a few months […]

January 1, 2019 by The Point
Tradition One in Action by Carla H. Although Tradition One is about group unity and how we must all hang together or we shall surely hang separately (undoubtedly misquoting Benjamin Franklin), my experience of this […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
My friends even said it was something I might like
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December 1, 2018 by The Point
Ancient Maya considered the resplendent quetzal divine (aka “god of the air”) and a symbol of light. The Point is now moving from a print to a light medium and will soon reside in the […]
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December 1, 2018 by The Point
by Claire A. I have heard many people share in AA meetings that they felt like they were absent the day “they” handed out the booklet about how to deal with life. I shared that […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
My parents  loved me — I just didn’t realize it by Ken J. Shortly after my second A.A. anniversary I was faced with making an amends I dreaded. To my father. Due to the circumstances […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
by Kathleen C. “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”~Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 60 No […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
by Rick R. How appropriate it seems that there are 12 months in a year and we have 12 steps in the program. The joy of good living is the theme of the 12th Step. It blends right […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
by Dan F. What became Alcoholics Anonymous dates from June 10, 1935, when Bill gave Dr. Bob his last beer. A month earlier, members of the Oxford Group, a back-to-basics Christian movement started by dissatisfied Lutheran minister Frank Buchman, had brought them […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
Secret Society vs. Vaudeville Circuit by John W. “We of Alcoholics Anonymous believe the principle of anonymity has an immense spiritual significance. It reminds us that we are to place principles before personalities … to actually practice a general humility. This […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
I used to tell myself … by Anonymous I never “had” to have a drink. I only drank to relax and wind down. I didn’t drink every day, unless I was on vacation. Never got […]

December 1, 2018 by The Point
by Steve B. No wrapper, no limits The way I do it is to stand fast to the A.A. tenet: As I understand God. And let it go from there. More will be revealed. Don’t […]

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