Monthly articles on recovery and fellowship written by members of A.A. in San Francisco and Marin.
Not A Glum Lot
The Point, San Francisco. A member shares their experience finding joy in fellowship.
The Principle of Faith
By Anon. That we are to learn from history so as to avoid repeating it may help in many facets of life, but it certainly did not help with my history of drinking. The embarrassing
Cake or Death
By John. W The comic’s skit at this point was simply hilarious.One hardly needed to juxtapose the alternatives to seeThat the choice between letting one eat cake could beOn one hand with death on the
Ceased Fighting Anyone and Anything
By Anon. After struggling with high school chemistry and biology, I threw in the towel before entering the Realm of Physics. Still, although I never truly appreciated what Newton meant, I was familiar with his
Drumming Hearts
By Dede H. I move with a drumming heart I dance with electrified atoms You know that you do too! In truth, nothing can keep us apart I am so very happy you’re my friend