By John W.
Alone and Deep in Thought
I was Behind Enemy Lines
My cartridge belt held nothing, my clips
Were all exhausted, the ammo cans were empty.
Comrades had long ago fallen too, or had
They just stopped being there for me?
The loneliness was too much to bear – almost.
The fear hung like a cape worn always – almost.
The frustration of uncertainty was daunting – almost.
The anger at my predicament was overwhelming – almost.
Alone and Deep in Thought
I was Behind Enemy Lines
I could do nothing and die,
Of this I was sure, convinced.
I was certain of the fate before
Me to which inaction would lead.
The carrot of Recovery on the Stick
Of the Steps seemed too good to be true – almost.
The Rarity of Failure to those who
Thoroughly followed the Path, unbelievable – almost.
Alone and Deep in Thought
I was Behind Enemy Lines
Huddled amongst mossy burls
Below shields of camouflaging greens at
First I wept for Joy I was alive, still
Above Ground and Breathing one more day.
And with each day of continued success
I found my once wayward comrades returning.
As I trudged, first so terribly alone
But then no longer so, my steps lightened.
Alone and Deep in Thought
I was Behind Enemy Lines
How “The Shift” came about to this
Moment I do not know, but as clearly
As a hot round piercing flesh it stung
Me, it instantly commanded my full attention.
As those days of attention too began to number
With them came a hitherto unknown calm,
A sense of belonging whose location had no map
Coordinates, yet whose course my attention charted.
Deep in Thought – But No Longer Alone
No Longer was I Behind Enemy Lines
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