After binge watching drag races at home, I now hear this phrase in my sleep: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the he*% you gonna love somebody else?” Along these lines, Rick R reminds us The Golden Rule requires high self-esteem (and how to get it). Sheer repetition leads to Luke H joining Teleservice in Banana Pancakes—a great reason to remember to announce service positions. And in a book review Alan G recounts some of Bill W’s most historic lines, such as “I am an anarchist who revels in liberty.”

Our Letters to the Editor include an opposition statement and a response from the Intercounty Fellowship of A.A. Board. We also see Another Perspective on Service from John W. When all else fails, try the power of promotion from Kathleen C’s Little Sister. I’m looking forward to the time when “Corona” just means “beer” again and I run out of reasons to be a couch potato. Tune in next month when the Point features sponsor trinities, tiffany lamps, Old Brazil and so much more! If you’d like to say something to our fellowship, click here, or here for the Point Podcast.

—Michelle G