by Jackie B

After a whirlwind start, April has been a welcome respite for those of us serving in San Francisco General Service.  At our April District Meeting, we held a sharing session for first-time General Service Representatives (GSRs) to reflect on what they saw, heard and felt at their first Pre-Conference Assembly (Panel 71, the 71st Annual General Service Conference). We also took a Zoom poll about collecting group consciences on this year’s agenda topics and participating in the General Service Conference process. 

Zoom polling to gather facts during the District Meeting was illuminating, fun and encouraging

It was heartwarming to learn that 30 GSRs collected group consciences this year on agenda topics. The average range of topics discussed by groups was between four and six. Half of the GSRs reported emailing their group consciences to the delegate directly or using the Area’s web form. The other half shared at the microphone or passed their consciences on to a District Committee Member (DCM) to share at the Pre-Conference Assembly on their behalf. 

The other half shared at the microphone

Using Zoom polling to gather this information during the District Meeting was illuminating, fun and encouraging. I am also happy to report that District 06 of San Francisco and Distrito 16, Spanish Central, now have a bilingual Interdistrict Liaison, Martha B. 

Finally, with heavy hearts, we mourn the too-soon loss of our Panel 57 District Chair in San Francisco and former Area Chair, Jeff Antonson-Oden. Jeff passed away on April 3, 2021 in New York City. He was a beautiful and brilliant man who inspired and mentored so many of us here in San Francisco, including myself. A virtual Celebration of Life will take place on Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 11:00AM Pacific Time on Zoom.  The Zoom ID is 891-3514-8366 and the password is 1935. Spanish-English interpretation will be provided. Please note that some non-AA members will be in attendance, including some of Jeff’s family and non-alcoholic friends.

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