by John W.

It had been so long

Since their faces together                                                  

He had seen – Bewilderment


As the sunshine                                                                  

Of the Spirit                                                                           

Had dimmed – Despair


Try as he might                                                                     

Their visages he                                                                  

Could not banish – Frustration


They were coming                                                               

He first sensed them                                                           

He next saw them, again – Terror


“I Shall Be Released”                                                          

Through the blackness                                                      

That had become day and night    


Like a faint hum

Began in his mind

To drone


He longed for the peace

Which he felt would 

Arrive with the embrace


The battle he had so often

Won​ ​one ​d​ay ​a​t ​a​ ​ti​me

Was now a conflagration.


“I Shall Be Released”

Became the Rule of Engagement

No other concern could interfere


I Shall Be Released

This morning burst like

A sun against their four maws


I Shall Be Released

This day I Will Be Released

This moment I am


Dedicated to Mathew and all like him whom this disease steals too young in life. We who are left behind miss you and love you.

Photo credits available upon request to [email protected]
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