The Buzz

7 11, 2023

The Buzz | November 3, 2023


Gratitude Month is Here

November is Gratitude Month in Alcoholics Anonymous! Many A.A. groups, both in-person and online, will pass a second basket at each of their meetings this month. These additional contributions directly support the essential 12th Step services provided by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. Does your group meet online? We have a new Gratitude Month “digital basket” you can share with your members: Venmo @SFMarinIntergroup. Click here to learn what you can do to help!


Volunteer with the Sunshine Club



November Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, explores gratitude in sobriety. Find the most recent issue here. Be sure to stop by Central Office (1821 Sacramento Street, San Francisco) to pick up a print version of this month’s special edition of The Point in honor of Gratitude Month.


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s November 1 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.


Here is the message to take back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • November is Gratitude Month. Pass a second basket at your meetings to support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s essential 12th Step services. Contributions can be made online via or via Venmo @SFMarinIntergroup.
  • If there are any meeting closures or alcathons due to the upcoming holidays, let us know at [email protected].

  • Save the Date for the Open House & Ugly Sweater Holiday Party on Saturday, December 2 between 12 to 2pm at Central Office (1821 Sacramento Street, SF). 

  • IGRs selected the winning design from the Grateful Giver logo contest. Grateful Giver contributions support important 12th Step services at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at Consider becoming a Grateful Giver today and check out the winning design below:

  • We presented the 2024 draft budget. Please share the draft budget during your next business meeting, in preparation for a vote at the December Intergroup meeting. Also, reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the 2024 budget. 

  • IGRs approved a non-budgeted expense to replace the failing battery in our elevator lift at Central Office, to help us maintain ADA compliance.

  • Intergroup updated the sample group contribution recommendations for A.A. service entities due to the merger of the Marin and San Francisco Teleservice Committees. Please print it out and share it with your A.A. groups.

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities

Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

  • The Tech Committee continues to work on numerous tech projects including maintaining the website, assisting Teleservice with the VOIP system and the Airtable database. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like your help! Email [email protected] to join and attend the next meeting on November 6 @ 6pm.

  • The Sunshine Club brings meetings to AA members who are unable to attend regularly scheduled meetings due to illness, accident, or a disabling medical condition. The Sunshine Club is holding an orientation for new volunteers on Wednesday, November 8 at 7pm online. They are also looking for new committee coordinators to help schedule Sunshine Club meeting requests. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

  • San Francisco Public Relations is looking for volunteers and committee members. Join SFPR on Saturday, November 18 at Central Office from 10:30am to 12pm for a speaker workshop. And on December 6, SFPR is tabling at Project Homeless Connect at Bill Graham Auditorium from 10am to 3pm. To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on November 13 @ 7pm

  • The Communications Committee provides a wide-range of communications support to Intergroup, including The Point and The Buzz. To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on November 14 @ 5:30pm. Also, check out the current edition of The Point here

  • The Archives Committee preserves the legacy of AA through the collection and preservation of archival material and to collect and preserve local AA history for future generations. To get involved at the committee level, contact [email protected] and join the next meeting at Central Office on Sunday, November 19 from 12pm to 2pm. 

  • Marin Teleservice and San Francisco Teleservice have merged into one Teleservice Committee. To get involved, contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on November 20. Orientation is @ 6pm followed by the business meeting @ 6:45pm. 

  • Outreach Committee works to attract more participation from the Fellowship at Intergroup. Please share this brief announcement at any meetings you attend that do not currently have an IGR. And help us reach our goal of 20 new IGRs by year-end. To get involved at the committee level, contact [email protected] and join the next meeting on December 6 @ 6pm.

Committee/Entity Liaison Reports

  • Marin Accessibilities updated their information display board to reflect what the committee is focusing on and how they can best support the local Marin groups and members, including: visual and hard of hearing challenges, remote participation, physical disabilities and mental health diversities. Their targeted message for November is: who is still missing from your group? Their next meeting is November 13 @ 7pm.

  • Marin General Service will hold a district inventory next month and is planning the 2024 budget. Their next meeting is November 20

  • San Francisco H&I brings A.A. meetings and literature into hospitals and institutions in San Francisco. If your meeting does not have an H&I Rep, consider getting one. They will not have any orientations or business meetings in November or December. 


Holiday Meeting Changes?

Central Office needs your help keeping the meeting schedule current. If your group is not meeting on a regularly scheduled date due to a holiday, please email [email protected] so the info can be reflected in the online schedule. Having accurate information on our meeting schedule is important, as the holidays can be a stressful time.


CNCA Fall Inventory

California Northern Coastal Area 06 (CNCA) is hosting the 2023 Fall Assembly on Saturday, November 4 at the Monterey Moose Family Center in Del Rey Oaks, CA. The topic of this hybrid General Service Assembly is “The Area Inventory”. Any A.A. member in San Francisco and Marin can participate in the Area Assembly, so log on or join your fellows in-person in beautiful Monterey County. 


PRAASA Registration is Open

Registration is now open for the 2024 Pacific Region A.A. Service Assembly (PRAASA) on March 1 to 3, 2024 at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco! The purpose of PRAASA is to develop greater unity among the members, groups, and areas of the Pacific Region; to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences and to provide an opportunity for members to discuss pertinent aspects of Alcoholics Anonymous. Learn more at To volunteer, click here.



Service Opportunities for the Week …

Technology Committee (online) is November 6 @ 6pm.


So Much Gratitude

For the love of bountiful abundance, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

27 10, 2023

The Buzz | October 27, 2023


Step by Step Workshop: Step Ten


Halloween Meeting and Dance

San Francisco Mission Fellowship at 2900 24th Street invites you to enjoy fellowship and dancing on October 28, immediately following the regular 7pm A.A. meeting, “Chip on the Shoulder”. Ray L. will deejay until 10pm.


Fall Follies “Spooktacular”

Western Roundup Living Sober is hosting an A.A meeting with Al-Anon participation on October 28 @ 6pm, followed by a variety show. Join your fellows at 290 Dolores Street, San Francisco for a night of wicked talent with a splash of drag, hosted by Minnie HappyReturns and Saiyohni Grey. There will also be a costume contest with prizes. 


Pop Up Bookstore Volunteer Needed

Intergroup is looking for a volunteer to sell A.A. literature at our monthly Pop Up Bookstore in Marin. The Pop Up Bookstore is on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Marin General Service meeting at Vivalon (Jackson Cafe, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael) at 6:45 – 9:30pm. It is a great opportunity to make A.A. literature more accessible to the fellowship in Marin. The volunteer processes literature sales, so familiarity with computers is necessary. The sobriety requirement is two years and it is a one-year commitment. For more information and to step up for this service position, reach out to [email protected].


November is Gratitude Month

Gratitude Month in November is an important way to express your gratitude for your gift of sobriety by passing a second basket to support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s 12th Step services. Talk to your groups now to get ready for Gratitude Month. Contribute online at


Join the Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee works to connect A.A. groups in San Francisco and Marin to 12th Step services provided by Intergroup. Join the next virtual meeting on November 1 @ 6pm to learn more. And help us reach our goal of 20 new IGRs by the end of the year.

Service Opportunities for the Week …

We Must Be Able to Have Fun

For the love of candy, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

20 10, 2023

The Buzz | October 20, 2023

Marin Unity Day Reminder

12 Concepts Workshop this Saturday

Step by Step Workshop: Step Ten

The 2023 Step by Step Workshop series continues with a Step Ten workshop, “Continued to take personal inventory”. Bring your Big Book and join Alex T. at Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church in Classroom 1 (410 Sycamore Ave., Mill Valley) for step guide activities and pizza on October 28 @ 1pm.

Central Office Closure this Saturday

Central Office will be closed on October 21, however our Pop Up Bookstore will be at Marin Unity Day at Hamilton Center (600 Palm Drive, Novato).  So if you are in need of A.A. literature, please stop by and see us at Unity Day from 12pm to 4:30pm

Gratitude Month is Coming

Gratitude Month in November is an important way to express your gratitude for your gift of sobriety. The additional contributions from Gratitude Month support A.A. service entities and the essential services that San Francisco and Marin Intergroup provides. Talk to your groups now to get ready for Gratitude Month. Contribute online at


Halloween Party and A.A. Meeting

Volunteer at Central Office

Central Office volunteers are essential to the work of Intergroup and help us reach our primary purpose of serving the alcoholic. Volunteers answer the helpline, assist customers who visit the Central Office bookstore and help with special projects. If you have one year or more of continuous sobriety, consider committing to a weekly 2-hour shift. Central Office is located at 1821 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. Please reach out to [email protected] with questions. And consider being of service to your local Central Office.


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • SF H&I (in person) is October 21.
  • Marin Public Information (in person) is October 26.
    • Orientation @ 7pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

We Must Enjoy our Lives

For the love of our higher power, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

13 10, 2023

The Buzz | October 13, 2023

Marin Unity Day

Marin Unity Day is Saturday, October 21 at 12pm to 4:30pm at Hamilton Center (600 Palm Drive, Novato). This annual service fair offers the chance to meet representatives from Intergroup and various service entities and learn about the value of our service organizations. Halloween costumes are encouraged and be sure to attend the Delegate’s report at 2:45pm followed by an A.A. speaker meeting at 3:30pm (with Spanish interpretation).

12 Concepts Workshop Reminder

Join the 9am Online Daily Women’s Meeting of A.A. for a 12 Concepts: Women in Service workshop. This is an introduction to the 12 Concepts of A.A. and how to apply them at every level of service. This monthly series continues with “Concepts VII – VIIII” on October 21 @ 10:30am to 12pm online.

NCCAA 75th Annual Fall Conference this Weekend

The Northern California Council of A.A. (NCCAA) is hosting a weekend-long gathering of A.A.members and members of A.A. sister Program Al-Anon on October 13-15. The event is the oldest A.A. conference and is filled with guest speakers (many from the Bay Area), marathon meetings, special events, prize drawings, literature and Spanish speakers. NCCAAs Fall Conference is at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Fresno.

Marin Pop Up Bookstore this Monday

Our next Marin Pop Up Bookstore is Monday, October 16 at 6:45pm to 9:30pm. Orders need to be placed this Saturday so they can be picked up at the monthly Marin General Service meeting at Vivalon (Jackson Cafe, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael). Encourage your literature person to purchase A.A. literature from our online bookstore and have it delivered free of charge or feel free to stop by during the Pop Up to see our wide assortment of A.A. literature. We are also looking for a volunteer to sell A.A. literature at our monthly Pop Up Bookstore in Marin. The volunteer processes literature sales, so familiarity with computers is necessary. The sobriety requirement is two years and it is a one-year commitment. For more information, reach out to [email protected].

Grateful Giver Logo Design Contest

We are grateful to the designers who submitted logos for our Grateful Giver design contest. Check out their designs! Intergroup Representatives will be selecting their favorite logo at the November Intergroup meeting. Also, if you aren’t already a Grateful Giver, please consider signing up today. It is a great way to support Intergroup as your contributions support important 12th Step services. 

Thank you to our designers, Nancy B., Charlie J. and John F. for their submissions to the Grateful Giver Logo Design Contest!


Special Service Panel Workshop Recording

In honor of Unity Day, Intergroup is excited to share our service panel workshop from Marin Founders’ Day, this past June. This workshop focused on service to your home group and was moderated by Andrew S. and featured the following speakers: Joanne L., Marcelo N., Jackie B. and Ole-Jan H. Have a listen and hopefully it will encourage you to take on an A.A. service commitment.

Save the Date for Fall Follies

Western Roundup Living Sober is hosting an A.A meeting with Al-Anon participation on October 28 @ 6pm, followed by a variety show. Join your fellows at 290 Dolores Street, SF for a night of wicked talent with a splash of drag, hosted by Minnie Happy Returns and Saiyohni Grey. There will also be a costume contest with prizes. For more information, click here.

Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Teleservice (online) is October 16. 
    • Orientation @ 6pm
    • Business Meeting @ 6:45pm
  • Marin General Service (hybrid) is October 16.
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm
    • New GSR Orientation @ 6:30pm

Very Superstitious?

For the love of Friday the 13th, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

11 10, 2023

The Buzz | October 6, 2023

SF Unity Day

San Francisco Unity Day is October 7 at 10am-3:30pm! Come to First Unitarian Universalist (1187 Franklin St., SF) and meet representatives from Intergroup, San Francisco General Service, H&I and Living Sober. Participate in orientations and workshops and hear about the value of service beyond the A.A. groups. Online participation is also available. Also, be sure to save the date for Marin Unity Day on October 21 in Novato.

October Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring stories, poems and art by local A.A. members, is out now! Read it here. Also, The Point is looking for stories about gratitude in A.A. for a special printed edition in honor of Gratitude Month in November. Reach out to [email protected] for more information or join us for The Point Writers Workshop at SF Unity Day this Saturday, October 7 at 11am.

Central Office Closure This Saturday

Central Office will be closed on October 7, however our Pop Up Bookstore will be at SF Unity Day at the First Unitarian Universalist Church. So if you are in need of A.A. literature, please stop by and see us at SF Unity Day from 10am-3:30pm.


Pop Up Bookstore Volunteer Needed

Intergroup is looking for a volunteer to sell A.A. literature at our monthly Pop Up Bookstore in Marin. The Pop Up Bookstore is on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Marin General Service meeting at Vivalon (Jackson Cafe, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael) from 6:45 – 9:30pm. The volunteer processes literature sales, so familiarity with computers is necessary. The sobriety requirement is 2+ years and it is a 1 year commitment. For more information, reach out to [email protected].

As a reminder for A.A. groups, the Marin Pop Up Bookstore is a great way to purchase A.A. literature from Intergroup and have it delivered to Marin. Encourage your meeting’s literature person to place an order the Saturday before the Pop Up so it can be picked up at the monthly Marin General Service meeting.

NCCAA 75th Annual Fall Conference

The Northern California Council of A.A. (NCCAA) is hosting a weekend-long gathering of A.A.members and members of A.A. sister Program Al-Anon. The event is the oldest A.A conference and is filled with guest speakers (many from the Bay Area), marathon meetings, special events, prize drawings, literature and Spanish speakers. NCCAAs Fall Conference is October 13-15 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Fresno.


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s October 4 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.


Here is the message to take back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • Central Office has updated the A.A. meeting schedules for San Francisco and Marin. Drop by Central Office (1821 Sacramento Street, San Francisco) during regular hours: Tuesday through Friday between 10am-6pm and Saturday between 12pm-4pm to pick them up for your A.A. group, or order them online.
  • Gratitude Month is in November and it’s a time to express your gratitude for your sobriety. These additional contributions support A.A. service entities so talk to your groups now to get ready for Gratitude Month!
  • San Francisco and Marin Intergroup needs Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1-year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email [email protected].

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities

Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

  • San Francisco Public Relations needs volunteers for Sunday Streets in the Excelsior on October 15 from 12pm-5pm. SFPR is also presenting at the Women’s Resource Center on October 16 @ 11am and is looking for female participation. To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on October 10 @ 4pm. Additionally, representatives from SFPR met with members of the Marin Public Information Committee and explored ways the committees can work together. For more information reach out to [email protected].
  • The Communications Committee provides a wide-range of communications support to Intergroup, including The Point and The Buzz. To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on October 10 @ 5:30pm. Also, check out the current edition of The Point here. The Point is looking for stories and art submissions about gratitude for the November special edition. Please send your writings, poetry and/or art to [email protected].
  • To best serve San Francisco and Marin Alcoholics Anonymous, Marin Teleservice and San Francisco Teleservice have merged into one Teleservice Committee. Teleservice is switching from our current AT&T landline to VOIP on October 16. This will allow for greater volunteer participation, be more cost-effective, and better control of the system.  To get involved, contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on October 16. Orientation is @ 6pm followed by the business meeting @ 6:45pm. 
  • Outreach Committee works to attract more participation from the Fellowship at Intergroup. Please share this brief announcement at any meetings you attend that do not currently have an IGR. And help us reach our goal of 20 new IGRs by year end – we are currently at 7 right now. To get involved at the committee level, contact [email protected] and join the next meeting on November 1 @ 6pm.
  • The Tech Committee continues to work on numerous tech projects including maintaining the website and working on a web hosting issue, rolling out training for the new VOIP system for Teleservice, and the Airtable database. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like your help! Email [email protected] to join and attend the next meeting on November 6 @ 6pm.

Committee/Entity Liaison Reports

  • Marin General Service announced that Marin Unity Day on October 21 in Novato will have a delegate report and a sobriety countdown, followed by an A.A. meeting. Check out for details.
  • San Francisco H&I brings A.A. meetings and literature into hospitals and institutions in San Francisco. They will have a table at SF Unity Day and orientation @ 2pm this Saturday, October 7. SF H&I is hosting another orientation this month on October 21 @ 11am. They will not have any orientations or business meetings in November or December. Click here to check out the A.A. Guidelines for Treatment Facilities.

Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Remain Grateful

For the love of warm days, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝  
 Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

29 09, 2023

The Buzz | September 29, 2023


SF Unity Day

San Francisco Unity Day is October 7 at 10am-3:30pm! Come to First Unitarian Universalist (1187 Franklin St., SF) and meet representatives from Intergroup, San Francisco General Service, H&I and Living Sober. Participate in orientations and workshops and hear about the value of service beyond the A.A. groups. Online participation is also available. And save the date for Marin Unity Day on October 21.


Coastal Hike and A.A. Meeting

Join Marin Fellowship Committee on September 30 for an A.A. meeting at 9:30am followed by a hike along Rodeo Beach Trails at 10am. There are two trail options depending on how far you’d like to hike, and friends, family and dogs are welcome.


Welcome Jackie!

We are happy to announce that Intergroup has hired a new special worker. Jackie B. is the Central Office Assistant Manager. Jackie has many years of experience in the nonprofit field, including running their own theater company. Perhaps, you’ve seen one of their recovery plays? In addition, Jackie has a long list of A.A. service work experience. Please help us welcome Jackie by stopping by Central Office to say hi. We are so glad you’re here, Jackie!


Sobriety Through Service Workshop

Save the date for a Sobriety Through Service workshop on October 4 @ 5pm hosted by the PI/CPC Working Group of the East Bay Intergroup. This is an opportunity to learn how to get involved with Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC) in the legal, law enforcement, healthcare and treatment settings. 


What are you Grateful for?

The Point is looking for your stories about gratitude in A.A. for a special printed edition in honor of Gratitude Month in November. Reach out to [email protected] for more information or to share your story.


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Technology Committee (online) is October 2 @ 6pm.
  • San Francisco Bridging the Gap (online) is October 3.
    • Orientation @ 6:30pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7pm

We Must Remain Aware

For the love of the harvest moon, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

22 09, 2023

The Buzz | September 22, 2023


Step by Step Workshop: Step Nine

The 2023 Step by Step series continues with a Step Nine workshop, “Made direct amends…wherever possible”. Bring your Big Book and join Robert C. at Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church (410 Sycamore Ave., Mill Valley) for step guide activities and pizza on September 23 @ 1pm.


Updated Newcomer Packet at Central Office

We’re delighted to announce an updated Newcomer Packet at Central Office. Inside, you’ll find essential resources for new A.A. members, including a self-assessment, FAQs, and pamphlets on sponsorship and spirituality in A.A. The front cover features a QR code to our online meeting schedule and there’s space on the back for collecting phone numbers. To purchase the Newcomer Packet, click here.


Volunteers Needed for Sunday Streets

San Francisco Public Relations Committee (SFPR) is looking for volunteers to help with Sunday Streets SF, a six-series event happening throughout San Francisco. The next one in Western Addition (@ Golden Gate and Webster) is September 24 and they are looking for volunteers at the A.A. information table during the 3:30 to 5:15pm shift. Help carry the message to the suffering alcoholic who may not yet know about A.A. For more information, email [email protected].


Associate Editor for The Buzz

The Buzz is in need of an Associate Editor that helps draft the weekly content for The Buzz. It’s a one-year commitment and one-year sobriety requirement. Serving on The Buzz is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in the San Francisco and Marin fellowship. Email [email protected] for more information and to step up for this commitment!


Attracting More Intergroup Reps

Please read this announcement from the Intergroup Outreach Committee at A.A. meetings you attend that do not have an Intergroup Representative (IGR):

“We are encouraging meetings that don’t have an Intergroup Rep (IGR) to consider appointing one. IGRs are the liaisons between A.A. groups and San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. 

“Of the 900+ meetings in San Francisco and Marin, only 42 have active IGRs. They vote on matters that affect Intergroup and A.A. at the local level, such as Central Office, money, literature, our website and more. IGRs also keep groups up to date with local information on service opportunities. IGRs ensure that local A.A. groups have a voice at Intergroup. If you have  questions please come up to me after the meeting or check out the flier.” 


Unity Day Activities this October

Save the date for San Francisco and Marin Unity Day events. Meet representatives from Intergroup and various service entities, participate in orientations and workshops and learn about the importance of service. Save the date for SF Unity Day on 10/7 from 10am-3pm and for Marin Unity Day on 10/21 in Novato from 12pm-4:30pm.


Coastal Hike and A.A. Meeting


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA) (hybrid) is September 23 @ 12:30pm.
  • Marin Teleservice (online) is September 26
    • Orientation @ 6:30pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm
  • Marin PI/CPC (in person) is September 28.
    • Orientation @ 7pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

We Must Be Willing to Give

For the love of healthy lives, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

15 09, 2023

The Buzz | September 15, 2023


Step by Step Workshop: Step Nine

The 2023 Step by Step series continues with a Step Nine workshop, “Made direct amends…wherever possible”. Bring your Big Book and join Robert C. at Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church (410 Sycamore Ave., Mill Valley) for step guide activities and pizza on September 23 @ 1pm.

Step Nine Workshop September 2023


12 Concepts Workshop this Saturday

SF Womens Concepts July - Dec


Have you Downloaded the Grapevine App?

AAGrapevine has launched The Grapevine and La Viña apps. Subscribe to the digital magazine and archive for $2.99 per month, or $29.99 per year. With a digital subscription, you’ll be able to read the new magazine each month, explore the Grapevine or La Viña archive, send stories to friends, listen to the audio of each article in the magazine, listen to the podcast, enter your own sobriety date for a daily calculation, build your own spiritual maintenance daily checklist, and much more. Download the apps for free from the Apple App Store for iPhone or from Google Play Store for Android.


Marin Pop Up Bookstore this Monday

Don’t forget to pre-purchase your A.A. literature and chips by Saturday, September 16 @ 2pm via the online bookstore for pick-up on Monday, September 18 at the Marin General Service meeting in the Jackson Cafe at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael). Select A.A. literature will also be available for purchase 6:45-9:30pm. 

pop up flyer x4


Thank You Grateful Givers!

Grateful Giver contributions support important 12th Step services at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at If you’d like to sign up as a recurring Grateful Giver to support the work of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, click here and thank you for your support!


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Marin General Service (hybrid) is September 18.
    • New GSR Orientation @ 7pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm
  • HelpChat Committee (online) is September 19 @ 6pm.

We Must Continue Trying

For the love of blue skies, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝  
 Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

8 09, 2023

The Buzz | September 8, 2023


September Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring stories, poems, and art by local A.A. members, is out now! Read it here. Would you like to submit art or write for The Point? Share your experience, strength and hope with the San Francisco and Marin fellowship. Click here for details. 


Grapevine App Now Available

AA Grapevine has launched The Grapevine and La Viña apps. Subscribe to the digital magazine and archive for $2.99 per month, or $29.99 per year. With a digital subscription, you’ll be able to read the new magazine each month, explore the Grapevine or La Viña archive, send stories to friends, listen to the audio of each article in the magazine, listen to the podcast, enter your own sobriety date for a daily calculation, build your own spiritual maintenance daily checklist, and much more. Download the apps for free from the Apple App Store for iPhone or from Google Play Store for Android.


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s September 6 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • Intergroup has raised our prices for A.A. World Services literature starting September 6. As you may know, A.A.W.S. raised their prices in April 2023 and Intergroup purchased a substantial amount of literature to delay the price increase. However, it is now time to raise our prices. We will sell Alcoholics Anonymous, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Living Sober, and The A.A. Service Manual at the same price as All additional A.A.W.S. literature and pamphlets will increase by 20%. To get A.A. literature visit us at Central Office or purchase online at Please share this updated literature price list with your meeting’s literature person.
  • Check out San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s Mid-Year Review of our financials. This is part of Intergroup’s efforts towards greater financial transparency. We encourage you to share this mid-year financial review with your groups, and we are grateful for your 7th Tradition contributions.
  • Please read this announcement from the Intergroup Outreach Committee at A.A. meetings you attend that do not have an Intergroup Representative (IGR): “We are encouraging meetings that don’t have an Intergroup Rep (IGR) to consider appointing one. IGRs are the liaisons between A.A. groups and Intergroup. Of the 900+ meetings in San Francisco and Marin, only 42 have active IGRs. They vote on matters that affect Intergroup and A.A. at the local level, such as Central Office, money, literature, our website and more. IGRs also keep groups up to date with local information on service opportunities. IGRs ensure that local A.A. groups have a voice at Intergroup. If you have  questions please come up to me after the meeting or check out the flier.”
  • Intergroup needs Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1 year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email [email protected].

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities

Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

  • San Francisco Public Relations needs volunteers for the Reentry Resource Fair on September 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They are also participating at Sunday Streets in the Western Addition on September 24 and Project Homeless Connect on September 27 at Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium. To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on September 11 @ 7pm.
  • The Communications Committee provides a wide-range of communications support to Intergroup. The committee has merged together with The Buzz and The Point for a trial-period. The committee is looking to fill The Buzz Associate Editor position. To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next committee meeting on September 11 @ 5:30pm. Also, check out the current edition of The Pointhere. The Point is looking for stories and art submissions for the October edition. Please send your writings, poetry and/or art to [email protected].
  • Teleservice now serves San Francisco and Marin Counties. The ad hoc transition committee meets weekly to best determine how the Teleservice committees come together and support the still-suffering alcoholic. To get involved, contact [email protected]. For now, they continue to hold two separate business meetings. Join the San Francisco Teleservice meeting on September 18 @ 6:45pm and the Marin Teleservice meeting on September 26 @ 7:30pm.
  • The Tech Committee is working on numerous tech projects including a potential web hosting issue, training for the new VOIP system for Teleservice, and the Airtable database. The committee is looking for members to better support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup and local A.A. meetings. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like your help! Email [email protected] to join and attend the next meeting on October 2 @ 6pm.
  • Outreach Committee works to attract more participation from the Fellowship at Intergroup. Please share a brief announcement at any meetings you attend that do not currently have an IGR. To get involved at the committee level, contact [email protected] and join the next meeting on October 4 @ 6pm.

Committee/Entity Liaison Reports

  • Marin Accessibilities Committee raises awareness of the possible barriers in accessing the A.A. message and participation in the A.A. program of recovery. Their next meeting is September 11 @ 7pm online and for more information [email protected].
  • San Francisco H&I is encouraging A.A. groups to get H&I Representatives if they don’t have one, and continue to pass the pink can! SF H&I is currently serving 26 in-person meetings. The next SF H&I business meeting is September 16 @ 10am followed by orientation @ 11am. Did you know that the pink can tradition started in 1957 with an idea for self-funding and some pink paint?

Associate Editor for The Buzz

Want to know how The Buzz is put together? If so, volunteer for the Associate Editor position. The Associate Editor helps draft the weekly content for The Buzz. It’s a one-year commitment. Serving on The Buzz is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in the San Francisco and Marin fellowship. Email [email protected] for more information.


Job Opening at Central Office

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup is looking for a new Central Office Assistant Manager. Check out the job description here. This position is available immediately. Please spread the word to your A.A. groups.


12 Concepts Workshop Reminder

Join the 9am Online Daily Women’s Meeting of A.A. for a 12 Concepts: Women in Service workshop. This is an introduction to the 12 Concepts of A.A. and how to apply them at every level of service. This monthly series continues with “Concepts IV – VI” on September 16 @ 10:30am to 12pm online. 



National A.A. Technology Workshop This Weekend

The National A.A. Technology Workshop (NAATW) is hosting an immersive eventon September 8-10 about the theme “Solving, Sharing, and Scaling Solutions”. Those interested in using technology in service to A.A. are encouraged to attend, to share their experience, gather ideas and bring learnings back to their groups. This is a hybrid event, so you can participate virtually.


Marin Pop Up Bookstore

It’s almost time for the monthly pop up bookstore in Marin. Need a new book to read with a sponsee or pamphlets to offer at your meeting? Pre-purchase your A.A. literature and chips by Saturday, September 17 @ 2pm via the online bookstore for pick-up on Monday, September 21 at the Marin General Service meeting in the Jackson Cafe at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael). Select A.A. literature will also be available for purchase 6:45-9:30pm. 


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Believe

For the love of ourselves, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office



1 09, 2023

The Buzz | September 1, 2023

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Important Announcement Regarding Teleservice

Everyone is being asked to read this important announcement at A.A. meetings.  It can be read during the time set aside for announcements. 

“To best serve San Francisco and Marin Alcoholics Anonymous, the Marin and San Francisco Teleservice Committees will be merging, effective August 2023. This decision comes after considerable discussion and input from the Fellowship, which believes the merger is the most effective solution moving forward to help the still-suffering alcoholic. 

“The primary purpose of the newly merged Teleservice Committee remains unchanged:

  • Provide a 24-hour a day helpline for alcoholics in need

  • Provide meeting directory information

  • Provide general information about A.A.

  • Provide 12 Step calls/visits if needed

“To learn more or to stay involved, please contact [email protected].”


A.A. in a Nutshell on Sunday

The San Francisco Public Relations Committee is hosting a workshop on “Alcoholics Anonymous in a Nutshell” on September 3 @ 2:30pm. This event at the San Francisco Public Library (100 Larkin Street, San Francisco) includes such topics as, what is A.A., what’s a meeting like, and myths that may discourage people from going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. We invite members of the Fellowship to join us and be willing to speak with newcomers at the event and serve as temporary sponsors. For more information and to get involved contact [email protected].


ICYPAA This Weekend in SF

ICYPAA (also known as the International Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous) is this September 1-4 in San Francisco. The conference theme is “Watch Loneliness Vanish” and is at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco. Be sure to visit the San Francisco and Marin Pop Up Bookstore at ICYPAA on Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 6pm. This event includes Al-Anon participation. For details click here


Announcement to Attract More Intergroup Reps

Please read this announcement from the Intergroup Outreach Committee at A.A. meetings you attend that do not have an Intergroup Representative (IGR). The announcement aims to increase IGR participation in San Francisco and Marin and help Intergroup better serve our Fellowship. To get involved with the Outreach Committee, contact [email protected] and join the next meeting on September 6 @ 6pm. It can be read during the time set aside for announcements.

“We are encouraging meetings that don’t have an Intergroup Rep (IGR) to consider appointing one. IGRs are the liaisons between A.A. groups and San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. 

“Of the 900+ meetings in San Francisco and Marin, only 42 have active IGRs. They vote on matters that affect Intergroup and A.A. at the local level, such as Central Office, money, literature, our website and more. IGRs also keep groups up to date with local information on service opportunities. IGRs ensure that local A.A. groups have a voice at Intergroup. If you have  questions please come up to me after the meeting or check out the flier.” 


Labor Day Speaker Meeting and Barbeque

Join the Fellowship at the Marin Alano Club on Labor Day for a speaker meeting, barbeque and live music. Speakers include Michael M. and Tracie M. on September 4 @ 12pm followed by live music and barbeque.


Job Opening at Central Office

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup is looking for a new Central Office Assistant Manager. Check out the job description here. This position is available immediately. Please spread the word to your A.A. groups.


Service Opportunity With The Buzz

Want to know how The Buzz is put together? If so, volunteer for the Associate Editor position. The Associate Editor helps draft the weekly content for The Buzz. It’s a one-year commitment. Serving on The Buzz is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in the San Francisco and Marin fellowship. Email [email protected] for more information.


Central Office Closure This Saturday

Central Office will be closed on September 2 due to Labor Day, however we will be selling literature at the Pop Up Bookstore at ICYPAA. Central Office will resume regular hours of operation, which are Tuesday-Friday 10-6pm and Saturdays 12-4pm.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Make an Effort

For the love of three day weekends, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office

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