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Important Announcement Regarding Teleservice

Everyone is being asked to read this important announcement at A.A. meetings.  It can be read during the time set aside for announcements. 

“To best serve San Francisco and Marin Alcoholics Anonymous, the Marin and San Francisco Teleservice Committees will be merging, effective August 2023. This decision comes after considerable discussion and input from the Fellowship, which believes the merger is the most effective solution moving forward to help the still-suffering alcoholic. 

“The primary purpose of the newly merged Teleservice Committee remains unchanged:

  • Provide a 24-hour a day helpline for alcoholics in need

  • Provide meeting directory information

  • Provide general information about A.A.

  • Provide 12 Step calls/visits if needed

“To learn more or to stay involved, please contact”


A.A. in a Nutshell on Sunday

The San Francisco Public Relations Committee is hosting a workshop on “Alcoholics Anonymous in a Nutshell” on September 3 @ 2:30pm. This event at the San Francisco Public Library (100 Larkin Street, San Francisco) includes such topics as, what is A.A., what’s a meeting like, and myths that may discourage people from going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. We invite members of the Fellowship to join us and be willing to speak with newcomers at the event and serve as temporary sponsors. For more information and to get involved contact


ICYPAA This Weekend in SF

ICYPAA (also known as the International Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous) is this September 1-4 in San Francisco. The conference theme is “Watch Loneliness Vanish” and is at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco. Be sure to visit the San Francisco and Marin Pop Up Bookstore at ICYPAA on Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 6pm. This event includes Al-Anon participation. For details click here


Announcement to Attract More Intergroup Reps

Please read this announcement from the Intergroup Outreach Committee at A.A. meetings you attend that do not have an Intergroup Representative (IGR). The announcement aims to increase IGR participation in San Francisco and Marin and help Intergroup better serve our Fellowship. To get involved with the Outreach Committee, contact and join the next meeting on September 6 @ 6pm. It can be read during the time set aside for announcements.

“We are encouraging meetings that don’t have an Intergroup Rep (IGR) to consider appointing one. IGRs are the liaisons between A.A. groups and San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. 

“Of the 900+ meetings in San Francisco and Marin, only 42 have active IGRs. They vote on matters that affect Intergroup and A.A. at the local level, such as Central Office, money, literature, our website and more. IGRs also keep groups up to date with local information on service opportunities. IGRs ensure that local A.A. groups have a voice at Intergroup. If you have  questions please come up to me after the meeting or check out the flier.” 


Labor Day Speaker Meeting and Barbeque

Join the Fellowship at the Marin Alano Club on Labor Day for a speaker meeting, barbeque and live music. Speakers include Michael M. and Tracie M. on September 4 @ 12pm followed by live music and barbeque.


Job Opening at Central Office

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup is looking for a new Central Office Assistant Manager. Check out the job description here. This position is available immediately. Please spread the word to your A.A. groups.


Service Opportunity With The Buzz

Want to know how The Buzz is put together? If so, volunteer for the Associate Editor position. The Associate Editor helps draft the weekly content for The Buzz. It’s a one-year commitment. Serving on The Buzz is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in the San Francisco and Marin fellowship. Email for more information.


Central Office Closure This Saturday

Central Office will be closed on September 2 due to Labor Day, however we will be selling literature at the Pop Up Bookstore at ICYPAA. Central Office will resume regular hours of operation, which are Tuesday-Friday 10-6pm and Saturdays 12-4pm.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Make an Effort

For the love of three day weekends, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office