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Meets 3rd Monday each month.

In-Person & Virtual Hybrid Business Meeting
Marin General Service District 10

Jackson Cafe at the
Vivalon Healthy Aging Center, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael, CA 94901
~ Face masks strongly recommended by Marin Public Health

Join Zoom Meeting HERE  
Meeting ID: 829 6615 8303
Dial in:  (669) 900-6833
Password: Please email [email protected] 

6:30 PM: New GSR Orientation
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM:
Business Meeting


SF Marin Intergroup Pop-Up Bookstore is held before and after the District meeting every month!

Pick up pre-orders or buy limited inventory on-site from 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM – 9:30 PM. No cash; credit card only.
Pre-order literature and chips for pick-up at shop.aasfmarin.org. Pop-up orders must be received by 2 PM on the Saturday before the District meeting.