The 2023 Step by Step series continues with a Step Nine workshop, “Made direct amends…wherever possible”. Bring your Big Book and join Robert C. at Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church (410 Sycamore Ave., Mill Valley) for step guide activities and pizza on September 23 @ 1pm.
Updated Newcomer Packet at Central Office
We’re delighted to announce an updated Newcomer Packet at Central Office. Inside, you’ll find essential resources for new A.A. members, including a self-assessment, FAQs, and pamphlets on sponsorship and spirituality in A.A. The front cover features a QR code to our online meeting schedule and there’s space on the back for collecting phone numbers. To purchase the Newcomer Packet, click here.
Volunteers Needed for Sunday Streets
San Francisco Public Relations Committee (SFPR) is looking for volunteers to help with Sunday Streets SF, a six-series event happening throughout San Francisco. The next one in Western Addition (@ Golden Gate and Webster) is September 24 and they are looking for volunteers at the A.A. information table during the 3:30 to 5:15pm shift. Help carry the message to the suffering alcoholic who may not yet know about A.A. For more information, email
Associate Editor for The Buzz
The Buzz is in need of an Associate Editor that helps draft the weekly content for The Buzz. It’s a one-year commitment and one-year sobriety requirement. Serving on The Buzz is a great way to stay on top of what is happening in the San Francisco and Marin fellowship. Email for more information and to step up for this commitment!
Attracting More Intergroup Reps
Please read this announcement from the Intergroup Outreach Committee at A.A. meetings you attend that do not have an Intergroup Representative (IGR):
“We are encouraging meetings that don’t have an Intergroup Rep (IGR) to consider appointing one. IGRs are the liaisons between A.A. groups and San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.
“Of the 900+ meetings in San Francisco and Marin, only 42 have active IGRs. They vote on matters that affect Intergroup and A.A. at the local level, such as Central Office, money, literature, our website and more. IGRs also keep groups up to date with local information on service opportunities. IGRs ensure that local A.A. groups have a voice at Intergroup. If you have questions please come up to me after the meeting or check out the flier.”
Unity Day Activities this October
Save the date for San Francisco and Marin Unity Day events. Meet representatives from Intergroup and various service entities, participate in orientations and workshops and learn about the importance of service. Save the date for SF Unity Day on 10/7 from 10am-3pm and for Marin Unity Day on 10/21 in Novato from 12pm-4:30pm.
For the love of healthy lives,please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz.The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝
Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office