October Edition of The Point
The latest edition of The Point, featuring stories, poems and art by local A.A. members, is out now! Read it here. Also, The Point is looking for stories about gratitude in A.A. for a special printed edition in honor of Gratitude Month in November. Reach out to thepoint@aasfmarin.org for more information or join us for The Point Writers Workshop at SF Unity Day this Saturday, October 7 at 11am. |
Central Office Closure This Saturday
Central Office will be closed on October 7, however our Pop Up Bookstore will be at SF Unity Day at the First Unitarian Universalist Church. So if you are in need of A.A. literature, please stop by and see us at SF Unity Day from 10am-3:30pm. |
Pop Up Bookstore Volunteer Needed
Intergroup is looking for a volunteer to sell A.A. literature at our monthly Pop Up Bookstore in Marin. The Pop Up Bookstore is on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Marin General Service meeting at Vivalon (Jackson Cafe, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael) from 6:45 – 9:30pm. The volunteer processes literature sales, so familiarity with computers is necessary. The sobriety requirement is 2+ years and it is a 1 year commitment. For more information, reach out to aa@aasfmarin.org.
As a reminder for A.A. groups, the Marin Pop Up Bookstore is a great way to purchase A.A. literature from Intergroup and have it delivered to Marin. Encourage your meeting’s literature person to place an order the Saturday before the Pop Up so it can be picked up at the monthly Marin General Service meeting.

NCCAA 75th Annual Fall Conference
The Northern California Council of A.A. (NCCAA) is hosting a weekend-long gathering of A.A.members and members of A.A. sister Program Al-Anon. The event is the oldest A.A conference and is filled with guest speakers (many from the Bay Area), marathon meetings, special events, prize drawings, literature and Spanish speakers. NCCAAs Fall Conference is October 13-15 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Fresno.

Intergroup News
The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s October 4 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.
Here is the message to take back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.
- Central Office has updated the A.A. meeting schedules for San Francisco and Marin. Drop by Central Office (1821 Sacramento Street, San Francisco) during regular hours: Tuesday through Friday between 10am-6pm and Saturday between 12pm-4pm to pick them up for your A.A. group, or order them online.
- Gratitude Month is in November and it’s a time to express your gratitude for your sobriety. These additional contributions support A.A. service entities so talk to your groups now to get ready for Gratitude Month!
- San Francisco and Marin Intergroup needs Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1-year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email aa@aasfmarin.org.
Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities
Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.
- San Francisco Public Relations needs volunteers for Sunday Streets in the Excelsior on October 15 from 12pm-5pm. SFPR is also presenting at the Women’s Resource Center on October 16 @ 11am and is looking for female participation. To get involved contact sfpr@aasfmarin.org and join the next committee meeting on October 10 @ 4pm. Additionally, representatives from SFPR met with members of the Marin Public Information Committee and explored ways the committees can work together. For more information reach out to sfpr@aasfmarin.org.
- The Communications Committee provides a wide-range of communications support to Intergroup, including The Point and The Buzz. To get involved contact communications@aasfmarin.org and join the next committee meeting on October 10 @ 5:30pm. Also, check out the current edition of The Point here. The Point is looking for stories and art submissions about gratitude for the November special edition. Please send your writings, poetry and/or art to thepoint@aasfmarin.org.
- To best serve San Francisco and Marin Alcoholics Anonymous, Marin Teleservice and San Francisco Teleservice have merged into one Teleservice Committee. Teleservice is switching from our current AT&T landline to VOIP on October 16. This will allow for greater volunteer participation, be more cost-effective, and better control of the system. To get involved, contact teleservice@aasfmarin.org and join the next committee meeting on October 16. Orientation is @ 6pm followed by the business meeting @ 6:45pm.
- Outreach Committee works to attract more participation from the Fellowship at Intergroup. Please share this brief announcement at any meetings you attend that do not currently have an IGR. And help us reach our goal of 20 new IGRs by year end – we are currently at 7 right now. To get involved at the committee level, contact outreach@aasfmarin.org and join the next meeting on November 1 @ 6pm.
- The Tech Committee continues to work on numerous tech projects including maintaining the website and working on a web hosting issue, rolling out training for the new VOIP system for Teleservice, and the Airtable database. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like your help! Email tech@aasfmarin.org to join and attend the next meeting on November 6 @ 6pm.
Committee/Entity Liaison Reports
- Marin General Service announced that Marin Unity Day on October 21 in Novato will have a delegate report and a sobriety countdown, followed by an A.A. meeting. Check out aasfmarin.org for details.
- San Francisco H&I brings A.A. meetings and literature into hospitals and institutions in San Francisco. They will have a table at SF Unity Day and orientation @ 2pm this Saturday, October 7. SF H&I is hosting another orientation this month on October 21 @ 11am. They will not have any orientations or business meetings in November or December. Click here to check out the A.A. Guidelines for Treatment Facilities.
Service Opportunities for the Week …
- Marin Accessibilities Committee (online) is October 9 @ 7pm.
- Marin County Young People in A.A. (MCYPAA) (in-person) is October 9 @ 7:15pm.
- Communications Committee (online) is October 10 @ 5:30pm.
- SF Public Relations (online) is October 10.
- Marin H&I (in-person) is October 10.
- San Francisco General Service (online) is October 10.
- Marin Bridging the Gap (online) is October 11.
- Orientation @ 6pm
- Business Meeting @ 6:15pm
We Must Remain Grateful
For the love of warm days, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report. 🐝
Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office |