Thanksgiving Meetings and Fellowship
Looking for meetings to anchor your recovery over the holiday tomorrow? You have options in San Francisco and Marin. All of the events take place on Thanksgiving.
San Francisco:
Gratitude Center Thanksgiving Potluck and Alcathon
Come to the Gratitude Center (1320 7th Ave., S.F.) for meetings throughout the day starting from 6am-9pm. There will be a Thanksgiving potluck from 2:30pm-4pm.

Larkspur Haven Thanksgiving Day Celebration
Join the Larkspur Haven Group of A.A. at the Strawberry Rec Center (118 E. Strawberry Drive, Mill Valley) for its Annual Thanksgiving Day Celebration. Doors open at 10am, speaker meeting with Susan S. at 12pm, followed by a bountiful Thanksgiving feast. Friends and family are welcome.

Novato Alcathon
Come to Good Shepherd Church (1180 Lynnwood Drive, Novato) for the Novato Alcathon Thanksgiving Celebration 2023. Meetings are every hour on the hour from 10am-9pm (last meeting is 8pm), with the exception of 3-4pm, when dinner will be served. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dessert.

Thanksgiving Feast
Come to the Marin Alano Club (1360 Lincoln Avenue, San Rafael) for a Thanksgiving Feast after the 12pm A.A. meeting.
