New Year’s Meetings and Events
Meditative Sound Bath Meeting
Join the Marin Fellowship Committee for an immersive afternoon of meditation, sound healing, A.A. meeting and fellowship at Vivalon in San Rafael on December 30. Bring your own yoga mat, pillow, blanket or similar accessories from your meditation practice.
2023-12-30 MFC Meditation Meeting Flyer Novato 24-Hour New Year’s Eve Alcathon
Novato 24-Hour New Year’s Eve Alcathon
Come to Novato Druid’s Hall (801 Grant Ave., Novato) for open meetings every hour on the hour starting at 5pm on December 31. The last meeting is at 4pm on January 1. Consider bringing a dish for a potluck buffet. Alcathon meetings are open – family and friends of alcoholics are also welcome to attend.

San Francisco
Gratitude Center NYE Alcathon and Potluck
Ring in the New Year at the Gratitude Center at 1320 – 7th Avenue, near the corner of Irving Street. A.A. meetings start at 6:30am and continue until 10:30pm, followed by fellowship until the ball drops at midnight. Consider bringing a dish and a friend to the NYE potluck held from 2:30 – 4pm.

Mission Fellowship Holiday Alcathon
Live near the Mission? Join the Mission Fellowship’s Alcathon at 2900 – 24th Street, on the corner of Florida, to celebrate your recovery in the New Year. Ninety minute A.A. meetings start at 5pm on December 31. The last meeting on NYE is at 11pm. Meetings start up again on the morning of January 1 at 7am. The last meeting on NYD starts at 10pm and ends at 11:30pm.
