Wit’s End 38th Anniversary Potluck

Sinbar Pie and Ice Cream Social

MFC Step Study Workshop

Marin Fellowship Committee is hosting “From Doctor’s Opinion to Spiritual Experience: Gaining Understanding and Momentum in the Twelve Steps” on February 8 @ 6:30-8pm at Marin Lutheran Church, in Corte Madera. 


74th General Service Conference  – Upcoming Hybrid Agenda Topics Workshops and Area Assemblies

SAVE THE DATES! San Francisco General Service District 06 and Spanish Central District 16 are co-hosting a hybrid Agenda Topics Workshop on March 16 to inform the fellowship and educate General Service Representatives (GSRs) regarding the items on this year’s General Service Conference agenda. The workshop will also include an update on the development of the Fifth Edition of the Big Book! 

Male Sponsors Needed for San Quentin

H&I is in need of men to sponsor inmates at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center, including a high demand for sponsors who speak Spanish. Five years of sobriety and experience as a sponsor is required. To sign up, visit handinorcal.org and click on Inside Visiting Sponsorship Service or send an email to [email protected].

Call for Central Office Volunteers

We Must Do Whatever It Takes

For the love of snacks, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office