Intergroup News

The Intergroup is a nonprofit membership organization representing all registered A.A. groups in San Francisco and Marin. Intergroup provides services such as an online and printed schedule, 24-hour teleservice, the bookstore, local publications, and service opportunities. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month. All are welcome. See calendar for details.

9 08, 2023

Intergroup News | August 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, August 2, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup serves more than 900 A.A. groups in our common purpose of carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics. We provide important services for local 12th Step work, such as running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing a local meeting directory and website and operating a 24-hour telephone hotline. In addition, Intergroup connects the local Fellowship to service opportunities, informs the public and professional community about A.A. and acts as an information exchange for announcements and events.

Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Roll Call
    1. 46 groups represented: 35 from San Francisco, 11 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    1. New IGRs: Alice G, Sober Sisters (Marin); Mark M, Design for Living (San Francisco); Lucille A, Intimate Feelings (Marin); Jeff F, Stonestown (San Francisco); Ashlee K, Sisters in Sobriety (Marin); Scott C, Bernal New Day (San Francisco); David V, Each Day a New Beginning (San Francisco)
    2. AA Anniversaries: Steven, 2 years
  2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    1. Approved
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    1. Vice Chair noted correction to the re-vote results from the July Intergroup meeting
    2. Approved

  Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair, Elena
    1. Annual Board Retreat scheduled for Saturday, 8/26 at Central Office. Central Office will be closed.
    2. Teleservice Update – Intergroup has drafted an announcement to be shared at meetings and in The Buzz.
  1. Treasurer, Hedy
    1. Standard financials
      • Revenues: $181,000, -3% budget, +8% prior (strong individual contributions)
      • Expenses: $185,000, -6% budget, +5% prior
      • Deficit:-$2,000, +$6,000, +$5,000 prior (Expect deficits)
      • Unrestricted cash is at $68,000 Cash drawdown continues with expected deficits in August. Still in excellent cash position
    2. Grateful Givers
      • 366 Givers (-4 dropped), contributed $4,788 (up +$35) average $13.05
  2. Executive Director, Christina
    1. Marin Pop Up Bookstore – one year of bringing literature to Marin; will be working on an analysis to see how the Pop Up is going. Currently our biggest issue is getting the word out to AA meetings.
    2. Central Office Updates
      • Testing the new SF Teleservice System
      • 2022 Annual Information Returns Submitted
      • Lots of AAWS literature in stock
      • Starting to prepare the 2024 budget
    3. Service Opportunities
      • SF and Marin Archives Chair
      • SF Public Relations Chair
      • Sunshine Club Co Chair (Marin)
      • Co Webmaster
      • Fellowship Chair
      • Outreach Chair – Recently Filled! Thanks Marty
      • Question: Sobriety requirement? For chair positions it is a suggested two-year sobriety requirement however anyone may join a committee.

 Intergroup Committee Reports

  1. SF Public Relations, Peter
    1. Past event on July 30th 12pm-5pm, Sunday Streets Valencia District
    2. Upcoming Events
      1. August Recovery Day in the Tenderloin
      2. September 8, Reentry Events at St. Mary’s Cathedral
      3. 9/27 – Project Homeless Connect
      4. 9/24 – 12pm -5pm Sunday Streets in the Western Addition
      • Working on 9/3 event for unhoused population at SF Main Library
      • Committee Meeting is second Monday, 8/14 @ 7PM on Zoom
  1. Technology Committee, Brian
    1. Helping SF Teleservice implement new VOIP system for the Teleservice volunteers
    2. Tech Committee is looking for people with Airtable experience. Meeting is first Monday of every month.

 Service Committee Liaison Reports

  1. Marin Teleservice, Jillian
    1. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Marin Teleservice line has been disconnected by the service provider. They are looking at their options, including possibly merging with San Francisco Teleservice.
    2. Currently seeking group feedback/input on what Marin Teleservice should do. Email Amanda at [email protected]
  1. SF General Service, Alison
    1. District 06 SF News:
      1. Still open positions for SF Bridging the Gap committee members
      2. Asking GSRs to share highlights that came out of the General Service Conference, such as the plain language version of the Big Book.
  2. SF H&I, Thatcher
    1. More meetings have been sending H&I Reps and service volunteers in recent days, thank you!
    2. If your meeting doesn’t have an H&I rep, please consider adding one
    3. SF H&I is currently serving 26 in person meetings and more to be added
    4. Next H&I Orientation is Saturday, 8/19 at 11AM at 2900 24th Street
    5. Last year, H&I spent $342,400 in literature to alcoholics who are confined
  3. Marin Accessibilities, Cathy
    1. Excited to receive an invitation from District 06 General Service to give presentation on Accessibilities on Tuesday 8/8 at their monthly business meeting about access in AA and how it impacts local groups
    2. Reviewing electronic items donated to Marin Accessibilities Committee including two laptops, notebook and iPad
    3. Participating in the Summer Assembly in Eureka

Intergroup Committee Round Robin Break-out Session:

Outreach, Fellowship, and Communications

  1. Communications, Isae
    1. The Communications Committee includes two publications and special projects
      • The Buzz (weekly digital newsletter) that goes out to 2K subscribers listing recovery events and
      • The Point published monthly includes personal stories of recovery, poetry and artwork from SF and Marin members
    2. go to and select “Stay Connected”. There you will find drop down links and submission guidelines for The Buzz and The Point
    3. Communications projects include Annual Report. The report included data and facts to help the Fellowship understand what we do and why we exist
    4. Another project the Communications Committee is working on is updating the Integroup page on
  1. Intergroup Fellowship, Judy
    1. Events include Founder’s Day at Golden Gate Park
    2. Assisted with Marin Fellowship Committee’s Founder’s Day in Marin which included Service Panel
    3. Planning an ugly sweater party during the holidays at Central Office in appreciation of our volunteers and the whole Fellowship
    4. Workshops include Safety but looking for more suggestions
  1. Outreach Committee, Marty
    1. Asking all IGRs to share and read a brief IGR announcement. It will be posted in The Buzz and website. Goal is to attract more IGR participation at the Intergroup level.
    2. Why an outreach committee? Had a group inventory where a bunch of questions and what came of the inventory was two things
      • knowledge gap – might not know that Central Office is part of Intergroup
      • groups are underrepresented. The more participation we have at Intergroup level, we are able to accomplish more

Share about your Home Group

  1. Lucille, IGR, Intimate Feelings in Marin County at 9AM in Novato.
    1. The meeting time moved from 10AM to 9AM due to thelocation
    2. Womens’ fellowship on the 1st Saturday of the month
    3.  12×12, 2nd and 3rd speaker, 4th Chips or Tradition and on 5th Chips
  2. Laura Lee, IGR, Each Day a New Beginning (In Person)
    1. Monday through Friday – 7AM-8AM
    2. Wednesday is Step or Tradition
    3. Friday is Speaker
    4. About 30 to 50 people, a lot of newcomers

 What’s On Your Mind

  1. A member discussed post-COVID decision-making and when groups should start discussing going back to in-person meetings, staying hybrid, or splitting up online and in-person meetings. Wants to hear from other IGRs about their process and decisions for their meetings.
  2. A member talked about the importance of working with others and getting involved with service.
  3. A member shared their experience with meetings post-COVID. They moved online during the pandemic. Getting their online meeting established took awhile to get the tech right. Going back to in-person meetings depends on each meeting. On Awakening now has two stand alone meetings, in-person and online.
  4. A member shared that former IGR and dear friend Jennifer K. passed away last weekend. Her home group was Intimate Feelings and she had 30 years sobriety.

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Treasurer’s Report

June 2023 Income Statement_Summary
June 2023 Balance Sheet
26 07, 2023

Intergroup News | July 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup serves more than 900 A.A. groups in our common purpose of carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics. We provide important services for local 12th Step work, such as running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing a local meeting directory and website and operating a 24-hour telephone hotline. In addition, Intergroup connects the local Fellowship to service opportunities, informs the public and professional community about A.A. and acts as an information exchange for announcements and events.

Getting Started

    1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
    2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
    3. Code of Conduct
    4. Roll Call
      • 35 groups represented: 25 from San Francisco, 10 from Marin


      • New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
        • New IGRs: Chip G, Surf Group (SF); Priya S, Sometimes Slowly (SF); Douglas D, Cow Hollow Mens Meeting (SF); Ian M, West Portal (SF); Scott C, Bernal New Day-Virtual (SF); Philip S, BIPOC – Together We Prosper (SF); Mark M, Design for Living (SF); Rick A, IGR/GSR Paxcs West Men’s Daily Reflections Group (SF)
        • AA Anniversaries: Caitlin, 5 years; Marty, 31 years 
    • Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
      • Approved.
    • Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
      • Approved.

Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair – Elena
      • New Board Chair for 2023-2024
      • Welcome to new board members: Caitlin, Denis, Phil and Alison 
      • Open position: Recording Secretary
  2. Treasurer – Jim (Outgoing Treasurer)  
      • Standard financials report:
        • Revenues: $160,000, +2% budget, +12% prior year (strong with bequests and Grateful Givers individual contributions. Bookstores lagging but Group contributions are on target)
        • Expenses: $152,000, -7% budget (good fiduciary responsibility), +3% prior year
        • Surplus: $8,000, +$15,000 budget, +$13,000 prior (Ran a -$10,000 loss in May, and expect deficits through August given treasurer commitment turnovers)
        • Unrestricted cash: $79,000 (2.9 months of expenses, down from 3.1 months)
        • Still in excellent cash position for 2023 
      • Grateful Givers 
        • 370 Givers (+1 new), contributed $4,743 (up +$38) 
        • Average contribution is $12.78
  3. Executive Director – Christina
      • Founders’ Day Gratitude
        • Two amazing Founders’ Day events (Mill Valley and Golden Gate Park). Both were well attended. Had a great service panel at Marin Founders’ Day.
        • Intergroup will be holding another workshop at  ICCYPA in September. 
      • Available Service opportunities:
        • SF and Marin Archives Chair 
        • SF Public Relations Chair 
        • Sunshine Club Co-Chair (from Marin)!!
        • Co-Webmaster 
        • Fellowship Chair 
        • Outreach Chair 
        • Recently filled service opportunities
        • The Point Editor and Associate Editor 
        • The Buzz Associate Editor 
        • Additional Service Opportunities 
          • Central Office Volunteers (1 year sobriety requirement)
          • Tech Volunteers with Airtable experience
          • Contact [email protected] for details 
      • Central Office Updates 
        • Prices continue to remain the same for AAWS literature, however prices will increase in the next couple of months 
        • CPA finalized 2022 annual information returns and will be submitted before the end of the month 

Intergroup Committee Reports 

  1. Communications –  Isae 
    • Supports Intergroup via The Buzz, a weekly news and events newsletter, and The Point, a monthly recovery journal. The Communications Committee is merging with The Buzz and The Point Committees on a trial period. This will help all publications be better aligned and share resources.
    • Meets the second Monday of the month at 5:30pm online. Email [email protected] for zoom link and more info. 
    • Ran a Grateful Giver logo design contest and received three entries. Intergroup will be voting on those soon.
  1. Outreach Committee – Alison
    • New Committee Chair: Marty M!
    • We are combing out database to see what meetings don’t have IGRs 
    • Working on a flier that encourages IGR and GSR participation
    • Please make announcements at meeting with no IGRs that they should get an Intergroup Rep
    • Outreach meets every month before the Intergroup meeting at 6PM on Zoom. Our goal is to get 20 new IGRs before the end of the year. Contact [email protected] with questions 
  1. Tech Committee – Brian
    • On June 20th, Central Office internet was down and the router was locked in a struggle with the ethernet switch. Issue was resolved June 21
    • Exploring a new VOIP system and volunteer scheduling for SF Teleservice
    • Looking for Airtable (or WordPress) volunteers. Reach out to [email protected] for information.
  1. The Point – Charlie 
    • June issue published online
    • Call for submissions for next edition of The Point by July 22
  1. SF Public Relations – Nikki 
    • SF PR is tabling at a Sunday Streets event on July 30 in the Valencia District
    • Also working on an event at the SF Main Library for the unhoused population. Email [email protected] for details.

Service Committee Liaison Reports 

  1. Marin Teleservice – Jillian 
    • Next Volunteer Orientation is at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, 7/25 on Zoom followed by the business meeting at 7:30pm. For more information visit 
  2. Marin Accessibilities – Cathy
    • Committee meets the second Monday of each month at 7pm online.
    • They are attending District 07 (Alameda North) and District 12 (Sonoma) Accessibility Committees. Survey their respective districts to see how Marin groups could benefit from this combined experience and feedback 
    • They are reviewing their electronic inventory of items donated to Marin Accessibilities. Included laptops, notebook and Ipad. Items will be wiped before passing on to AA members. 
    • Question of the month: Who is missing from your group since the COVID shutdown was lifted and is it an accessibility issue? 
    • Does your meeting space entrance have steps, a threshold or other physical barrier?
    • Can the doors be opened by someone in a wheelchair or would they need assistance? 
  3. San Francisco General Service – Joel
    • Open positions for Bridging the Gap committee members 
    • There are openings for District Committee members for District 6 (details in the District Meeting materials).
    • Voted to purchase several radios and a headset to maximize event participation from Spanish speaking districts  
  4. SF H&I – Nikki
    • Next Business Meeting 7/15 at 10am at Mission Fellowship, in San Francisco
    • SF H&I is looking for a new Intergroup Liaison for their committee
    • They need volunteers to take meetings into facilities which have opened back up
    • Area 62 is looking for a regional chair for H&I Northern California 

Old Business

    • Change the monthly meeting:
      1. Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports; 
      2. Break-out rooms at every monthly meeting; 
      3. Five IGRs per month give a brief description of their home group; 
      4. Raffle every monthly meeting
    • Discussion/Questions/Comments:
      1. Concern that  proposal 4 goes against the Traditions and would like that to be considered when voting 
      2. Individual asked motion-maker if they were open to amending proposal 3 from five IGRs to IGRs per month give a brief description of their homegroup
        • Amendment to the motion accepted by the motion-maker.
      3. Concern that if we moved to quarterly reports, how would the service committees talk about upcoming events and get the word out for committee engagement?  
      4. Statement that the more we shorten these meetings, the better. Likes the idea of quarterly reports. Doesn’t agree with proposal 3 and 4, as it may make the meeting longer. 
    • Results of Vote (18 votes required for proposal to pass):
      1. Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports

Pass, 21 Votes 

    • Break-out rooms at every monthly meeting; 

Failed, 25 Votes

  • IGRs share a brief description of their home group each month

Pass, 24 Votes 

  • Raffle every monthly meeting

Failed, 23 Votes 

  • Minority Opinions regarding Proposal 1:
    • Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports
    • Concern with getting support for the service committees, especially when they are already struggling. Questioned how we would get the word out regarding the needs of the service committees.
    • Question how the service committees are going to inform people 4 times a year 
    • Question regarding the logistics of providing quarterly reports and how it might result in  information overload. 
  • A show of hands was called for those whose votes would have changed due to the minority opinion. Two members raised their hands, triggering a re-vote for this motion. Therefore a second vote occurred for Proposal 1.  
    • Results of Re-Vote for Proposal 1 (18 votes required for proposal to pass) 
  • Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports
    • 17 Votes were cast in favor of switching to the quarterly announcements
    • It was announced that the quarterly announcements were going to be implemented. 

Note:  There was a mistake made in communicating the effect of the 17 votes.  The Intergroup members announcing and communicating the results misconstrued the effect of the 17 votes.  The effect of the re-vote was to take the place of the first vote; not vote to undo the previous vote.  The default was to continue with monthly announcements, and a vote of at least 18 would have created new policy, implementing the quarterly announcements.  With 17 votes cast in favor of the quarterly announcements, the vote failed to pass, but the Intergroup  announced that the motion had passed with the re-vote.  Therefore the motion failed, as it did not reach the 18 votes needed.  

New Business

  • Treasurer appointment: Hedy H.  
  • Vote on Committee Chair appointments:
    • The following Committee Chairs were given an opportunity to introduce themselves, followed by a vote.
      1. Communications – Isae W.
      2. HelpChat – Colleen S.
      3. Outreach – Marty M. 
      4. Sunshine Club – Tom V. 
    • Committee Chairs approved.

 Moment of Silence for Chad F.

  •  Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Treasurer’s Report

May 2023 Income Statement


May 2023 Balance Sheet
16 06, 2023

Intergroup News | June 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, June 7, 2023,7-8:30 PM

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup serves more than 900 A.A. groups in our common purpose of carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics. We provide important services for local 12th Step work, such as running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing a local meeting directory and website and operating a 24-hour telephone hotline. In addition, Intergroup connects the local Fellowship to service opportunities, informs the public and professional community about A.A. and acts as an information exchange for announcements and events.

Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Roll Call
    • 34 groups represented: 25 from San Francisco, 9 from Marin

  • New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
      • New IGRs: Douglas D, Cow Hollow Men’s Group (SF); Ashley K, Sesame Step (SF); Becky F, T for Tea (SF); Natalie M, A New Start (SF); Oriana S, Reality Farm (SF); Chris J, Weekend Warriors (Marin); Lucas M, Extravagant Promises (SF)
      • Visitors:  David L, SFPR Committee; Marty M; Thomas V, Sunshine Club; Kristee O, The Point; Denis O’; Phil S, SF Bridging the Gap  
      • AA Anniversaries: Rae, 18 years; Elaine, 30 years; Jillian, 20 years; Claire, 12 years; Thatcher, 10 years; Steve, 32 years; Pat, 35 years 
  • Approval of agenda (housekeeping item). Approved.
  • Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item). Approved.

Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair – Charlie
    1. Reminder: July Intergroup meeting moved to July 12
    2. Thanks to candidates who submitted letters of interest for the Board. We have not filled the Treasurer commitment, however someone has expressed interest.
  2. Treasurer – Jim
    1. Standard Financials Report:
      • Revenues: $136,000, +9% budget, +16% prior year
      • Expenses: $119,000, -9% budget, 0% prior 
      • Surplus: $18,000, +$23,000 budget, +$19,000 prior (April -$9,000 loss, anticipating deficits through August)
      • Unrestricted cash = $85,000 which is (3.1 months expenses, down from 3.6 months)
      • Still in excellent liquidity position for 2023
    2. Grateful Givers
      • 370 givers (down 3 in April)
      • Contributed $4,705 (down -$48 compared to March)
      • Average contribution is $12.72
    3. Grateful Givers logo design contest
  3. Executive Director – Christina
    1. Thank you to our outgoing board members for their service: Charlie B., Chip G., Isae W., and Jim M. 
    2. Founders’ Day events:
      • Marin Founders’ Day is Saturday, June 10th at Mt. Tam Church from 1pm-5pm
      • San Francisco Founders’ Day (Picnic in the Park) is Saturday, June 17 at Lindley Meadow (tables 1 and two) in Golden Gate Park from 12-3:30PM
      • Service opportunities available:

Intergroup Committee Reports

  1. The Point Committee – Kristee
    1. Two positions recently filled: Charlie J, new Point Editor and Christine R, new Associate Editor
    2. The Point Committee meets the first Monday of the month at 5:30pm and is always looking for article submissions to [email protected]
  2. Outreach Committee – Alison
    1. Outreach Committee finalized the committee’s mission statement and the IGR announcement for IGRs to share with the broader fellowship 
    2. We are looking for more Marin representatives 
    3. The Outreach Committee will create a list of meetings not represented by IGRs so we can go and spread the word about IGR representation. Goal is to get 20 more IGRs at Intergroup.
    4. Contact [email protected] with questions 
  3. Tech Committee – Brian
    1. Interested in tech? [email protected] 
    2. Always looking for new volunteers; we meet the first Monday of the month online. Next meeting is 7/3 @ 6PM
    3. On average we have 5.4k users visiting the website each month. The Find a Meeting page is the most popular
  4. SF Public Relations Committee – David
    1. Recent Tabling events:
      1. May 10: Project Homeless Connect 
      2. May 21: Sunday Streets, Bayview
      3. June 4: Sunday Streets, Tenderloin
    2. Upcoming events:
      1. July 30: Sunday Streets booth on Valencia Street (location TBD) from 12-5
        1. Need people to volunteer and help out 
        2. email: [email protected] for details
    3. Working on presentation (Date tbd) at the main San Francisco Library to bring to the unhoused population about what AA is 

Service Committee Liaison Reports

  1. Marin Teleservice – Jillian 
    1. Next volunteer orientation is at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, 6/27. Check out for info
  2. SF General Service – Joel
    1. Intergroup needs a new treasurer (spread the word)
  3. Marin Accessibilities – Cathy
    1. Meets the second Monday of the month from 7PM-8PM online
      1. For more info, contact [email protected] 
      2. Accessibilities has been working on a targeted message and mission statement 

Old Business

  • Change the monthly meeting: (Marty)
    1. Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports;
    2. Break-out rooms at every monthly meeting;
    3. Five IGRs per month give a brief description of their home group;
    4. Raffle every monthly meeting

       Additional Input from Marty

  1. Marty proposed voting on all four suggestions individually at the same time. He also suggested that the change could be for a trial period, and if something isn’t working we can vote on it again. The goal is to make the Intergroup meetings more interactive so we retain more IGRs. He also spoke with people who are interested in contributing to the raffle, which should take no more than 5 minutes at the meeting.
  2. Discussion/Questions
    • Question re: breakout rooms as some people do not have good experiences with them. Response: The idea is that with a breakout room with only 5 to 6 people it leads to more discussions and easier way to connect and talk
    • Marty confirmed that this motion is for when we are online only and would not affect the in-person meeting format.
    • Re: quarterly service committee liaison reports: An individual stated that by making the Service Committee Liaison Reports quarterly, it would allow for more discussion time during the meeting. Another person asked how liaison reports will be brought back to the groups in a timely way. And would each report have a time limit?
    • An individual brought up the question of going back to in-person meetings instead. Response: That could take 6 months to a year as we are just forming a committee about returning to in-person. 
    • An individual suggested this motion needs more discussion.
  3. Outcome: We will have more discussion on each proposal at the next IGR meeting and then vote on each one individually on Typeform. 

8:10 New Business

  • Board appointments
  • The following individuals introduced themselves: Alison T, Caitlin T, Denis O’ and Phil S
  • Since the number of vacant positions on the Board equaled the number of Board candidates, no elections were held and all four individuals were appointed to the Board. 

8:20 What’s On Your Mind

  • Question: Is it possible to be on a committee without being an IGR?
    • Yes! and we encourage that so we can engage with a broader group of the fellowship
  • Wanted to follow up on the issue of pandemic ending and what are groups doing that have been on Zoom? Their meeting is attempting a low-tech hybrid meeting with one computer. 
  • Struck by the SF public information presentation and the upcoming event to the unhoused population. AA does not provide services like housing, legal services, or food for the unhoused population. AA can direct people to meetings and connect them with other people. Suggest using a term different from services. 


  • Regarding the recent changes to the preamble and also how individuals may change certain words in meetings, like God and Him. Question if our formats at Central Office have changed or how other groups handle this. 
    • There is a new revised gender neutral preamble that World Services came out with and was published in The Grapevine.
    • An individual stated that wokeness is coming to AA, and gender politics in spite of the Traditions.
    • Another person stated that at the Conference Assembly, anything related to racism, homophobia, sexism, etc are considered meeting business and not an outside issue. 
    • In addition, our local delegate got to read the first couple chapters of the plain text version of the Big Book and it may be a very helpful/supplemental tool.
    • An individual stated that they share the concern of the first individual who is concerned about wokeness. If there is a time and place to have any discussions regarding gender and sex they want to be a part of it. AA is a place where we can have those conversations.
  • Two people expressed that this conversation makes them feel unwelcome and the tone seems negative, condescending and it is not appreciated. 
  • A member stated that this is a sensitive topic and this is not the platform for it.
  • The first individual encouraged everyone to study the Traditions and why we have them, including the Tradition on politics.
  • A member stated that we want to create a space that is welcoming here regardless of ideology, as it is stated in our preamble. 

Targeted Message 

  • San Francisco and Marin Founders’ Day events:
  1. Marin Founders’ Day (SF and Marin Intergroup in collaboration with Marin Fellowship Committee) on June 10 from 1 to 5 pm at the Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church, in Mill Valley. Featuring speaker meeting with Penny P. at 3pm, a service panel workshop, music by the Nitecaps and much more!
  2. SF Founders’ Day Picnic in the Park on June 17 from 12 to 3:30pm at Lindley Meadow, in Golden Gate Park. Featuring a speaker meeting with Claire H. at 2pm, lawn game activities, picnic, dessert potluck and fellowship. We need volunteers to help out, email [email protected] to get involved.
  • Intergroup needs a new Board Treasurer starting July 2023. The Treasurer helps with financial statements and the annual Intergroup operating budget. This is a two-year commitment and it is a great opportunity to be of service to Alcoholics Anonymous. Please spread the word and for details reach out to [email protected].
  • Seeking artists and designers! Intergroup is looking for submissions for our newly named Grateful Givers design contest. Submit your designs to [email protected] before the contest ends on June 30. And consider becoming a Grateful Giver today as ongoing monthly contributions support important 12th Step services at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Treasurer  – Balance Sheet

April 2023 Balance Sheet

Treasurer – Income Statement

April 2023 Income Statement


17 05, 2023

Intergroup News | May 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup serves more than 900 A.A. groups in our common purpose of carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics. We provide important services for local 12th Step work, such as running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing a local meeting directory and website and operating a 24-hour telephone hotline. In addition, Intergroup connects the local Fellowship to service opportunities, informs the public and professional community about A.A. and acts as an information exchange for announcements and events.

Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Roll Call
    • 38 groups represented: 28 from San Francisco, 10 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    • New IGRs: Steve H, Pax West Men’s Speaker Discussion (SF), Lucille A, Intimate Feelings (Marin), Matt G, Sunday Night Castro Speaker Discussion (SF), Rick A, Pax West Men’s Daily Reflections Online (SF), Lucas M, Extravagant Promises Step (SF)
    • Visitors: Alex R, HelpChat Committee Member, Dan B, Chair, SF General Service, Tom V., Sunshine Club Co-Chair, Michael P, Tech Committee Webmaster, Kate K, Alt-DCMC, Marin General Service, Charlie B, San Mateo Liaison, Jackie B.
    • AA Anniversaries: Noah, 3 years; Shawn, 7 years
  2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item). Approved
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item). Approved

Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair – Charlie
    • Board Elections
      • Coming up at next month’s IGR meeting
      • Electing four new board members
        • Currently 4 statement of interests have been submitted and their statements will be shared 14 days prior to June Meeting
        • Intergroup is still in need of a Treasurer – if anyone wants to submit statement of interest, please submit to [email protected] or [email protected]
  • The Board and the Treasurer do not have to be current members of Intergroup.
  • Date of July Intergroup meeting is July 12
  1. Treasurer – Jim
    • Report:
  • Revenues: $114,000, +$21,000 budget, +24% prior (bookstores sales under budget)
  • Expenses: $87,000, -$11,000 budget, -1% prior (will see pressure later in year)
  • Surplus $27,000, +$31,000 budget, +24K prior (expect deficits April through August)
  • Unrestricted cash $98,000 = 3.6 month’s expenses, up from 3.4
  • Quarter one in excellent liquidity position for 2023
  • Faithful Fiver Rebranding Results
    • Took a poll last month and Grateful Givers was the winner – we can now share the name with our groups
  • 373 givers (with +4 new Givers), donated $4,753 (+$70), averaging $12.74 +.05
  • First quarter 2023 all financial metrics positive
  • Questions/Discussion:
    • The Treasurer commitment is a volunteer position; if interested submit a letter of intent and Intergroup will elect in June.
    • Question re: rebranding for Faithful Fivers. Response: The average Faithful Fiver contribution is greater than $5, so we wanted to be more representative of that. The Intergroup voted on the submissions last month.
  1. Executive Director – Christina
    • Medallion price increase starting June 1 – please spread the word
      • Aluminum medallions – going from .50 to .75 cents
      • Bronze medallions – $1.00 to $1.50
      • Triplate medallions – $17.50 to $19.50
      • Last increase was in 2004, and compared to other Intergroups in major cities, our price points are still at the low-to-mid range
    • Open Services Opportunities:
      • The Buzz, Associate Editor
      • SF and Marin Archives Chair
      • SF Public Relations Chair
      • Sunshine Club Co-Chair
      • Co-Webmaster
      • The Point Chair and Editor
    • Save the Dates for upcoming Founder’s Day activities:
      • Marin Founders Day is June 10th from 12 to 5 at Mt Tam United Methodist Church in Mill Valley
      • SF Founders Day – Picnic in the Park is June 17th from 12 to 3:30pm at Lindley Meadow in Golden Gate Park

Committee Reports

  • Three committee reports (Intergroup or liaison)
    • SF Public Relations, Peter
      • Project Homeless Connect (In Person), May 10 at Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium
      • Asked by CNCA 06 to help with American Psychiatric Association at Moscone Center on May 20
      • First Sunday Streets in Bayview on Sunday, May 21
        • Need volunteers for all events. Reach out to [email protected] for more information and to get involved.
        • Orientation Monday, May 8, 2023 at 7pm (online)
      • Also working on a presentation at SF Library for unhoused population
    • Outreach Committee, Chad
      • Purpose is to spread the word to attract more meetings to elect IGRs for better representation at Intergroup
      • The committee is drafting a mission statement and elevator pitch for IGRs to make announcements at meetings
      • Committee is drafting a flier outlining the roles of GSRs and IGRs – intend to share for vote next month
      • contact [email protected] with questions
  • Committee Round-Robin Break-out Session
    • Sunshine Club (Clayton B, Tom V)
      • Sunshine Club brings meetings to AA members who are unable to attend regularly scheduled meetings due to illness, accident, or a disabling medical condition.
      • Currently bringing in meetings to two individuals in San Francisco
      • Sunshine Club is looking for a new co-chair, especially in Marin to do outreach for the committee and to raise awareness of this service opportunity.
      • If you are interested in becoming a Sunshine Club volunteer to help bring meetings to people or would like to learn more about the Co-Chair position, reach out to [email protected]
    • HelpChat (Alex R)
      • A service through where newcomers can chat immediately with a sober member of AA. Done via Slack, either from your computer or cell phone. No shifts required, volunteers can respond to chats when they are available.
      • HelpChat can set up 12th Step calls and a lot of the chats involve helping people find a meeting.
      • To get involved email [email protected]
    • Tech (Brian C and Michael P)
      • The Tech Committee works to provide tech best practices to Intergroup and AA meetings in San Francisco and Marin
      • Brian C recently stepped in as the new Chair for the Tech Committee and Michael P is the current web-master. The Tech Committee is looking to fill a co-webmaster position to help manage the website
      • The Tech Committee needs more committee members. We are working/wanting to focus on the following issues:
        • update our resource for online meetings and Zoom bombings
        • develop a local team of volunteers to help with the Airtable database
        • figure out a new VOIP service for the SF Teleservice line

Old Business

  • Committee Chairs’ length of service and Intergroup election process recommendations (Andrew)
    • Propose that Intergroup elections for committee chairs will be in January and July. The committees identify the committee chairs, and Intergroup approves.
    • Discussion/Questions:
      • Clarification that this proposal is only for Intergroup Service Committees, such as Tech, HelpChat and Sunshine Club
      • This proposal helps us to align better with the Traditions and Concepts, and helps promote the spirit of rotation.
      • Committee Chairs would be approved by a vote from both the Board and the Intergroup Representatives.
      • Bylaws suggest a two-year term for committee chairs. The committee chairs are nominated and appointed within the committee first and would then be approved at either the January or July elections at the Intergroup meeting.
      • Question re: why this is being proposed. Response: helps us adhere to our bylaws and currently some committees don’t have chairs and are struggling to keep going. May help to better support the Committees.
    • Motion to approve the committee chair length of service and committee election process as outlined in the memo that was shared. (Approved and seconded)
      • Approved with two-thirds vote (23 yes and 5 abstentions)
  • Change the monthly meeting: (Marty)
    • Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports;
    • Break-out rooms at every monthly meeting;
    • Five IGRs per month give a brief description of their home group;
    • Raffle every monthly meeting
    • Discussion/Questions:
      • IGRs shared that break out rooms provide opportunity to interact while online
      • Like the idea of hearing from other IGRs about the meetings they represent
      • Question regarding purpose of the raffle item and if there is a cost associated with it.
        • Cost not set yet but could add an element of fun.
      • Like the spirit of the recommendation as it would be good to get more interaction, but feels like more discussion needs to be had.
    • Tabled to next meeting (no objections)

New Business

  • Statement of Purpose (Isae)
    • Statement of Purpose came about due to folks not knowing what Intergroup is
    • The statement of purpose is designed to be brief, simple, and easy to remember. It is now stated at the beginning of the Intergroup meeting, and was included in the annual report. It can be used as a guide when Intergroup Reps talk about Intergroup at the meetings they attend.
  • Hybrid Meeting Ad-Hoc Committee: Motion to create an ad-hoc committee for the specific purpose of evaluating what it would take to create a monthly hybrid Intergroup meeting, including logistics, costs associated, service positions, and other considerations necessary.
    • Tabled for next meeting

Targeted Message

  1. Intergroup is raising medallion prices beginning June 1. The new prices are: $.75 for Aluminum chips, $1.50 for Bronze chips, and $19.50 for Triplate chips. We are well stocked right now, so don’t delay getting chips at the current price! Visit us at Central Office or purchase online at
  2. Intergroup is seeking a new Board Treasurer starting July 2023. The Treasurer helps prepare and present the financial statements, and oversees the annual Intergroup operating budget. This is a two-year commitment and it is a great opportunity to be of service to Alcoholics Anonymous. Please spread the word and for details reach out to [email protected].
  3. Save the Date for upcoming Founders Day events:
    1. Marin Founders Day (SF and Marin Intergroup in collaboration with Marin Fellowship Committee) on June 10 from 12 to 5 pm at the Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church, in Mill Valley
    2. SF Founders Day on June 17 from 12 to 3:30pm at Lindley Meadow, in Golden Gate Park.

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Treasurer  – Balance Sheet

March 2023 Balance Sheet


Treasurer – Income Statement

March 2023 Income Statement


9 03, 2023

Intergroup News | March 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00 Getting Started
  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 38 groups represented: 25 from San Francisco, 13 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    • . New IGRs: Pat P., Rise & Shine (Marin); Christian F., Saturday Serendipity (Marin); Steve Y., Be Still (San Francisco)
  1. Visitors: None
  2. AA Anniversaries: Maggie K., 35 years; Courtney S., 2 years; Mary W., 3 years; Joel M., 4 years; Andre B., 7 years; Steven S., 18 months, Nikki T., 16 years
  1. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item):
  2.   Approved
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item):
  4.   Approved


7:15 Officer Reports
  • Board Chair: Charlie
    1. 2022 Annual Report
      • Thank you to all who worked on getting the annual report out.
      • The Annual Report is available on website to download, in The Buzz and we are working on printing (date TBD)
      • Highlights include: bookstore sobriety medallions 9852 sold, pop-up bookstore, meeting breakdown, where visitors are coming from, most popular pages on the website. HelpChat text box that provides immediate access via text on the website, with a monthly average of 22 chats, highest month in February with 43 chats.
      • Plug to join service committees and how to contribute is also available in the report
    2. Board Rotation Season is coming in June
      1. Voting on three new board members (3-year term) and a new treasurer (2-year term)
      2. More information in the coming weeks. Reach out for more information [email protected]


  • Treasurer: Jim
    1. Revenue
      • Total revenue $36,000, 16% ahead of budget, however -24% behind last year
      • Year-end push for contributions flooded in December 2022
      • Last year the flood of contributions happened in January
    2. Expenses
      • Total Expenses were $28,000, -14% under budget and -8% below prior year
      • Off to a good start but factors likely to erode like internet upgrade, general inflation, lift maintenance
    3. Surplus
      • Slight $9,000 surplus in January 2023
      • Likely to have another surplus in February but this revenue will need to support expected deficits from March through August 2023
    4. Prudent Reserve and Rating:
      • Liquid cash increased with operating surplus to 3 months = Excellent
      • Likely to increase further in February however will erode from March through August with expected deficits
      • Contributions happen as treasurer commitments turn over by and large
      • Prudent Reserve Calculations: Average of 2022 Expenses and 2023 budget $27,013 per month, 6 months = $162,078
      • January balance sheet $162,098 ($20 Interest posted 1/31)
    5. Faithful Fivers:
      • 373 Faithful Fivers (down 2) donated $4,923 (down -$144) averaging $13.20
      • January saw only a very slight downturn in Faithful Fivers
      • Rebranding poll next month: send or re-send to [email protected]
    6.  Questions:
        • Any impact to our budget due to Sobriety by the Bay being in San Jose this year and contributing to the San Jose Intergroup, rather than our Intergroup?
          • Response: No, we are doing better than we were last year – individual and group contributions more than made up for last year
        • What is the monthly expense burn rate?
          • Monthly burn rate is the number of months of expenses above and beyond the prudent reserve. That number is the denominator, when calculating the prudent reserve. Average of monthly budget and prior expenses divided by 12.


  • Executive Director: Christina
    1. Thank you Letter to the Fellowship
      • Included in the packet is a letter of gratitude from Intergroup. Thank you to the groups for stepping up and helping with our projected deficit. It is also available on the Red Alert bar on the website.
    2. Excited to announce New Logo Reveal with name change (SF & Marin Intergroup)
    3. Central Office Updates
      • Close to internet upgrade but not there yet. Has a great team supporting upgrades. Choices are limited for the building.
    4. Bookstore – placed an order for literature so Central Office is well stocked after physical inventory.
      • Received notice from AA World Service, AA Grapevine, and medallions wholesaler that prices are increasing. Big Books are not marked up, but we will be looking at price increases. New plan for bookstore shared at next IGR meeting.
    5. Open Service Opportunities:
      • Central Office Volunteers
      • Volunteer Bookkeeper – QuickBooks
      • Tech Committee Chair
      • SF Teleservice Chair and 2 Daily Coordinators
      • Archives Committee Chair
      • Marin Sunshine Club Co-Chair
      • SF Public Relations Chair
    6. Filled Service Opportunities:
      • New Co-Webmaster: Richard!
      • New Associate Editor with the Buzz: Tad H.


7:35 Intergroup Committee Reports

  • Outreach Committee (Alison)
    1. Meeting was held tonight and meets at 6:00PM before the monthly Intergroup meeting
    2. Would love to grow and get some Marin representation
    3. Currently working with other service entities to get more engagement and more IGRs and talked about drafting an email with a cool piece of collateral
  • Archives Committee (Mike)
    1. Meeting quarterly now and next meeting is March 19th at Central Office at 12PM (also via Zoom)
  • Public Relations (Peter)
    1. Announcing SF Public Relations Meet the Committee Event on 3/11 from 10-11:30AM at Central Office. Learn about SFPR and committee opportunities – join us to brainstorm for 2023 SF Public Relations works
    2. Event held today with UCSF nursing students
    3. Spoke with a parent of SF school district to outreach at schools
    4. Marcus from Central Office and Peter met with SF District Attorney and Board Supervisor Dorsey to discuss what AA does and doesn’t do including court cards.
  • Sunshine Club (Clayton)
    1. Currently arranging meetings for three women.
    2. Seeking new co-chairs, especially one from Marin. Those interested in this service commitment need not be a current Sunshine Club Volunteer, 2 year sobriety commitment and contact [email protected]
    3. AA members who wish to schedule an AA meeting in person can also send a message to [email protected]


7:50 Service Committee Liaison Reports

  • SF General Service (Joel)
    1. District 16 looking for Spanish speaking liaison
    2. Pre- Conference Assembly – where the Area Delegate will hear all group consciences will be Saturday April 1st – April 2nd
    3. Agenda Topics Workshop – March 11th from 10AM-3PM
      • If you can’t attend but have questions about how to lead a sharing session please reach out to your DCM or if you don’t have a DCM, ask [email protected]
  2. Marin Teleservice (Jillian)
    1. Next meeting Tuesday, March 28th at 6:30PM
    2. All committee members changed out and volunteer opportunities available
  3. Marin General Service (Kate)
    1. Panel 73 off to a great start
    2. PRAASA 2023: March 3rd-5th, Los Angeles, CA and will be in San Francisco in 2024
    3. Group Conscience on Annual Delegate Contribution by our Area (California Northern Coastal Area) to the General Service Board in respect to the 2023 General Service Conference be the anticipated full cost per conference member of $9,000
    4. Delegate, Eric L. presented on how to make Agenda Topics attractive to group members to increase participation
  4. Marin Accessibilities – District 10 (Cathy)
    1. 2 New members at February meeting
    2. Meets every 2nd Monday at 7PM on Zoom
    3. Targeted Message: share the Inclusive Language handout – Using the correct language makes people feel welcome. The whole structure of AA is trying to be all inclusive. Please spread the word back to your groups.
  5. SF H&I (Chad)
    1. Next Business Meeting in person March 18th at 10AM Mission Fellowship, 2900 24th Street SF (held on odd months from 10-11AM
    2. For those interested in volunteering 3 H&I Zoom meetings and 22 in person meetings. We need volunteers


8:00 Old Business

  • Inventory Question 6 Break-Out Session: Is Intergroup Serving its purpose adequately? What can Integroup do to become more effective?
    1. Group #1: Realized there wasn’t overall representation from SF and Marin but Central Office has a list and start encouraging IGRs to make announcements. 3-month rotation of in-person meetings to online. Everyone loves the break out groups but sharing more personally and having steady stream of announcements may be easier at in-personal meetings.
    2. Group # 2: Suggestion to have a buddy system pairing a new IGR with an experienced IGR. Hold two separate meetings; first financial and detailed and a second meeting that is more in tune with opportunities and involvement. IGRs in between meetings make a point to travel to and visit underrepresented meetings in their areas. Create a 5-year plan using creative promotion and get back together in person.
    3. Group #3: Need more participation and groups to get involved. New outreach committee that meets before meeting – what’s level of participation there? The buzz weekly communication – need to do more outreach. Normally 10% of people do 90% of the work – maybe the Outreach Committee can come up with scripts or handouts for people to show what IGR is and what we are doing. Try to make it as attractive as possible. Business of Intergroup is dry, unless you are into advanced AA it’s not very exciting unless it’s the money issue that came up recently. Post Covid – really through a monkey wrench in this thing. Don’t get to meet face to face, easy to turn off the camera – let’s get back into the rooms.

More focused message – having some place on the website or literature where we aggregate all the service opportunities – page on the website with links to go to committees. Reach out to groups without IGR reps and push that out there and do more in person.

  • Intergroup In-Person Meetings Discussion
    1. Tabled.
  • Tech Follow-Up (Andrew)
    1. What does it take to have a hybrid meeting?
      • Pre-Production Questions
        1. Budget: What do we need to do this in a sustainable way?
        2. Will the venue provide internet, screens, or audio or do we need to buy?
        3. Limitations
        4. Test It
        5. Internet limitations
        6. Mobile Hotspots?
        7. There is no one way to do this
      • Audio
        1. How do you get the Zoom into the Room?
        2. Does your venue have a sound system?
        3. An Interface is essential equipment for hybrid
          • converts analog audio signals or digital signals to analog signals which allows you to record and playback
          • Microphones?
          • Computers: Use 1 computer for all audio. No Chromebooks
      • Video
        1. Camera and Encoders:
          • PTZ Camera – expensive. you can move them around with control and create presets with attendees
          • webcams
          • switchers for cameras
          • anonymity: be careful of camera shots. You can tape out areas on the floor for anonymity
          • Devices as video sources?
        2. Roles and Responsibilities
          • Equipment Operators
          • Program Content/Chair
          • Timer
          • Camera and Reading Lips
          • Accessibilities: Interpretation through Zoom or microphone
          • Virtual Operators (Manage Virtual Elements of Session – spotlighting people)
        3. Hybrid Events: There are in person and digital elements
          • compare crossover/livestream (not hybrid). Low Budget and provide a live view into an in person not interactive
    2. Compare crossover: Physical and virtual
      • There is no one way to make Hybrid work
    3. Comments/Question: Suggestion to form an Ad Hoc committee to look into hybrid or go to current hybrid meetings for more information on how they are leading hybrid

8:25 New Business

  • Online AA meetings based in San Francisco and Marin Counties shall be listed on the printed meeting schedule of meetings
    1. Tabled for Next Month


8:30 Targeted Message

  1. Check out San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s first ever Annual Report. Our Annual Report is one of the best ways to see all the important 12th Step work we do every day. A few of the 2022 highlights include our new name, hiring a new Executive Director, welcoming volunteers back into Central Office after the pandemic and launching the Marin pop-up bookstore. It also contains many interesting facts, such as the number of visitors to our website, the top selling items in our bookstore and all the meetings that made contributions last year. There’s a lot of great information. Take a moment to read through the report and be sure to share it with your groups!
  2. Join an Intergroup Service Committee! Check out the newly updated org/committees for the complete list of Intergroup Committees, including what they do, when they meet, and service opportunities.
  3. San Francisco and Marin Intergroup needs Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1 year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email [email protected].


Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

March 2023 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative

Month to Date / Year to Date Ended
January 31, 2023


Revenues for January 2023 exceeded budget but were well below January 2022. This was likely due
to the push for contributions via announcements before year end to help our deficit which manifested
in December. In 2022 such announcements were not made as we were in surplus territory heading
into year end and the surge happened in January accounting for the variance. February group
contributions are likely to be softer as a result but will likely remain slightly ahead of budget on a year
to date basis. Individual contributions were consistent with budget and prior year while bookstore
revenues exceeded prior year due to increases in foot traffic.


Expenses for January were below budget and prior year which is a testament to Central Office’s
continued expense management. An increase in rent, expenditures for required internet services and
wheelchair lift maintenance will erode this to an extent but expenses overall are likely to remain within
acceptable budget to actual variance limits throughout the year. Monitoring against revenues, prior
year, and budget will continue to alert us of any changes that need to be made due to unforseen


With low expenses and some surge in contributions due to treasurer turnovers, IFAA remained in
positive territory in January though not as much as last year. Due to the cyclical nature of contribution
revenues, we are likely to run a deficit from March through July eroding the surplus. This will also
affect our liquidity position explained below.


Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve increased slightly to 3 months up from
2.7 leaving us in a good position to cover cyclical losses from March through July mentioned above.
Prudent reserve was calculated and increased in accordance with our standard formula once yearend
figures were published and the 2023 budget was approved. This is described in further detail in its
own illustration.


January saw a slight decrease Faithful Fivers down -2 for a total of 373 contributing -$144 fewer
dollars and averaging $13.20 down -$0.51.

20 02, 2023

Intergroup News | February 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 7-8:30 PM 

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service. 

7:00 Getting Started 

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer 
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose 
  3. Review the minutes and agenda 
  4. Roll Call 
    • 44 groups represented: 29 from San Francisco, 15 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    • New IGRs: Kathy V., Working Dogs (Novato); Russ S., Castro Discussion (San Francisco); Steven, Fairfax Attitude Adjustment (Fairfax); Maggie K, 7AM Milly Valley Group (Mill Valley)
    • Visitors: Cathy P, Co-Chair, Marin Accessibilities Committee
    • AA Anniversaries: Alison T., 7 Years); Elena R., 11 years
  1. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    • Approved
  1. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item) 
    • Approved, with the following correction: Cocoanuts added to the January Roll Call 

7:15 Officer Reports 

  1. Treasurer – Jim
  • Revenue:
    • Total Revenue $329,000, 6% ahead of budget and 13% ahead of last year
    • The surge in revenues was greater than could be expected and directly attributed to the meeting announcements regarding Intergroup’s projected deficit. 
  • Expenses: 
    • Total expenses were $361,000 and remain -6% under budget 
  • Deficit and Rating:
    • The end of year 3.5% modest return on revenues will greatly improves our cash position   as we enter 2023
    • Cash for expenses increased to 2.7 months up from 1.2 = “Epic” rating 
    • Likely to increase even further in January, then draw down from February to October   2023
    • Many non-profits including GSO routinely hold 6 months above prudent reserve
  • Faithful Fivers 
    • 375 Faithful Fivers (up another 32) donated $5,067 averaging $13.51
    • Number of fivers, dollars and average all increased blowing past goal of 350 
  1. Executive Director – Christina
  • Central Office Infrastructure continues to be a priority
    • The SF Teleservice remote access call forwarding line is experiencing issues. Marin Teleservice is answering the lines at night and on the weekends, when Central Office is closed. 
    • If anyone has connections to AT&T, reach out to [email protected] 
  • Working on compliance and end of year taxes. Filed Intergroup’s bi-annual Statement of Information with the CA Secretary of State and preparing for the 2022 annual returns.
  • Service Opportunities 
    • Volunteer Bookkeeper – help out with QuickBooks
    • Central Office Volunteers – 9 shifts open especially on Fridays 
    • SF Teleservice Chair 
  • Filled Service Opportunities!!!
    • Marin Pop Up Bookstore Coordinator – Allen R. 
  • has some exciting new updates:
    • All the Intergroup Service Committees are posted to Click on each one to get committee information, how to get involved, open service positions and when they meet. 
    • The En Espanol pages have been updated at  with information about Oficina Central and Oficina Norte and Spanish-speaking meetings in our area. 

7:25 Intergroup Committee Reports 

  1. Public Relations (Peter): 
    • Announcing SF Public Relations event Saturday March 11, 2023 at Central Office from 10AM to 11:30AM. Learn about PR service activity and opportunities to get involved. 
    • Meeting with SF District Attorney and a Board Supervisor to discuss AA presentations for DA     staff regarding what AA does and doesn’t do.
    • Working on a presentation at SF Marin Library intended for unhoused populations and what services AA provides for getting and staying sober. 
    • Next Public Relations meeting is Monday, 2/13 @7PM on zoom; Orientation at 6:30PM 
  2. Outreach Committee (Alison T.) 
    • Second meeting held tonight and we need members, especially from Marin!
    • Looking to talk to different groups about their needs and what we can do for them
    • Next meeting will be first Wednesday of March at 6PM
  3. Sunshine Club (Clayton)
    • Currently arranging meetings for three women in AA.
    • Seeking co-chairs especially one from Marin 
      • Two-year sobriety commitment and you do not need to be a current Sunshine Club volunteer to be eligible. Those interested can contact [email protected] for more information
    • AA Members who wish to schedule a Sunshine Club meeting in person can send a message to [email protected]
  4. The Buzz (Caitlin)
    • The Buzz needs a new Associate Editor who helps put together the weekly newsletter
    • Guidelines for submitting to The Buzz
      • Event taking place in next 2 to 4 weeks 
      • Sponsored by AA group or service entity aligned with 12 traditions 
      • For more info, go to>stayconnected>the buzz
  5. Fellowship Chair (Julie)
    • Intergroup Fellowship Committee is planning events for 2023 including Founder’s Day, Unity Days, and a Dance and did a poll to gauge interest
    • Join us at our next meeting on  2/15 @6pm on Zoom
    • Email [email protected] for more information and to get involved  

7:35 Service Committee Liaison Reports

  1. Marin Teleservice (Jillian) 
    • Next volunteer orientation is at 6:30pm on 2/28 followed by the business meeting at 7:30pm on Zoom
    • New chairperson elected – Amanda S. 
    • For more information or to sign up to volunteer visit
    • Marin Teleservice has been busy helping out with SF Teleservice lines
  2. SF General Service (Alison)
    • Agenda topics to arrive in late February and agenda workshop will be in mid-March (hybrid)
    • The General Service Office will re-open for visitors after two years. If you are visiting NY, please make an appointment 
  3. Marin Accessibilities (Cathy)
    • Marin Accessibilities raises awareness with information and resources to make the A.A message available to anyone who reaches out for help 
    • This committee was adopted in January 2020 and supported by Marin General Service, in addition to Marin PI/CPC and Marin Bridging the Gap
    • Meets on second Monday, 2/13 on Zoom 
    • Ask yourself: Who is not here and why? 
  4. Marin General Service (Kate)
    • Agenda Topics Workshop online this Saturday, 2/4 from 10:30-12:30PM. For more information, reach out to [email protected]
    • Panel 73 off to a great start! All officer positions filled and the highest attendance of GSRs in 3 years 
    • Monthly concepts study needs a chairperson
    • PRAASA 2023: March 3rd-5th in Los Angeles, CA –

  7:45 Old Business 

  • Inventory Question 4 Recap: 
    • No additional comments or feedback occurred regarding the feedback that was provided after the Inventory Question 4 break-out session responses.
  • Inventory Question 5 Break-Out Session: How can Integroup avoid allowing any members to assume  excessive authority over Intergroup policy or actions? 
    • Group #1: 
      • Aligns with how the Intergroup already functions. Nothing happens quickly without ensuring they hear all viewpoints. Continual education to all members especially to those who are new and in the spirit of compassion, educate each other. One possible suggested action pertains to the Intergroup bylaws to elect committee chairs – which has not yet been put into practice. 
    • Group #2: 
      • There are existing safeguards. Provide a system to determine what is decided by Intergroup Reps and at the Board level. Things in AA take time and we need to acknowledge that the issue is put out there and there’s time to vote and that it should work out the way it should be. In the past we have gotten away from that. 
    • Group #3: 
      • We need to be mindful of Traditions and Concepts and those should guide our actions. Responsibility of the Intergroup to get involved. We also need more groups represented, which the Outreach Committee will work on.
    • Group #4: 
      • 50 IGRs and 900 meetings – those 50 meetings have more weight given to their concerns – how do we get these groups involved? The Outreach Committee was discussed.
    • Group #5: 
      • Guidelines around terms – term length should be in the bylaws; spirit of rotation to be two years and to rotate to minimize authority. Talked about the process of electing committee chairs.
  • Intergroup In-Person Meetings 
  • Temperature check to gauge interest in returning to In-person or a hybrid meeting with the majority preferring hybrid
  • Followed by discussion around whether or not Intergroup should go back to In-Person meetings. Some of the feedback included:
    • Will honor if people want to meet in person
    • Perhaps we alternate between in-person and online
    • The Marin General Service meeting does a great job with hybrid and they have a lot of people in person and online. Hybrid helps people out who may live way out on the coast and it would be hard to get to in-person.
    • Join the Tech Service Committee if people want to learn more about hybrid meetings. It meets the second Monday of the month at 6PM.
    • If you go hybrid, it will create a new service commitment and rotating that commitment can be a lot
    • With in-person meetings, you’re able to meet with people and doesn’t get that with the online meeting.
  • Tech Follow-Up 
    • Tabled for the next month 

8:30  New Business 

  • Online AA meetings based in San Francisco and Marin Counties shall be listed on theprinted meeting schedule of meeting 
    • Tabled until next month

       8:30 Targeted Message 

  1. San Francisco and Marin Intergroup need Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1 year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email [email protected]
  2. Join an Intergroup Service Committee! Check out the newly updated for the complete list of Intergroup Committees, including what they do, when they meet, and service opportunities. 
  3. Sign up for Faithful Fivers to support the work of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To sign-up, visit Your additional contributions support important 12th Step services, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at 

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

February 2023 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative

The Year in Review Ended
December 31, 2022


Year to date revenues exceeded budget as well as prior year in every category except individual
which were only $1,276 or 1% under prior year but exceeded budget by 3% Monthly individual
contributions surged a whopping 78% from November to December and 101% as compared to prior
year. Group contributions (not to be outdone) exceeded both budget by 1% which was a 6% increase
over December 2021. Adding “Fellowship” contributions which are primarily group contributions
consolidated via Marin Teleservice, as well as events such as Sobriety by the Bay were reclassified
out of group contributions and increase those percentages to 10% and 15% respectively. Bookstore
revenues exceeded prior year by 39% and were exactly on budget. The surge in revenues was
greater than could be expected and directly attributed to those making announcements, reaching a
little deeper, and getting the word out.


Expenses year to date were under budget by 6% consistent with November. The Central Office
continued to maintain tight expense management as we’d been in deficit territory for the entire year.
With the greater than expected surge in revenues, expenses did not overtake and left us with a net
profit and increase in cash reserves.


IFAA turned the November YTD loss of -$22K completely around to a net profit of $13K with a budget
loss of $33K exceeding 2021 by $3,738 dollars. Gratitude month, end of year contributions, Faithful
Fivers, the contribution letter announcements, and getting the word out are all key factors in the
turnaround as explained in revenues above. Profitability is 3.5% on revenues which is not egregious
for a non-profit.


Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve surged a whopping 2.7 months up from
1.2 months leaving us in a good position to cover cyclical losses which tend to occur from roughly
February through October. 2.7 months of unrestricted cash is not excessive as many non-profits
(Including GSO) carry a full 6 months on their balance sheet.


December saw another increase in Faithful Fivers adding another 32 for a total of 375 blowing past
our year end goal of 350.

13 01, 2023

Intergroup News | January 2023

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting  – Proposed Minutes 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 44 groups represented: 29 from San Francisco, 15 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    1. New IGRs: Noah G., Tuesday Chip (San Rafael); Zoe A., Greenfield Newcomers (San Rafael); Lindsay L., Friday Night Book Study (Larkspur), Jackie Z, Anything is Possible; Ali H, Each Day a New Beginning, Alt-IGR
    2. Visitors: Phil S, SFBTG; Charlie B, San Mateo Liaison
    3. AA Anniversaries: Isae, 30 years; Lexi, 3 years; Clayton, 30 years; Chad, 4 years 
  2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    1. Approved
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    1. Approved

7:15   Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair -Charlie
    1. Tonight was the first meeting of the Outreach Committee 
    2. Intergroup’s annual report will be presented in the next month or two 
    3. Happy one year anniversary to Christina! 
  2. Treasurer – Jim
    1. Revenue: 
      1. Total Revenue $282,000, 5% under budget but 9% ahead of last year
      2. Individual contributions under, but up 50%
        1. Plus $5,000 month over month
      3. Group contributions exceed budget and prior year when adding in “fellowship contributions” (from other service entities
      4. Bookstore sales at budget and exceed prior year by 44%
    2. Expenses:
      1. Total expenses $330,000, 6% under budget but 13% ahead of prior year
      2. Deferral in rent increase and other measures to improve slightly
    3. Deficit and rating:
      1. Budgeted deficit of $30,000, however actual deficit is currently at $22,000 
      2. Revenue surge and expense management likely to close the gap
      3. We can pay for 1.2 months of expenses without prudent reserve, which is a rating of Fair to Good 
      4. Cash is holding, and we expect improvement in December and January
    4. Faithful Fivers
      1. 343 Faithful Fivers (up 38) donated $4,558 (up $402); average contribution is $13.29
      2. Faithful Fivers was termed approximately 30+ years ago where $5 = $10.60 today
      3. Submit new ideas for rebranding Faithful Fivers to [email protected]
    5. Question/Answer:
      1. If a group collects money for Gratitude Month, but doesn’t submit their contribution until January, it will be counted towards 2023 
  3. Executive Director, Christina 
    1. One Year as a special worker with Intergroup! Grateful for the opportunity. It has come with both challenges and successes:
      1. Challenges 
        1. Central Office Internet from DSL to Fiber continues to be an issue
      2. Successes 
        1. Volunteers back in office. Currently 6 volunteers work two hour shifts each week.
        2. Intergroup with name change 
        3. Kicking off the Marin Pop-Up Bookstore 
        4. New Website! More to come from Communications Committee
        5. First Outreach Committee met today
        6. Opportunity to collaborate with other service entities 
    2. Service Opportunities – Spread the word! Refer to Packet with more information
      1. Volunteer bookkeeper – help out with QuickBooks
        1. 2x a month (12 hour commitment); 2 year sobriety requirement
      2. Marin Pop-Up Bookstore Coordinator 
        1. 1x a month going to Marin District Meeting, third Monday of the Month from 6:30-9:30PM; 2 year sobriety requirement 
      3. Central Office Volunteers – especially on Fridays 
        1. Sobriety requirement 1 year 
    3. Encourage new Secretaries and Treasurers to register with Intergroup to receive updates and subscribe to The Buzz

7:31   Intergroup Committee Reports 

  • The Buzz, Caitlin: 
    1. Thank you to John L. for stepping up to be Associate Editor
  1. The Sunshine Club, Clayton:
    1. Seeking co-chairs, especially one from Marin. Two-year sobriety requirement
    2. Those interested in volunteering or wish to schedule a Sunshine Club meeting in person at home or hospital can contact [email protected] 
  2. Outreach, Alison T:
    1. First meeting was tonight!
    2. Discussion of statement of purpose and next steps 
    3. Help get the word out the committee (please do outreach about outreach)
    4. Next meeting is directly before the Intergroup meeting at 6PM on the same link
    5. Notes from today’s meeting will be available
    6. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions 
  3. Help Chat, Colleen:
    1. Email [email protected] for more information on how to volunteer with HelpChat 
  4. SF Teleservice, Christina on behalf of Co-Chair Jeff 
    1. SF Teleservice is In need of a Chair; 2 year sobriety requirement
    2. Also need a Friday Daily Coordinator 
    3. Email [email protected] 
    4. Spread the word and refer to packet page 13
  5. The Point, Bernadette: 
    1. Save the Date: Writing workshop on Sunday, March 21st from 2-5PM on Zoom
    2. Moved the committee meeting time to first Mondays at 5:30PM
      1. Next Meeting (online) February 6th at 5:30PM
    3. Now available writing prompts for each month on The Point

7:35   Service Committee Liaison Reports 

  1. Marin Teleservice, Jillian:
    1. The next volunteer orientation is at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, January 24 followed by a business meeting at 7:30PM. We continue to meet on Zoom
    2. At the January meeting, we will turn over all committee positions; 6 month sobriety requirement 
    3. For more information, to sign up to volunteer for a shift, and/or to get the link to the meeting, go to our website 
  2. SF H&I, Chad:
    1. Next Meeting in person, January 21 at 10AM at 2900 24th Street in SF
    2. Orientations are scheduled in person every third Saturday of the month at 11AM
    3. Currently have 3 H&I Zoom meetings; 22 in-person meetings and 1 new in-person meeting
    4. SF H&I needs volunteers to take meeting into the facilities 
    5. Area 62 is looking for regional Chair for H&I NorCal and we filled the correctional co-chair position 
  3. SF General Service, Alison:
    1. Election Season for the District (General Service)
    2. Agenda topics to arrive in late February; workshop coming in mid-March (hybrid)
    3. The General Service Office (GSO) will re-open for visitors after two years! If you are visiting NYC, please make an appointment
  4. MCYPAA, Kaitlin:
    1. Meets the first Sunday of each month with the exception of this month to accommodate the holiday. We will be meeting 2PM Sunday, January 8 at the Marin Alano Club and will discuss events like game night and dancing. 
  5. Marin General Service, Andrew:
    1. All Panel 73 Officer positions filled 
      1. Incoming DCMC – Dylan R
      2. Incoming alt CDMC – Kate K (future liaison)
    2. Created Technology and information Services Committee. Meeting time and date TBD. 
    3. Online concept study – First Tuesday of the month at 7pm and they are in need of a chair 

7:45   Old Business

  • Inventory Question 4 Break-out Session: Should Intergroup use a decision-making process for non-routine matters that includes discussion, vote and, whenever possible, substantial unanimity, or a two-thirds majority? Responses from break-out session were shared back after the meeting:
    • Group #1: 
      • Group wants more clarity on:
        • Actual definition/distinction between routine vs non-routine matters.
        • Who, then, determines if the matter is routine vs non-routine? The Board or IGRs? One fellow said this should be a democratic process for us to decide whether it’s common or uncommon.
        • As a side, if a matter has a cost associated with it (i.e. upgrading to new internet), one fellow said they’d prefer to have a cost minimum or maximum defined for IGR involvement in regards to  decision-making (i.e. “any matter under or exceeding X amount, the Board will automatically handle that decision-making process without consulting IGRs”)…this fellow said they didn’t want IGRs to be burdened with too much decision-making. 
        • We were left asking ourselves, does it make sense to have a monthly meeting (or agenda item) dedicated to getting clarity on this to define these unknowns?
    • Group #2:
      • Discussion centered around what’s routine versus non-routine? Would be helpful to have clarity on that.  Having that information would help inform the need for a decision-making process.  The consensus seemed to be that a big topic requires a big vote, small topic small vote.  Or no vote for small topics.  Let committees stick with deciding the routine issues.
    • Group #3:
      • Most people thought no further action was required in response to Question #4, some people had two main concerns:
        • where is “substantial unanimity” defined, and who decides when a matter is “non-routine”?
      • Someone suggested that “substantial unanimity” is defined in the Bylaws, but it’s unclear. As to whether a matter is “routine” or “non-routine,” it was the sense of the group that the IGRs should decide that.
    • Group #4:  
      • Members not seeing the need for further action based on solutions offered and vote to move forward 
  • Suggestion to have more discussion on the solutions offered in the packet
  • If this was something about an event that happened two years ago, it seems like it is a philosophical issue rather than practical. Move forward with solutions offered as we are focused on other issues at this time 

8:05  New Business

  • Accessibilities Presentation (Claudia G., CNCA 06 Accessibilities Committee Co-Chair)
    • Hearing from deaf and hard of hearing community that closed captioning and online meetings are great, but many want to be in person with other hearing and non-hearing people. 
    • In the past several areas had ASL meetings but they have all gone away, including: San Francisco, Sonoma and Alameda
    • In many cases, Intergroups are on the front lines when it comes to accessibility issues
    • Questions SF and Marin Intergroup are encouraged to think about:
      • How can this service be provided? 
      • Is there a way that San Francisco and Marin can reach out to the deaf and hard of hearing community to find out where they would like a meeting?
    • Encourage IGRs to help figure out how San Francisco and Marin counties can provide at least one ASL meeting in our area. 
    • The CNCA 06 Accessibilities Committee will continue to meet with Intergroups and will send out additional information regarding this issue
    • Refer to page 20 of the packet for more information and how to contact Claudia
  • Returning to In-Person Meetings:
    • At the last Intergroup meeting there was a question regarding going back to in-person Intergroup meetings. The meeting was open for discussion/thoughts:
      • Online and Zoom is accessible for all, alleviates any excuses and it is convenient. With the new Outreach Committee, being online could be a selling point to get new IGRs. 
      • Worthwhile to consider going back to in-person meetings. Shift in AA that people are using Zoom to not go to AA and shifting the culture (group of one alcoholic talking to another). 
      • Could be a real benefit to go back to in-person. Able to talk one-on-one with people and get to know them. However, there is an appeal of online, especially for those who are traveling 

8:30   Targeted Message

  1. Be of service to San Francisco and Marin Intergroup – reach out to [email protected] for details. Here are some of the volunteer positions we are looking to fill:
    1. Volunteer Bookkeeper
    2. Marin Pop-Up Bookstore Coordinator
    3. San Francisco Teleservice Chair
  2. Sign up for Faithful Fivers to support the work of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To sign-up visit, Your additional contributions support important 12th Step services, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at
  3. New Year, New Commitment? Please encourage Secretaries and Treasurers to register with Intergroup as a Trusted Servant to stay informed. To sign-up, visit

          Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement


January 2023 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative

Year to Date Ended
November 30, 2022

Total revenues were $15K or 5% under budget year to date; group contributions slightly
exceed budget when factoring in fellowship contributions (Sobriety by the Bay / Marin
Teleservice) and surpassed the prior year by 5% Individual contributions have
decreased by $13K marking the continuing transition back to in person meetings.
Bookstore sales were right on budget and 44% ahead of prior year due to post
pandemic increase in foot traffic.

Expenses year to date were under budget by 6% slightly better than the slight shortfall
in revenues. The rent increase in November was deferred until the new year improving
our outcome for the year end. We will likely end the year within budget overall, but
expenses will still likely still exceed revenues leaving us with an over deficit (as
expected and as per budget). As discussed during the budgeting process, an increase
in revenues back to pre-pandemic levels will need to happen to cover increased
expenses due to inflationary pressures. An audit of expenses by vendor revealed costs
increasing across the board.

IFAA is currently experiencing a year to date loss of $22K a significant improvement
over October and ahead of budget by $8K. Gratitude month, and end of year
contributions will continue to improve our outlook as most will manifest in December. It
is likely we will end the year with a loss better than budgeted but in excess of prior year.
Also discussed during the budgeting process, this was largely anticipated and
sustainable for 2022, but not in 2023.

Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve remained steady at 1.2
months or “Fair to Good” as our deficit improves approaching year end. We are still in a
solvent cash position, and will likely end the year slightly ahead of November as
contributions flow in as noted above.

November saw an increase of 38 Faithful Fivers as word of deficit got out. This
translated to $402 over October but the average decreased from $13.63 to $13.29.

16 12, 2022

Intergroup News | December 2022

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 7-8:30 PM 

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service. 

7:00 Getting Started 

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer 
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose 
  3. Review the minutes and agenda 
  4. Roll Call
  1. 39 groups represented: 28 from San Francisco, 11 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
  1. New IGRs: John L., On Awakening Zoom; Jackie, Anything is Possible; Steven S., Alternate IGR, Attitude Adjustment 7am Zoom
  2. Visitors: Charlie B., San Mateo Liaison
  3. AA Anniversaries: Jessie H., 6 years; Andrew S., 7 years 
  1. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item) 
  1. Approved
  1. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item) 
  1. Approved

7:15 Officer Reports 

  1. Board Chair – Charlie
  1. Hope everyone has a great holiday season 
  1. Executive Director – Charlie on behalf of Christina 
  2. If your meeting has temporary meeting closures or you know of holiday alcathons, please email info at [email protected]
  3. Central office will be closed 12/24 and 12/31 
  1. Service opportunities – Call to spread the word and refer to packet for more details 
    1. Co-webmaster (experience as web administrator helpful)
    2. Bookkeeper who can provide help with QuickBooks
    3. Central Office volunteers, especially on Fridays (application here)
  1. Treasurer – Jim: 
  2. Revenue: 
  3. Total revenue was $272,000, 7% under budget but 9% ahead of last year 
  4. Group contributions exceed budget when adding “Fellowship” contributions including Marin Teleservice and Sobriety by the Bay 

iii. Individual contributions expected to increase in November/December 

Iv. Bookstore sales exceeded budget and also exceed prior year by 51%

  1. Expenses: 
  2. Total expenses $298,000, 7% under budget and 13% ahead of prior year 
  3. Deferral in rent increase and other measures to improve slightly
  4. Deficit and Rating: 
  5. Budgeted deficit of $27,000, however actual deficit is currently at $25,000 
  6. Revenues surge and expense management likely to close the gap 

iii. Liquidity improves along with bottom line (up from “Fair” to “Good”)

  1. Trend likely to continue with November/December
  2. Rating = Fair to Good 
  3. Faithful Fivers: 
  4. 305 Faithful Fivers – donated $4,156 – up $82 
  5. The average Faithful Fiver contribution is $13.63

iii. October to November up 38 Faithful Fivers – 7 shy from our 2022 goal of 350 Faithful Fivers. Go to and click “contribute” [Group, Individual, Gratitude Month, and Faithful Fiver]. The website is an excellent source for all the methods available to contribute. 

  1. Responses to questions: 
  2. Yes, Pop-Up Bookstore helped with the increase in sales and 

Ii. Faithful Fiver contributions go straight to Central Office.

7:25 Intergroup Committee Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. Archives Committee, Mike O: 
    1. Next meeting is Sunday, 12/17 at 12pm at Central Office and Zoom (hybrid)
    2. Due to low enthusiasm, Archives is moving into semi-hibernation and starting in the new year, meetings will move quarterly with first meeting in March
  2. Marin H&I, Paul A.: (note, not an Intergroup Committee) 
    1. Need for male sponsors to sponsor men at San Quentin. (25 men currently need sponsors)
      1. 5-year sobriety requirement; call  Maxie (510) 461-661 if available 
    2. H&I meets on second Tuesday on 12/13 at 6:15pm followed by business meeting 
  3. Communications Committee, Isae W.:
    1. Supports Intergroup and Board Committees’ 12 Step work
    2. Recent projects include Intergroup annual report, The Buzz weekly news and events newsletter, and The Point 
    3. Call for volunteers with communications/marketing experience helpful
    4. Next meeting is scheduled for 12/12 at 5:30pm 
    5. For more information, contact [email protected]
  4. SF Public Relations, Peter M.: 
    1. Rotation! Electing new committee officers  
    2. Project Homeless Connect is next week 12/14. Volunteer support is needed. Contact [email protected] to volunteer.
  5. The Buzz, Caitlin T:
    1. Service Opportunity – Associate Editor needed 
    2. Guidelines for submitting available at [email protected] 
  6. Outreach Committee, Alison T:
    1. First meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4 at 6PM (before Intergroup)
    2. Purpose is to connect AA groups in SF and Marin to 12 Step services provided by SF and Marin Intergroup
    3. For more information, contact [email protected]  
  7. Help Chat, Colleen S. – Interim Chair: 
    1. Service where newcomers can chat immediately with a sober member of AA via the website
    2. Next business meeting 12/13 at 6pm online

7:35 Service Committee Liaison Reports 

  1. Alison – SF General Service
    1. Election season for the district 
      1. December Elections: Service manual and concept study facilitator, District Archivist, H&I Liaison, Intergroup Liaison, SF Public Relations Liaison
      2. Area elections continuing 
        1. Literature, Grapevine and La Vina Chair for Panel 73 will be held on 12/17 at 12:30pm during the area committee meeting of this month (hybrid). 
    2. General Service has re-opened for visitors after two years! If you are visiting NYC, please make an appointment 
    3. Highlights from the General Service Conference: 
  2. Jillian – Marin Teleservice
    1. Next Meeting 12/27 at 7:30PM on Zoom
      1. Wear a crazy hat for “Crazy Hat Night”
    2. In January, Marin Teleservice will be electing a new committee 
    3. For more information or to sign up to volunteer for a shift, contact 

7:45 Old Business 

  1. 2023 Budget: 
  1. Despite contributions improvements, 2023 revenue goal is still aggressive and expense budget is very tight 
  2. Likely to suffer an operating loss in 2023
  3. The 2023 budget predicts a $16,600 loss but maintains services and the prudent reserve. Although, it predicts a loss, the goal is to break even.
  4. Discussion re: budget:
  1. The Board discussed how we can raise revenue, through such things as the deficit letter, encouraging groups to send in their 7th Tradition contributions and announcing Faithful Fivers.
  2. The Board voted on the budget and then put forth the recommendation to Intergroup for their approval.
  1. 2023 Budget vote – Majority needed to Pass the Budget 
    1. Approved by majority. 

8:00 New Business 

  1.  National AA Tech Workshop (NAATW) 2022 Presentation – Andrew S.
    1. NAATW’s mission is to provide a forum in which to share experience, strength and hope regarding technology in AA 
    2. Learning how technology helps 12 Step work including:
      1. Information via websites, meeting locators, bridging the gap and other service entity applications, contributions, literature, storing and sharing content, communications on all levels, hybrid (audio), and accessibility
    3. Discussions included Hybrid vs. Crossover. Important considerations to make meetings attractive and effective
    4. 12 Statements of Technology  – suggestions to consider when using technology 
    5. Takeaways: 
      1. If you have technology, invite people to learn
      2. Intergroup can do wonderful things to assist groups
      3. Goal to use technology to make meetings more unified 
    6. If you want more information on how technology can improve 12 Step work, contact [email protected]  
  2. Discussion:
    1. Pros and cons of hybrid meetings and the issue of certain individuals getting stuck in tech commitments, which can lead to burnout
    2. Working on breaking down each session in a crowd-sourced document to share with those who are interested. 

8:15 What’s On Your Mind 

  • Reflection on all the good work this group has done over the course of the year. Group inventory anchored the spirit of moving this group forward. 
  • Curious if this group is thinking about revisiting the idea of meeting in person. 
    • Suggestion that if we did go back in-person, it might be a great opportunity to use hybrid technology to increase tech skills and have everyone participate. 

8:19 Targeted Message 

  1. Thank you for your support of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. Please remember to send in Gratitude Month contributions before the end of the year. And help us reach our goal of 350 Faithful Fivers – we are so close! To sign-up visit, Your additional contributions support important 12th Step services, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website. 
  2. Be of service to San Francisco and Marin Intergroup – reach out to [email protected] for details. We are looking to fill the following volunteer positions: 
  3. Co-Webmaster 
  4. Bookkeeper 
  5. Support our Intergroup service committees – check out our calendar on to see when the committees meet and anyone can participate. 

      Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement 

Next Intergroup meeting will be on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Orientation will at 6:00 pm.

December 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative
Year to Date Ended
October 31, 2022

Though total revenues are still $20K or 7% under budget year to date, group
contributions slightly exceed budget when factoring in fellowship contributions (Sobriety
by the Bay / Marin Teleservice) and surpassed the prior year by 5% Individual
contributions have decreased by $13K marking the continuing transition back to in
person meetings. Bookstore sales were right on budget and 51% ahead of prior year
due to post pandemic increase in foot traffic.

Expenses year to date are also under budget by 7% congruent with revenues. A rent
increase in November was deferred possibly helping us end the year slightly better but
the next two months will tell. We will likely end the year within budget overall, but they
will likely still exceed revenues. As discussed during the budgeting process, an increase
in revenues back to pre-pandemic levels will need to happen to cover increased
expenses due to inflationary pressures. An audit of expenses by vendor revealed costs
increasing across the board.

IFAA is currently experiencing a year to date loss of $25K a slight improvement over
last month and ahead of budget by $2K. Gratitude month, and end of year contributions
will improve our outlook but to what extent is still uncertain. It is likely we will end the
year with a loss close to budget and well in excess of prior year. Also discussed during
the budgeting process, this was largely anticipated and sustainable for 2022, but not in
2023 without restructuring.

Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve increased slightly in
October due to a slightly profitable October. Liquid reserves ended the period at 1.4
months or “Fair to Good” up from “Fair” in September. We are still in a solvent cash
position, and will likely still be at year end but if the trend continues, our liquidity will be
depleted necessitating access to our prudent reserve in 2023.

15 11, 2022

Intergroup News | November 2022

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
    1. Claire, IGR for Wake Up On 3rd Street filled in to take minutes.  
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 43 groups represented: 31 from San Francisco, 12 from Marin

    1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
      1. New IGRs: Anke S., from Sober Sisters, Keara R., 10:30 from Awareness Acceptance,  and Mary W., 2nd business meeting mtg – A Way Out (virtual) 
      2. Visitors Jackie B. & Kim S. from SF Archives 
      3. AA Anniversaries: Jennifer K. (25 years, Intimate Feelings) & Amanda B. (4 years, from There is a Solution)
    2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item): 
      1. Approved
    3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item): 
      1. Approved 

    7:15   Officer Reports

    1. Board Chair – Nikki, in Charlie’s absence
      1. Thank you for attendees and organizers of SF and Marin Unity Days 
    2. Treasurer – Jim:  Better than last year, but still striving for budget.   
      1. Revenue:
        1. Total revenue was $263,000, 8% under budget but 13% ahead of last year
        2. Increases in both individual and group contributions: $6,500 over August
        3. September numbers are up over August (individual contributions up). 
      2. Expenses:
        1. Total expenses $288,000, 6% under budget and 23% ahead of prior year
        2. Expenses exceeded revenue, but that was expected (inflation and other speculative factors). 
      3. Deficit and Rating:
        1. Budgeted deficit of $25,000, however actual deficit is currently at $26,000
        2. Losses are taking their toll on liquidity but the decline in cash is slowing as revenues improve with good expense management. 
        3. Central Office has had excellent cash management.  
        4. We are financing our loss against our unrestricted cash (the money above our prudent reserve).
        5. Rating = Fair
      4. Faithful Fivers:
        1. 303 Faithful Fivers – donated $4,134 (which is up $90)
        2. The average Faithful Fiver contribution is $13.64
        3. Our 2022 goal of 350 Faithful Fivers by year end can happen if we get the word out. Go to and click on “contribute” [Group, Individual, Gratitude Month, and Faithful Fiver]. The website is an excellent source for all the methods available to contribute.
      5. Take-home message: Continue to get the message out about individual, group contributions, Faithful Fivers, and Gratitude Month. 
    3. Executive Director – Christina
      1. Intergroup has drafted a statement that can be shared with your group’s regarding our deficit.  A little blurb/elevator pitch is included. 
      2. Open service positions: 
        1. Co-Webmaster (requires previous web admin experience)
        2. Central Office volunteers (1x yr sobriety requirement) 
        3. Tech Committee volunteers (people are stepping up – trying to improve IT at CO). 

    7:23    Intergroup Committee Reports  – (Note – Intergroup Committee Reports accidentally began after the Officer Reports) 

    • SF Public Relations:  Peter M – Discussing future of committee; working out issues with websites; need support; performed last Sunday Streets; participated in Unity Day
    • SF Archives:  Kim – Participated in Unity Day; only 2-3 members; NEEDS to rotate – do not need to be an IGR to participate
    • Sunshine Club – held orientation with 1 participant in attendance; Holding another; Kate K stepped down as Marin Co-Chair; Looking for new Co-Chair, preferably from Marin
      • Held Quarterly Business meeting – main topic was how to replace Kate.  

    7:30   Old Business

    • Motion to create an Ad-Hoc Outreach Committee with representation from both San Francisco and Marin. (voting)
      • Discussion:
        • Alison T. described the need for clarity around what Intergroup is and what we do. This Ad-Hoc Outreach Committee would help with that, and also hopefully encourage more members to get involved with service.
        • Question regarding how outreach will happen. Response: the committee will decide ideas first before we begin the outreach. Anyone is encouraged to join this Ad-Hoc Committee. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested.
        • Suggest we consider a change in the Intergroup meeting format for better IGR participation 
        • Reminder that the purpose of the committee is to develop and discuss ways to create a program to facilitate the outreach efforts. 
        • An IGR created a 2- pager document for his homegroup that might be relevant to share.  
    • Motion Approved
    • Motion to refer to “Intercounty Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous” going forward as “San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.” (voting)
      • Discussion:
        • Judy W. described all the different ways people refer to Intergroup. This will help us become more consistent.
        • Suggestion to call ourselves Intergroup because we are all Intergroup Reps!
        • Sensible to use the name of the city, and to be consistent.  The communication survey indicated that one name might really help our members know and understand who we serve. Suggestion that the Intergroup Board create a 5-year plan.
        • Question re: the colloquialism, and what we call it for short
          • In writing likely “San Francisco and Marin Intergroup” at first, and then “Intergroup” after.
    • Motion Approved.


    7:50 pm   New Business

    • 2023 Budget Presentation (Discussion) – Jim
      • In preparing the 2023 budget we analyzed 2018-2022 actuals, forecast, budget, and trends by line
      • The 2023 draft budget includes aggressive revenue numbers however we are budgeting for a $16.6K deficit. In this budget, liquidity is  preserved without eliminating services.
        • The revenues need to return to pre-pandemic in order to maintain our prudent reserve.
      • Budgeted revenues for 2023, require that group contributions and bookstore sales are near pre-pandemic levels. It also assumes that fellowship contributions continue and there is a slight uptick in individual contributions from 2022. It is an aggressive budget overall with contributions.
      • The budgeted 2023 expenses are correlated with revenues to a lesser extent and we were not as aggressive with expense estimates as we were in 2022.
      • In 2022 we projected a deficit of $32,800 which is sustainable for this year, however improvements are necessary to sustain Intergroup’s services.
      • The 2023 draft budget projects that our prudent reserve will be maintained.
      • Discussion:
        • Contributions need to go up 
        • Marty – Consider being aggressive in getting word out  that contributions are down and people should consider donating $2 in the basket. Also that it is Gratitude Month
        • Question if there are gaps in contributions – from in-person to online meetings?
        • Important to recognize the services that Intergroup provides and the letter is not a cash call;  When talking about the need, really lead with the services IG provides (that’s the real need) – very crucial; 
        • Suggestion to increase the suggested 7th Tradition contribution percentages on IG’s website. 
        • Reminder that the majority should be going to Central Office; Reminder about the 7th Tradition workshop that Area is hosting on Saturday, November 12 from 10am to 12 pm online.
        • Question if the cost of hiring an accountant was included in the 2023 budget? Response: no, the Board determined we are not able to hire someone at this point
    • Tech Presentation – Andrew
      • Presentation tabled until next month

    8:23 pm   Liaison Committee Reports 

    • MCYPAA – Kaitlin
      • Holding a MCYPAA logo contest and will be voting on it this Sunday at the business meeting. 
    • SF General Service – Alison
      • Elections are happening at the district level and the Fall election assembly in Vacaville
    • SF H&I – Chad
      • Next business meeting is November 19 at 10 am – their meetings are bi-monthly
      • Orientation is also on 11/19 at 11 am
      • They need volunteers!
    • Marin General Service – Andrew (filling in for Molly) 
      • Elections are November 21. Panel 71 is rolling out and Panel 73 is rolling in. Also, GSO will be selling a jacketless Big Book – which will help with the literature delays and supply chain issues

    What’s On Your Mind

    Did not get to tonight.

    8:30   Targeted Message

    • Intergroup is currently experiencing a budget deficit. Please read and share this letter at A.A. meetings you attend – as we depend on you to ensure we are here tomorrow for the alcoholic who still suffers. 
    • Get involved with service by joining an Intergroup service committee. Check out our calendar at to see when the committees meet and anyone can participate.
    • Remember Gratitude Month is in November and it’s a time to express your gratitude for your sobriety. These additional contributions support A.A. service entities so talk to your groups now to get ready for Gratitude Month!

    Next Intergroup Meeting: December 7 online

    Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

    Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.


Treasurer’s Narrative

September 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative
Year to Date Ended
September 31, 2022


Though total revenues are still $21K under budget year to date, group contributions
increased by $8K in the month of September and individual contributions by another
thousand. This was somewhat as expected as a modest surge is seen in contributions
as we approach the end of the year, and the lag in group contributions from treasure
commitment turnovers finally manifested. Bookstore sales were right on budget.


Expenses year to date are also under budget in line with decreased revenues. A rent
increase in November will push expenses higher along with a mandate to load test our
wheelchair ramp in the central office but not enough to counter the surge in revenues.
We will likely end the year within budgeted expenses overall but they will likely still
exceed revenues.


IFAA is currently experiencing a year to date loss of $26K a slight improvement over
last month. This was largely due to the surge in revenues noted above and a tight
control over expenses. Gratitude month, and end of year contributions will improve our
outlook but to what extent is still uncertain. It is likely we will end the year with a loss
close to budget.


Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve slipped in September due
to our continuing operating loss. Liquid reserves ended the period at 1.1 months or
“Fair” down from 1.4 months. We are still in a solvent cash position, and will likely still
be at year end but if the trend continues, our liquidity will be depleted necessitating
access to our prudent reserve in 2023.


The forecasted 2022 loss cannot be sustained in 2023 without accessing funds from our
prudent reserve. Therefore the 2023 budget was drafted with a tight grip on expenses
and revenues aggressive enough to sustain them.

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