San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 7-8:30 PM 

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service. 

7:00 Getting Started 

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer 
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose 
  3. Review the minutes and agenda 
  4. Roll Call 
    • 44 groups represented: 29 from San Francisco, 15 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    • New IGRs: Kathy V., Working Dogs (Novato); Russ S., Castro Discussion (San Francisco); Steven, Fairfax Attitude Adjustment (Fairfax); Maggie K, 7AM Milly Valley Group (Mill Valley)
    • Visitors: Cathy P, Co-Chair, Marin Accessibilities Committee
    • AA Anniversaries: Alison T., 7 Years); Elena R., 11 years
  1. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    • Approved
  1. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item) 
    • Approved, with the following correction: Cocoanuts added to the January Roll Call 

7:15 Officer Reports 

  1. Treasurer – Jim
  • Revenue:
    • Total Revenue $329,000, 6% ahead of budget and 13% ahead of last year
    • The surge in revenues was greater than could be expected and directly attributed to the meeting announcements regarding Intergroup’s projected deficit. 
  • Expenses: 
    • Total expenses were $361,000 and remain -6% under budget 
  • Deficit and Rating:
    • The end of year 3.5% modest return on revenues will greatly improves our cash position   as we enter 2023
    • Cash for expenses increased to 2.7 months up from 1.2 = “Epic” rating 
    • Likely to increase even further in January, then draw down from February to October   2023
    • Many non-profits including GSO routinely hold 6 months above prudent reserve
  • Faithful Fivers 
    • 375 Faithful Fivers (up another 32) donated $5,067 averaging $13.51
    • Number of fivers, dollars and average all increased blowing past goal of 350 
  1. Executive Director – Christina
  • Central Office Infrastructure continues to be a priority
    • The SF Teleservice remote access call forwarding line is experiencing issues. Marin Teleservice is answering the lines at night and on the weekends, when Central Office is closed. 
    • If anyone has connections to AT&T, reach out to [email protected] 
  • Working on compliance and end of year taxes. Filed Intergroup’s bi-annual Statement of Information with the CA Secretary of State and preparing for the 2022 annual returns.
  • Service Opportunities 
    • Volunteer Bookkeeper – help out with QuickBooks
    • Central Office Volunteers – 9 shifts open especially on Fridays 
    • SF Teleservice Chair 
  • Filled Service Opportunities!!!
    • Marin Pop Up Bookstore Coordinator – Allen R. 
  • has some exciting new updates:
    • All the Intergroup Service Committees are posted to Click on each one to get committee information, how to get involved, open service positions and when they meet. 
    • The En Espanol pages have been updated at  with information about Oficina Central and Oficina Norte and Spanish-speaking meetings in our area. 

7:25 Intergroup Committee Reports 

  1. Public Relations (Peter): 
    • Announcing SF Public Relations event Saturday March 11, 2023 at Central Office from 10AM to 11:30AM. Learn about PR service activity and opportunities to get involved. 
    • Meeting with SF District Attorney and a Board Supervisor to discuss AA presentations for DA     staff regarding what AA does and doesn’t do.
    • Working on a presentation at SF Marin Library intended for unhoused populations and what services AA provides for getting and staying sober. 
    • Next Public Relations meeting is Monday, 2/13 @7PM on zoom; Orientation at 6:30PM 
  2. Outreach Committee (Alison T.) 
    • Second meeting held tonight and we need members, especially from Marin!
    • Looking to talk to different groups about their needs and what we can do for them
    • Next meeting will be first Wednesday of March at 6PM
  3. Sunshine Club (Clayton)
    • Currently arranging meetings for three women in AA.
    • Seeking co-chairs especially one from Marin 
      • Two-year sobriety commitment and you do not need to be a current Sunshine Club volunteer to be eligible. Those interested can contact [email protected] for more information
    • AA Members who wish to schedule a Sunshine Club meeting in person can send a message to [email protected]
  4. The Buzz (Caitlin)
    • The Buzz needs a new Associate Editor who helps put together the weekly newsletter
    • Guidelines for submitting to The Buzz
      • Event taking place in next 2 to 4 weeks 
      • Sponsored by AA group or service entity aligned with 12 traditions 
      • For more info, go to>stayconnected>the buzz
  5. Fellowship Chair (Julie)
    • Intergroup Fellowship Committee is planning events for 2023 including Founder’s Day, Unity Days, and a Dance and did a poll to gauge interest
    • Join us at our next meeting on  2/15 @6pm on Zoom
    • Email [email protected] for more information and to get involved  

7:35 Service Committee Liaison Reports

  1. Marin Teleservice (Jillian) 
    • Next volunteer orientation is at 6:30pm on 2/28 followed by the business meeting at 7:30pm on Zoom
    • New chairperson elected – Amanda S. 
    • For more information or to sign up to volunteer visit
    • Marin Teleservice has been busy helping out with SF Teleservice lines
  2. SF General Service (Alison)
    • Agenda topics to arrive in late February and agenda workshop will be in mid-March (hybrid)
    • The General Service Office will re-open for visitors after two years. If you are visiting NY, please make an appointment 
  3. Marin Accessibilities (Cathy)
    • Marin Accessibilities raises awareness with information and resources to make the A.A message available to anyone who reaches out for help 
    • This committee was adopted in January 2020 and supported by Marin General Service, in addition to Marin PI/CPC and Marin Bridging the Gap
    • Meets on second Monday, 2/13 on Zoom 
    • Ask yourself: Who is not here and why? 
  4. Marin General Service (Kate)
    • Agenda Topics Workshop online this Saturday, 2/4 from 10:30-12:30PM. For more information, reach out to [email protected]
    • Panel 73 off to a great start! All officer positions filled and the highest attendance of GSRs in 3 years 
    • Monthly concepts study needs a chairperson
    • PRAASA 2023: March 3rd-5th in Los Angeles, CA –

  7:45 Old Business 

  • Inventory Question 4 Recap: 
    • No additional comments or feedback occurred regarding the feedback that was provided after the Inventory Question 4 break-out session responses.
  • Inventory Question 5 Break-Out Session: How can Integroup avoid allowing any members to assume  excessive authority over Intergroup policy or actions? 
    • Group #1: 
      • Aligns with how the Intergroup already functions. Nothing happens quickly without ensuring they hear all viewpoints. Continual education to all members especially to those who are new and in the spirit of compassion, educate each other. One possible suggested action pertains to the Intergroup bylaws to elect committee chairs – which has not yet been put into practice. 
    • Group #2: 
      • There are existing safeguards. Provide a system to determine what is decided by Intergroup Reps and at the Board level. Things in AA take time and we need to acknowledge that the issue is put out there and there’s time to vote and that it should work out the way it should be. In the past we have gotten away from that. 
    • Group #3: 
      • We need to be mindful of Traditions and Concepts and those should guide our actions. Responsibility of the Intergroup to get involved. We also need more groups represented, which the Outreach Committee will work on.
    • Group #4: 
      • 50 IGRs and 900 meetings – those 50 meetings have more weight given to their concerns – how do we get these groups involved? The Outreach Committee was discussed.
    • Group #5: 
      • Guidelines around terms – term length should be in the bylaws; spirit of rotation to be two years and to rotate to minimize authority. Talked about the process of electing committee chairs.
  • Intergroup In-Person Meetings 
  • Temperature check to gauge interest in returning to In-person or a hybrid meeting with the majority preferring hybrid
  • Followed by discussion around whether or not Intergroup should go back to In-Person meetings. Some of the feedback included:
    • Will honor if people want to meet in person
    • Perhaps we alternate between in-person and online
    • The Marin General Service meeting does a great job with hybrid and they have a lot of people in person and online. Hybrid helps people out who may live way out on the coast and it would be hard to get to in-person.
    • Join the Tech Service Committee if people want to learn more about hybrid meetings. It meets the second Monday of the month at 6PM.
    • If you go hybrid, it will create a new service commitment and rotating that commitment can be a lot
    • With in-person meetings, you’re able to meet with people and doesn’t get that with the online meeting.
  • Tech Follow-Up 
    • Tabled for the next month 

8:30  New Business 

  • Online AA meetings based in San Francisco and Marin Counties shall be listed on theprinted meeting schedule of meeting 
    • Tabled until next month

       8:30 Targeted Message 

  1. San Francisco and Marin Intergroup need Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1 year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email [email protected]
  2. Join an Intergroup Service Committee! Check out the newly updated for the complete list of Intergroup Committees, including what they do, when they meet, and service opportunities. 
  3. Sign up for Faithful Fivers to support the work of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To sign-up, visit Your additional contributions support important 12th Step services, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at 

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

February 2023 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative

The Year in Review Ended
December 31, 2022


Year to date revenues exceeded budget as well as prior year in every category except individual
which were only $1,276 or 1% under prior year but exceeded budget by 3% Monthly individual
contributions surged a whopping 78% from November to December and 101% as compared to prior
year. Group contributions (not to be outdone) exceeded both budget by 1% which was a 6% increase
over December 2021. Adding “Fellowship” contributions which are primarily group contributions
consolidated via Marin Teleservice, as well as events such as Sobriety by the Bay were reclassified
out of group contributions and increase those percentages to 10% and 15% respectively. Bookstore
revenues exceeded prior year by 39% and were exactly on budget. The surge in revenues was
greater than could be expected and directly attributed to those making announcements, reaching a
little deeper, and getting the word out.


Expenses year to date were under budget by 6% consistent with November. The Central Office
continued to maintain tight expense management as we’d been in deficit territory for the entire year.
With the greater than expected surge in revenues, expenses did not overtake and left us with a net
profit and increase in cash reserves.


IFAA turned the November YTD loss of -$22K completely around to a net profit of $13K with a budget
loss of $33K exceeding 2021 by $3,738 dollars. Gratitude month, end of year contributions, Faithful
Fivers, the contribution letter announcements, and getting the word out are all key factors in the
turnaround as explained in revenues above. Profitability is 3.5% on revenues which is not egregious
for a non-profit.


Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve surged a whopping 2.7 months up from
1.2 months leaving us in a good position to cover cyclical losses which tend to occur from roughly
February through October. 2.7 months of unrestricted cash is not excessive as many non-profits
(Including GSO) carry a full 6 months on their balance sheet.


December saw another increase in Faithful Fivers adding another 32 for a total of 375 blowing past
our year end goal of 350.