San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, August 2, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup serves more than 900 A.A. groups in our common purpose of carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics. We provide important services for local 12th Step work, such as running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing a local meeting directory and website and operating a 24-hour telephone hotline. In addition, Intergroup connects the local Fellowship to service opportunities, informs the public and professional community about A.A. and acts as an information exchange for announcements and events.

Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Roll Call
    1. 46 groups represented: 35 from San Francisco, 11 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    1. New IGRs: Alice G, Sober Sisters (Marin); Mark M, Design for Living (San Francisco); Lucille A, Intimate Feelings (Marin); Jeff F, Stonestown (San Francisco); Ashlee K, Sisters in Sobriety (Marin); Scott C, Bernal New Day (San Francisco); David V, Each Day a New Beginning (San Francisco)
    2. AA Anniversaries: Steven, 2 years
  2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    1. Approved
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    1. Vice Chair noted correction to the re-vote results from the July Intergroup meeting
    2. Approved

  Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair, Elena
    1. Annual Board Retreat scheduled for Saturday, 8/26 at Central Office. Central Office will be closed.
    2. Teleservice Update – Intergroup has drafted an announcement to be shared at meetings and in The Buzz.
  1. Treasurer, Hedy
    1. Standard financials
      • Revenues: $181,000, -3% budget, +8% prior (strong individual contributions)
      • Expenses: $185,000, -6% budget, +5% prior
      • Deficit:-$2,000, +$6,000, +$5,000 prior (Expect deficits)
      • Unrestricted cash is at $68,000 Cash drawdown continues with expected deficits in August. Still in excellent cash position
    2. Grateful Givers
      • 366 Givers (-4 dropped), contributed $4,788 (up +$35) average $13.05
  2. Executive Director, Christina
    1. Marin Pop Up Bookstore – one year of bringing literature to Marin; will be working on an analysis to see how the Pop Up is going. Currently our biggest issue is getting the word out to AA meetings.
    2. Central Office Updates
      • Testing the new SF Teleservice System
      • 2022 Annual Information Returns Submitted
      • Lots of AAWS literature in stock
      • Starting to prepare the 2024 budget
    3. Service Opportunities
      • SF and Marin Archives Chair
      • SF Public Relations Chair
      • Sunshine Club Co Chair (Marin)
      • Co Webmaster
      • Fellowship Chair
      • Outreach Chair – Recently Filled! Thanks Marty
      • Question: Sobriety requirement? For chair positions it is a suggested two-year sobriety requirement however anyone may join a committee.

 Intergroup Committee Reports

  1. SF Public Relations, Peter
    1. Past event on July 30th 12pm-5pm, Sunday Streets Valencia District
    2. Upcoming Events
      1. August Recovery Day in the Tenderloin
      2. September 8, Reentry Events at St. Mary’s Cathedral
      3. 9/27 – Project Homeless Connect
      4. 9/24 – 12pm -5pm Sunday Streets in the Western Addition
      • Working on 9/3 event for unhoused population at SF Main Library
      • Committee Meeting is second Monday, 8/14 @ 7PM on Zoom
  1. Technology Committee, Brian
    1. Helping SF Teleservice implement new VOIP system for the Teleservice volunteers
    2. Tech Committee is looking for people with Airtable experience. Meeting is first Monday of every month.

 Service Committee Liaison Reports

  1. Marin Teleservice, Jillian
    1. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Marin Teleservice line has been disconnected by the service provider. They are looking at their options, including possibly merging with San Francisco Teleservice.
    2. Currently seeking group feedback/input on what Marin Teleservice should do. Email Amanda at [email protected]
  1. SF General Service, Alison
    1. District 06 SF News:
      1. Still open positions for SF Bridging the Gap committee members
      2. Asking GSRs to share highlights that came out of the General Service Conference, such as the plain language version of the Big Book.
  2. SF H&I, Thatcher
    1. More meetings have been sending H&I Reps and service volunteers in recent days, thank you!
    2. If your meeting doesn’t have an H&I rep, please consider adding one
    3. SF H&I is currently serving 26 in person meetings and more to be added
    4. Next H&I Orientation is Saturday, 8/19 at 11AM at 2900 24th Street
    5. Last year, H&I spent $342,400 in literature to alcoholics who are confined
  3. Marin Accessibilities, Cathy
    1. Excited to receive an invitation from District 06 General Service to give presentation on Accessibilities on Tuesday 8/8 at their monthly business meeting about access in AA and how it impacts local groups
    2. Reviewing electronic items donated to Marin Accessibilities Committee including two laptops, notebook and iPad
    3. Participating in the Summer Assembly in Eureka

Intergroup Committee Round Robin Break-out Session:

Outreach, Fellowship, and Communications

  1. Communications, Isae
    1. The Communications Committee includes two publications and special projects
      • The Buzz (weekly digital newsletter) that goes out to 2K subscribers listing recovery events and
      • The Point published monthly includes personal stories of recovery, poetry and artwork from SF and Marin members
    2. go to and select “Stay Connected”. There you will find drop down links and submission guidelines for The Buzz and The Point
    3. Communications projects include Annual Report. The report included data and facts to help the Fellowship understand what we do and why we exist
    4. Another project the Communications Committee is working on is updating the Integroup page on
  1. Intergroup Fellowship, Judy
    1. Events include Founder’s Day at Golden Gate Park
    2. Assisted with Marin Fellowship Committee’s Founder’s Day in Marin which included Service Panel
    3. Planning an ugly sweater party during the holidays at Central Office in appreciation of our volunteers and the whole Fellowship
    4. Workshops include Safety but looking for more suggestions
  1. Outreach Committee, Marty
    1. Asking all IGRs to share and read a brief IGR announcement. It will be posted in The Buzz and website. Goal is to attract more IGR participation at the Intergroup level.
    2. Why an outreach committee? Had a group inventory where a bunch of questions and what came of the inventory was two things
      • knowledge gap – might not know that Central Office is part of Intergroup
      • groups are underrepresented. The more participation we have at Intergroup level, we are able to accomplish more

Share about your Home Group

  1. Lucille, IGR, Intimate Feelings in Marin County at 9AM in Novato.
    1. The meeting time moved from 10AM to 9AM due to thelocation
    2. Womens’ fellowship on the 1st Saturday of the month
    3.  12×12, 2nd and 3rd speaker, 4th Chips or Tradition and on 5th Chips
  2. Laura Lee, IGR, Each Day a New Beginning (In Person)
    1. Monday through Friday – 7AM-8AM
    2. Wednesday is Step or Tradition
    3. Friday is Speaker
    4. About 30 to 50 people, a lot of newcomers

 What’s On Your Mind

  1. A member discussed post-COVID decision-making and when groups should start discussing going back to in-person meetings, staying hybrid, or splitting up online and in-person meetings. Wants to hear from other IGRs about their process and decisions for their meetings.
  2. A member talked about the importance of working with others and getting involved with service.
  3. A member shared their experience with meetings post-COVID. They moved online during the pandemic. Getting their online meeting established took awhile to get the tech right. Going back to in-person meetings depends on each meeting. On Awakening now has two stand alone meetings, in-person and online.
  4. A member shared that former IGR and dear friend Jennifer K. passed away last weekend. Her home group was Intimate Feelings and she had 30 years sobriety.

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Treasurer’s Report

June 2023 Income Statement_Summary
June 2023 Balance Sheet