San Francisco and Marin Intergroup – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, June 7, 2023,7-8:30 PM

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup serves more than 900 A.A. groups in our common purpose of carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics. We provide important services for local 12th Step work, such as running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing a local meeting directory and website and operating a 24-hour telephone hotline. In addition, Intergroup connects the local Fellowship to service opportunities, informs the public and professional community about A.A. and acts as an information exchange for announcements and events.

Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Roll Call
    • 34 groups represented: 25 from San Francisco, 9 from Marin

  • New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
      • New IGRs: Douglas D, Cow Hollow Men’s Group (SF); Ashley K, Sesame Step (SF); Becky F, T for Tea (SF); Natalie M, A New Start (SF); Oriana S, Reality Farm (SF); Chris J, Weekend Warriors (Marin); Lucas M, Extravagant Promises (SF)
      • Visitors:  David L, SFPR Committee; Marty M; Thomas V, Sunshine Club; Kristee O, The Point; Denis O’; Phil S, SF Bridging the Gap  
      • AA Anniversaries: Rae, 18 years; Elaine, 30 years; Jillian, 20 years; Claire, 12 years; Thatcher, 10 years; Steve, 32 years; Pat, 35 years 
  • Approval of agenda (housekeeping item). Approved.
  • Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item). Approved.

Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair – Charlie
    1. Reminder: July Intergroup meeting moved to July 12
    2. Thanks to candidates who submitted letters of interest for the Board. We have not filled the Treasurer commitment, however someone has expressed interest.
  2. Treasurer – Jim
    1. Standard Financials Report:
      • Revenues: $136,000, +9% budget, +16% prior year
      • Expenses: $119,000, -9% budget, 0% prior 
      • Surplus: $18,000, +$23,000 budget, +$19,000 prior (April -$9,000 loss, anticipating deficits through August)
      • Unrestricted cash = $85,000 which is (3.1 months expenses, down from 3.6 months)
      • Still in excellent liquidity position for 2023
    2. Grateful Givers
      • 370 givers (down 3 in April)
      • Contributed $4,705 (down -$48 compared to March)
      • Average contribution is $12.72
    3. Grateful Givers logo design contest
  3. Executive Director – Christina
    1. Thank you to our outgoing board members for their service: Charlie B., Chip G., Isae W., and Jim M. 
    2. Founders’ Day events:
      • Marin Founders’ Day is Saturday, June 10th at Mt. Tam Church from 1pm-5pm
      • San Francisco Founders’ Day (Picnic in the Park) is Saturday, June 17 at Lindley Meadow (tables 1 and two) in Golden Gate Park from 12-3:30PM
      • Service opportunities available:

Intergroup Committee Reports

  1. The Point Committee – Kristee
    1. Two positions recently filled: Charlie J, new Point Editor and Christine R, new Associate Editor
    2. The Point Committee meets the first Monday of the month at 5:30pm and is always looking for article submissions to [email protected]
  2. Outreach Committee – Alison
    1. Outreach Committee finalized the committee’s mission statement and the IGR announcement for IGRs to share with the broader fellowship 
    2. We are looking for more Marin representatives 
    3. The Outreach Committee will create a list of meetings not represented by IGRs so we can go and spread the word about IGR representation. Goal is to get 20 more IGRs at Intergroup.
    4. Contact [email protected] with questions 
  3. Tech Committee – Brian
    1. Interested in tech? [email protected] 
    2. Always looking for new volunteers; we meet the first Monday of the month online. Next meeting is 7/3 @ 6PM
    3. On average we have 5.4k users visiting the website each month. The Find a Meeting page is the most popular
  4. SF Public Relations Committee – David
    1. Recent Tabling events:
      1. May 10: Project Homeless Connect 
      2. May 21: Sunday Streets, Bayview
      3. June 4: Sunday Streets, Tenderloin
    2. Upcoming events:
      1. July 30: Sunday Streets booth on Valencia Street (location TBD) from 12-5
        1. Need people to volunteer and help out 
        2. email: [email protected] for details
    3. Working on presentation (Date tbd) at the main San Francisco Library to bring to the unhoused population about what AA is 

Service Committee Liaison Reports

  1. Marin Teleservice – Jillian 
    1. Next volunteer orientation is at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, 6/27. Check out for info
  2. SF General Service – Joel
    1. Intergroup needs a new treasurer (spread the word)
  3. Marin Accessibilities – Cathy
    1. Meets the second Monday of the month from 7PM-8PM online
      1. For more info, contact [email protected] 
      2. Accessibilities has been working on a targeted message and mission statement 

Old Business

  • Change the monthly meeting: (Marty)
    1. Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports;
    2. Break-out rooms at every monthly meeting;
    3. Five IGRs per month give a brief description of their home group;
    4. Raffle every monthly meeting

       Additional Input from Marty

  1. Marty proposed voting on all four suggestions individually at the same time. He also suggested that the change could be for a trial period, and if something isn’t working we can vote on it again. The goal is to make the Intergroup meetings more interactive so we retain more IGRs. He also spoke with people who are interested in contributing to the raffle, which should take no more than 5 minutes at the meeting.
  2. Discussion/Questions
    • Question re: breakout rooms as some people do not have good experiences with them. Response: The idea is that with a breakout room with only 5 to 6 people it leads to more discussions and easier way to connect and talk
    • Marty confirmed that this motion is for when we are online only and would not affect the in-person meeting format.
    • Re: quarterly service committee liaison reports: An individual stated that by making the Service Committee Liaison Reports quarterly, it would allow for more discussion time during the meeting. Another person asked how liaison reports will be brought back to the groups in a timely way. And would each report have a time limit?
    • An individual brought up the question of going back to in-person meetings instead. Response: That could take 6 months to a year as we are just forming a committee about returning to in-person. 
    • An individual suggested this motion needs more discussion.
  3. Outcome: We will have more discussion on each proposal at the next IGR meeting and then vote on each one individually on Typeform. 

8:10 New Business

  • Board appointments
  • The following individuals introduced themselves: Alison T, Caitlin T, Denis O’ and Phil S
  • Since the number of vacant positions on the Board equaled the number of Board candidates, no elections were held and all four individuals were appointed to the Board. 

8:20 What’s On Your Mind

  • Question: Is it possible to be on a committee without being an IGR?
    • Yes! and we encourage that so we can engage with a broader group of the fellowship
  • Wanted to follow up on the issue of pandemic ending and what are groups doing that have been on Zoom? Their meeting is attempting a low-tech hybrid meeting with one computer. 
  • Struck by the SF public information presentation and the upcoming event to the unhoused population. AA does not provide services like housing, legal services, or food for the unhoused population. AA can direct people to meetings and connect them with other people. Suggest using a term different from services. 


  • Regarding the recent changes to the preamble and also how individuals may change certain words in meetings, like God and Him. Question if our formats at Central Office have changed or how other groups handle this. 
    • There is a new revised gender neutral preamble that World Services came out with and was published in The Grapevine.
    • An individual stated that wokeness is coming to AA, and gender politics in spite of the Traditions.
    • Another person stated that at the Conference Assembly, anything related to racism, homophobia, sexism, etc are considered meeting business and not an outside issue. 
    • In addition, our local delegate got to read the first couple chapters of the plain text version of the Big Book and it may be a very helpful/supplemental tool.
    • An individual stated that they share the concern of the first individual who is concerned about wokeness. If there is a time and place to have any discussions regarding gender and sex they want to be a part of it. AA is a place where we can have those conversations.
  • Two people expressed that this conversation makes them feel unwelcome and the tone seems negative, condescending and it is not appreciated. 
  • A member stated that this is a sensitive topic and this is not the platform for it.
  • The first individual encouraged everyone to study the Traditions and why we have them, including the Tradition on politics.
  • A member stated that we want to create a space that is welcoming here regardless of ideology, as it is stated in our preamble. 

Targeted Message 

  • San Francisco and Marin Founders’ Day events:
  1. Marin Founders’ Day (SF and Marin Intergroup in collaboration with Marin Fellowship Committee) on June 10 from 1 to 5 pm at the Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church, in Mill Valley. Featuring speaker meeting with Penny P. at 3pm, a service panel workshop, music by the Nitecaps and much more!
  2. SF Founders’ Day Picnic in the Park on June 17 from 12 to 3:30pm at Lindley Meadow, in Golden Gate Park. Featuring a speaker meeting with Claire H. at 2pm, lawn game activities, picnic, dessert potluck and fellowship. We need volunteers to help out, email [email protected] to get involved.
  • Intergroup needs a new Board Treasurer starting July 2023. The Treasurer helps with financial statements and the annual Intergroup operating budget. This is a two-year commitment and it is a great opportunity to be of service to Alcoholics Anonymous. Please spread the word and for details reach out to [email protected].
  • Seeking artists and designers! Intergroup is looking for submissions for our newly named Grateful Givers design contest. Submit your designs to [email protected] before the contest ends on June 30. And consider becoming a Grateful Giver today as ongoing monthly contributions support important 12th Step services at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Treasurer  – Balance Sheet

April 2023 Balance Sheet

Treasurer – Income Statement

April 2023 Income Statement


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