San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
    1. Claire, IGR for Wake Up On 3rd Street filled in to take minutes.  
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 43 groups represented: 31 from San Francisco, 12 from Marin

    1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
      1. New IGRs: Anke S., from Sober Sisters, Keara R., 10:30 from Awareness Acceptance,  and Mary W., 2nd business meeting mtg – A Way Out (virtual) 
      2. Visitors Jackie B. & Kim S. from SF Archives 
      3. AA Anniversaries: Jennifer K. (25 years, Intimate Feelings) & Amanda B. (4 years, from There is a Solution)
    2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item): 
      1. Approved
    3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item): 
      1. Approved 

    7:15   Officer Reports

    1. Board Chair – Nikki, in Charlie’s absence
      1. Thank you for attendees and organizers of SF and Marin Unity Days 
    2. Treasurer – Jim:  Better than last year, but still striving for budget.   
      1. Revenue:
        1. Total revenue was $263,000, 8% under budget but 13% ahead of last year
        2. Increases in both individual and group contributions: $6,500 over August
        3. September numbers are up over August (individual contributions up). 
      2. Expenses:
        1. Total expenses $288,000, 6% under budget and 23% ahead of prior year
        2. Expenses exceeded revenue, but that was expected (inflation and other speculative factors). 
      3. Deficit and Rating:
        1. Budgeted deficit of $25,000, however actual deficit is currently at $26,000
        2. Losses are taking their toll on liquidity but the decline in cash is slowing as revenues improve with good expense management. 
        3. Central Office has had excellent cash management.  
        4. We are financing our loss against our unrestricted cash (the money above our prudent reserve).
        5. Rating = Fair
      4. Faithful Fivers:
        1. 303 Faithful Fivers – donated $4,134 (which is up $90)
        2. The average Faithful Fiver contribution is $13.64
        3. Our 2022 goal of 350 Faithful Fivers by year end can happen if we get the word out. Go to and click on “contribute” [Group, Individual, Gratitude Month, and Faithful Fiver]. The website is an excellent source for all the methods available to contribute.
      5. Take-home message: Continue to get the message out about individual, group contributions, Faithful Fivers, and Gratitude Month. 
    3. Executive Director – Christina
      1. Intergroup has drafted a statement that can be shared with your group’s regarding our deficit.  A little blurb/elevator pitch is included. 
      2. Open service positions: 
        1. Co-Webmaster (requires previous web admin experience)
        2. Central Office volunteers (1x yr sobriety requirement) 
        3. Tech Committee volunteers (people are stepping up – trying to improve IT at CO). 

    7:23    Intergroup Committee Reports  – (Note – Intergroup Committee Reports accidentally began after the Officer Reports) 

    • SF Public Relations:  Peter M – Discussing future of committee; working out issues with websites; need support; performed last Sunday Streets; participated in Unity Day
    • SF Archives:  Kim – Participated in Unity Day; only 2-3 members; NEEDS to rotate – do not need to be an IGR to participate
    • Sunshine Club – held orientation with 1 participant in attendance; Holding another; Kate K stepped down as Marin Co-Chair; Looking for new Co-Chair, preferably from Marin
      • Held Quarterly Business meeting – main topic was how to replace Kate.  

    7:30   Old Business

    • Motion to create an Ad-Hoc Outreach Committee with representation from both San Francisco and Marin. (voting)
      • Discussion:
        • Alison T. described the need for clarity around what Intergroup is and what we do. This Ad-Hoc Outreach Committee would help with that, and also hopefully encourage more members to get involved with service.
        • Question regarding how outreach will happen. Response: the committee will decide ideas first before we begin the outreach. Anyone is encouraged to join this Ad-Hoc Committee. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested.
        • Suggest we consider a change in the Intergroup meeting format for better IGR participation 
        • Reminder that the purpose of the committee is to develop and discuss ways to create a program to facilitate the outreach efforts. 
        • An IGR created a 2- pager document for his homegroup that might be relevant to share.  
    • Motion Approved
    • Motion to refer to “Intercounty Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous” going forward as “San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.” (voting)
      • Discussion:
        • Judy W. described all the different ways people refer to Intergroup. This will help us become more consistent.
        • Suggestion to call ourselves Intergroup because we are all Intergroup Reps!
        • Sensible to use the name of the city, and to be consistent.  The communication survey indicated that one name might really help our members know and understand who we serve. Suggestion that the Intergroup Board create a 5-year plan.
        • Question re: the colloquialism, and what we call it for short
          • In writing likely “San Francisco and Marin Intergroup” at first, and then “Intergroup” after.
    • Motion Approved.


    7:50 pm   New Business

    • 2023 Budget Presentation (Discussion) – Jim
      • In preparing the 2023 budget we analyzed 2018-2022 actuals, forecast, budget, and trends by line
      • The 2023 draft budget includes aggressive revenue numbers however we are budgeting for a $16.6K deficit. In this budget, liquidity is  preserved without eliminating services.
        • The revenues need to return to pre-pandemic in order to maintain our prudent reserve.
      • Budgeted revenues for 2023, require that group contributions and bookstore sales are near pre-pandemic levels. It also assumes that fellowship contributions continue and there is a slight uptick in individual contributions from 2022. It is an aggressive budget overall with contributions.
      • The budgeted 2023 expenses are correlated with revenues to a lesser extent and we were not as aggressive with expense estimates as we were in 2022.
      • In 2022 we projected a deficit of $32,800 which is sustainable for this year, however improvements are necessary to sustain Intergroup’s services.
      • The 2023 draft budget projects that our prudent reserve will be maintained.
      • Discussion:
        • Contributions need to go up 
        • Marty – Consider being aggressive in getting word out  that contributions are down and people should consider donating $2 in the basket. Also that it is Gratitude Month
        • Question if there are gaps in contributions – from in-person to online meetings?
        • Important to recognize the services that Intergroup provides and the letter is not a cash call;  When talking about the need, really lead with the services IG provides (that’s the real need) – very crucial; 
        • Suggestion to increase the suggested 7th Tradition contribution percentages on IG’s website. 
        • Reminder that the majority should be going to Central Office; Reminder about the 7th Tradition workshop that Area is hosting on Saturday, November 12 from 10am to 12 pm online.
        • Question if the cost of hiring an accountant was included in the 2023 budget? Response: no, the Board determined we are not able to hire someone at this point
    • Tech Presentation – Andrew
      • Presentation tabled until next month

    8:23 pm   Liaison Committee Reports 

    • MCYPAA – Kaitlin
      • Holding a MCYPAA logo contest and will be voting on it this Sunday at the business meeting. 
    • SF General Service – Alison
      • Elections are happening at the district level and the Fall election assembly in Vacaville
    • SF H&I – Chad
      • Next business meeting is November 19 at 10 am – their meetings are bi-monthly
      • Orientation is also on 11/19 at 11 am
      • They need volunteers!
    • Marin General Service – Andrew (filling in for Molly) 
      • Elections are November 21. Panel 71 is rolling out and Panel 73 is rolling in. Also, GSO will be selling a jacketless Big Book – which will help with the literature delays and supply chain issues

    What’s On Your Mind

    Did not get to tonight.

    8:30   Targeted Message

    • Intergroup is currently experiencing a budget deficit. Please read and share this letter at A.A. meetings you attend – as we depend on you to ensure we are here tomorrow for the alcoholic who still suffers. 
    • Get involved with service by joining an Intergroup service committee. Check out our calendar at to see when the committees meet and anyone can participate.
    • Remember Gratitude Month is in November and it’s a time to express your gratitude for your sobriety. These additional contributions support A.A. service entities so talk to your groups now to get ready for Gratitude Month!

    Next Intergroup Meeting: December 7 online

    Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

    Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.


Treasurer’s Narrative

September 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative
Year to Date Ended
September 31, 2022


Though total revenues are still $21K under budget year to date, group contributions
increased by $8K in the month of September and individual contributions by another
thousand. This was somewhat as expected as a modest surge is seen in contributions
as we approach the end of the year, and the lag in group contributions from treasure
commitment turnovers finally manifested. Bookstore sales were right on budget.


Expenses year to date are also under budget in line with decreased revenues. A rent
increase in November will push expenses higher along with a mandate to load test our
wheelchair ramp in the central office but not enough to counter the surge in revenues.
We will likely end the year within budgeted expenses overall but they will likely still
exceed revenues.


IFAA is currently experiencing a year to date loss of $26K a slight improvement over
last month. This was largely due to the surge in revenues noted above and a tight
control over expenses. Gratitude month, and end of year contributions will improve our
outlook but to what extent is still uncertain. It is likely we will end the year with a loss
close to budget.


Unrestricted cash in addition to our 6-month prudent reserve slipped in September due
to our continuing operating loss. Liquid reserves ended the period at 1.1 months or
“Fair” down from 1.4 months. We are still in a solvent cash position, and will likely still
be at year end but if the trend continues, our liquidity will be depleted necessitating
access to our prudent reserve in 2023.


The forecasted 2022 loss cannot be sustained in 2023 without accessing funds from our
prudent reserve. Therefore the 2023 budget was drafted with a tight grip on expenses
and revenues aggressive enough to sustain them.

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