
30 06, 2023

I am Yours

By Dede H.


I am your animal, God

You’ve created me to do what?

On a precipice of sod I sit

Wondering should I jump or squat?

A decision is just a choice You say

You’ve given me free will, okay

Though that’s often debatable

I needn’t see darkness in the light of day

I’m playing with these lines it’s true

I’m a bit of a promiscuous muse

Please, tell me what are poets to do?

Dance? We have nothing to lose?

What about this? What about that?

I’m caring for my mother and husband

Do I advise my adult children?

Should I be a Republican or a Democrat?

Silly, be quiet. Be still. Do as I do.

Here is your short answer for now.

Turn off your phone. Close your eyes. too.

Know in your heart I’ll show you how

30 06, 2023

Remove My Defaults of Character


By Delilah V

Every day for the past month and a bit I’ve been saying, writing, reading and repeating the 7th step prayer that begins with “My Creator”. I haven’t been perfect, some days I forgot, or actively rejected it, when this disease got the better of me. My sponsor had me do this and text her each day to say how my “character defaults” showed up that day and how I handled them. Did I succumb to “stinking thinking”? Did I reach out to a fellow when I was feeling antisocial? Did I isolate myself when I know that the antidote to this disease is connection?

Humility. That’s what this step is about.

“Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings” says Step Seven. Each text has been hard to write because I’m facing myself. When I say the 7th step prayer I’m humbly asking to not let my disease isolate me from the world. I want to be willing, which is why I try every day. I don’t want to give up because that would mean giving up on myself. My sponsor told me that she heard someone say, “character defaults” in place of “defects” and the reasoning was that it’s the behavior that often comes first. I like that. They are my knee-jerk reactions to life. 

What are my defaults? I asked myself, this second time around doing my list. I looked over my first list, which I made in 2018 – the year I got sober – and while I had made changes, I could see the same thing lingering around the page, around my heart: fear. Fear is what puts me in “reaction” mode instead of “response” mode. 

Each morning I ask my higher power to remove my fear. Remove it so that I can walk through the world with intention. When something is removed, there’s space for a new thing, and I pray I don’t forget that.

28 06, 2023

A Pebble In One’s Shoe

By John W


It is so hard to understand

Why some things so good today

Can be so bad tomorrow 

How feast becomes famine as an eye blinks.


To such peril, relationships have no immunity.

In truth, they are the ultimate human roller coaster

Even those which Life whispers must be exempt: Parent or Child,

Brother or Sister, Husband or Wife can suffer the most.


The brutalities of life, matched only by its vagaries

For we can so hurt those we love

Returning unbounded trust with betrayal,

Inflicting pain in response to care and compassion.


The mind screams for relief from these shortcomings

Rather than seek their succor as the ego cajoles.

Their nature has been made exact to

The willingness to let go achieved


But how to say “Farewell” to such old, good “friends”?

Going to any lengths had been long promised

Thus the logic to ask some Power greater than I,

To entreat this High Power for relief, became compelling.


If willingness was the key to open the door

To the Road of Happy Destiny the fortunate would trudge,

Then Humility was the hand to turn the key and with key in hand, 

The door would always open, to even the slightest touch.


Only with humility could the strength be summoned

To bid adieu to the fear that dogged every step.

To wave goodbye to a character whose time had passed

To overcome adversities that trouble all humans.


Of this precious commodity there could never be too much

For a shortcoming of character cannot be forever removed

Instead, like A Pebble In One’s Shoe, it is a companion

In life’s steps, a gnawing reminder of a not too distant past


A daily reprieve, the pay back for a proper communion,

This reward, fit for a king and given freely,

The demand in return, a mere suggestion:

Humbly ask for help, be willing to accept it when given.


No sane person would call this price too high and tag it an exorbitant fee.

For sanity had by now returned, had allowed the Decision to be made.

This humble step, one more on the path to a useful, not useless, life.

This humble step, the next on the journey to change and Awakening.

28 06, 2023

Playing Checkers or Playing Chess


I Got it Right the Second Time

By Rick R.


Let me preface this article by saying that I am not being critical of anybody for any reason concerning where a person is along the path of sobriety. My only motive for writing is to give some perspective concerning the possibilities which lie ahead based on the thoroughness we applied to the understanding of the steps as we put some distance between us and that last drink. 

I am one of the fortunate ones who showed up at the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) on October 15 th, 1969, at the age of 28, and have never wanted a drink since that day. I was the youngest person in the room for my first couple of years as the drug using population of the 60s generation had not started showing up until the mid-70s.  They seemed to bottom out at a much earlier in life than the common variety alcoholic, who seldom came to us until they were in their mid-40s. “midlife crisis” 

In my first two years, I was like everyone else when it came to the subject of thoroughness.  In the beginning, I was selective about what I would do with the program, and about the things I would dismiss as unnecessary since I had absolutely no desire to drink. I was slow and deliberate when it came to taking the steps. 

It was almost two years before I attempted to do the Fourth Step Inventory, being in the Navy at the time. I was shipped out to an oil tanker in the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club where I spent four months in and out of port hauling fuel to the fleet. I had many nights at sea thinking and longing to be back with my home group and contemplating what I had planned to do when I got home. 

When I did return home, I reopened my Fourth Step Inventory with a new attitude about the steps.  I realized that my original attempt was a very shallow scam and I burned it. I started over and got it right the second time around. That, I think, was the turning point in my attitude about thoroughness. I addressed those so-called tormenting ghosts of yesterday, shared them with another trusted member of the program and it just lifted the weight off my shoulders. I believe that made the rest of the program much easier. I have attended weekly step study meetings ever since. It helps me measure my growth as I cycle through the Steps and Traditions several times a year. There are terms on page 85 in the Big Book and, coincidentally, on page 85 in the 12 & 12 that suggest this is no time to rest on our laurels. I take that very seriously because of the unexpected results I experience concerning the quality of life I live today. 

Steps 10, 11, and 12 are referred to as the maintenance steps. With many years of sobriety, I could rest on my laurels and vegetate, but I would have no purpose in life.  If I neglected responsibilities, my life worth would suffer. Being judgmental about the behavior of others, I would be playing God and we all know that isn’t right unless I am perfect myself. Scott Peck defines love as caring for and nurturing another person. I can love everyone even if they can’t return the gesture. It just means wishing the best for them. (No Exceptions). These are just a few ideas.  There are many ways to continue to have a purpose.  If you don’t, you may want to revisit Steps Four through Nine.  Get a better perspective on how to become a more useful member of society and be fulfilled.  Or, you may be satisfied just not drinking one day at a time. That’s your choice. I heard a sportscaster describing the different head coaches of professional football teams.  He said some are playing Checkers and a few are playing Chess. Life is too good to waste.

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