Update to Last Week’s Buzz

The May 18 Sound Bath Meditation and A.A. Meeting hosted by Marin Fellowship Committee has been canceled.

Place Orders for Marin Pop-Up Bookstore

Pre-purchase your A.A. literature and chips by May 18 via the online bookstore for pick-up on Monday, May 20 at the Marin General Service meeting in the Jackson Cafe at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael). Select A.A. literature will also be available for purchase 6:45-9pm.

AAWS Pamphlets Price Increases

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup is following A.A. World Services’ lead by increasing the price of some of our pamphlets. On May 1, AAWS announced a price increase on select pamphlets and the pamphlet rack due to supply chain issues and the rising cost of paper. Click here for the updated 2024 Literature Price List. Intergroup sells basic literature, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions at cost, however for other A.A. literature we add a small mark-up to help with operating the bookstore.

Volunteers Needed for San Francisco Founders’ Day

On Saturday, June 8, San Francisco and Marin Intergroup presents Founders’ Day “Picnic in the Park” at Golden Gate Park’s Lindley Meadow. Join us from 12-3:30pm for a fun-filled fellowship event including picnic, lawn games, dessert potluck and a speaker meeting with Ron D. Email [email protected] to volunteer or more info.

 Does Your Group Have an IGR?


3rd Annual Family BBQ in Fairfax

The Fairfax 7am Attitude Adjustment Meeting is holding a family barbecue at Lake Lagunitas on May 25 @ 10am-3pm. A.A. meeting starts @ 1pm.

Memorial Day BBQ and Speaker Meeting

Join the Fellowship at the Marin Alano Club on May 27 for an A.A. meeting, barbecue and live music. Speakers Jeffrey N. & Theresa N. @ 12pm.

Service Opportunities

  • SF H&I (in person) is May 18.

  • Teleservice Committee (online) is May 20. 

    • Orientation @ 6pm

    • Business Meeting @ 6:45pm

  • Marin General Service (hybrid) is May 20.

    • New GSR Orientation @ 7pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

  • Intergroup Fellowship Committee (online) is May 23 @ 5pm.

  • Marin Public Information (in person) is May 23.

    • Orientation @ 7pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

First Things First

For the love of keeping sobriety as your first priority, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our 2023 Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office