Check Out Intergroup’s 2023 Annual Report

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s Annual Report is one of the best ways to see all the important 12th Step work Intergroup does every day. It also contains many interesting facts— such as the number of visitors to our website—the top selling AAGrapevine items in our bookstore and all the meetings that made contributions last year. There’s a lot of great information. Take a moment to read through the report and be sure to share it with your groups!

Teleservice Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are needed for the Teleservice 12th Step list and may be contacted to reach out to a newcomer. By signing up for the 12th Step Volunteer list, you may be asked to call a newcomer or make a 12th Step visit (with another A.A. member). If you have a minimum of 6-months sobriety, please sign up for this important position. Also, Teleservice is looking to fill the following committee positions: Tuesday Daily Coordinator and Vice Chair. To learn more and get involved, attend the Teleservice Orientation on April 15 @ 6pm.

Intergroup Board Elections

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup is now accepting Board nominations for elections in June. Serving as an Intergroup Board member is a big and rewarding commitment. The Board is responsible for overseeing and supporting Intergroup on behalf of the A.A. groups in Marin and San Francisco. To be eligible, you must be an active member of A.A. with a minimum of two years sobriety. Click here to learn more about serving on the Board and if you’re interested, submit your statement of interest no later than May 1.

The Marin Fellowship Committee is organizing a “Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny” coastal hike. Scheduled for April 20 @ 9:30am, participants will gather at the north end of Rodeo Beach, in Sausalito. Following the A.A. meeting, attendees will embark on a hike along the coastal trails. Friends, family members and dogs are all welcome to join the excursion.

HelpChat Orientation

Have you wondered who is on the other side of the blue “Need Help?” chat bubble on our website? It’s A.A. volunteers! And, you can be one of them. HelpChat is a great way to practice the 12th Step and be there for the newcomer who reaches out for help. Volunteers answer chats from their smartphones or laptops and on their own schedules. Come to an orientation on April 23 @ 5pm.  

 Save the Date: International Convention of A.A.

The next International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held in Vancouver, Canada, July 3-6, 2025. This is the largest A.A. convention, attracting upwards of 50,000 people and featuring more than 250 meetings! It is held once every five years, but was canceled in 2020 due to COVID. Information about how to register and book hotels will be posted this summer and registration (plus hotel booking) will open in September. 

Marin Pop Up Bookstore

Join us for the Marin Pop Up Bookstore on April 15 @ 6:45pm-9pm. The Pop-Up is held monthly at the Marin General Service meeting, located at 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael. Pre-order literature for pick up at See you there!

Service Opportunities…

  • Teleservice Committee (online) is April 15.

    • Orientation @ 6pm

    • Business Meeting @ 6:45pm

  • Marin General Service (hybrid) is April 15.

    • New GSR Orientation @ 6:30pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

We Must Be Gracious

For the love of service, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our 2023 Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office