HelpChat Orientation & Business Meeting (online)

Meets 3rd Tuesday each month Orientation – 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Business Meeting – 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM Zoom access: or email How HelpChat works: Chat online with a newcomer! Visitors to see a blue […]

Marin PI/CPC (online)

Meets 4th Thursday of each month Orientation: 7:00 pm Business meeting: 7:30 pm Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 209 121 0153 Password: PICPC One tap mobile: +1 669-900-6833 2091210153#

CNCA 06 Committee Meeting (online)

Meets every month on the 4th Saturday. CNCA 06 Committee Meeting: 11:00 AM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting HERE.  Meeting ID: 632 553 607 Password: 1935 One tap mobile +16699006833,,632553607#