Intergroup Committees
Archives Committee
Central Office 1821 Sacramento St., San Francisco, CA, United StatesMeets the 3rd Sunday every month. Time: 12:00 PM, Pacific Time In-person: Central Office Preserving our legacy by collecting and cataloging historical materials.
Teleservice Orientation / Business Meeting (online)
Meets 3rd Monday monthly - on Zoom Orientation: 6pm Business Meeting: 6:45pm Join the Orientation or Business Meeting Meeting ID: 847 0767 3404 Questions? Email PLEASE NOTE: SF and Marin Teleservice have merged […]
Intergroup Fellowship Committee (online)
Please email if you are attending for the first time. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 872 5562 5539 One tap mobile +16699009128,,87255625539# US (San Jose) 16694449171,,87255625539# US
Technology Committee Business Meeting (online)
Meets the 1st Monday of each month. Zoom link HERE Meeting ID: 812 6970 8070 The Intergroup Technology Committee identifies, researches, recommends, and implements ways to use technology in A.A. locally for San Francisco and
Intergroup Representative (IGR) Orientation (online)
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month @ 6pm. Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 832 5140 5487 No Password The monthly Intergroup Business Meeting follows @ 7pm using the same Zoom I.D. and
Outreach Committee Meeting (online)
Meets the 1st Wednesday monthly at 6 pm Join Zoom meeting HERE Zoom ID: 715 9068 5525 Passcode: outreach
Sunshine Club Orientation (online)
Zoom ID: 858 5064 3062 Email for more information.
Teleservice Orientation / Business Meeting (online)
Meets 3rd Monday monthly - on Zoom Orientation: 6pm Business Meeting: 6:45pm Join the Orientation or Business Meeting Meeting ID: 847 0767 3404 Questions? Email PLEASE NOTE: SF and Marin Teleservice have merged