Agenda Topics

Agenda Topics are the items for discussion and vote at the annual General Service Conference in New York. This year’s topics include the final approval of the plain language Big Book translation, and proposed pamphlets for special composition groups in A.A., including Transgender, Unhoused, and Asian and Asian American alcoholics. There is still time for your group’s voice to be heard. Click here for the full list of Agenda Topics.

Lush Lounge Meeting

San Francisco’s Lush Lounge will hold its final A.A. meeting on Saturday, March 16 @ 2pm online. This was a beloved women/transgender/queer meeting for many since the group was founded in 2000. Join Lush Lounge this Saturday, March 16 for a celebration after the meeting. The online rooms will be kept open until 4pm for anyone who wants to stick around and celebrate the meeting on its last day.

Communications Service Opps

If you have experience in communications or marketing, then we want to hear from you! Our illustrious Communications Committee, which oversees The PointThe Buzz and our annual report publications has two positions to fill. The committee needs a new Chairperson, which is a 2-year commitment. Also, The Buzz is looking for a Buzz Editor. This important commitment is designed for someone who loves being in the know about Fellowship news and events and would take great pride in crafting this weekly digital newsletter.  Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

A.A. Team Trivia

St. Patrick’s Day Alcathon 

Teleservice Positions Available 

Teleservice provides telephone service 24 hours a day for alcoholics in need in Marin and San Francisco. The Committee has the following positions available: 

  • Tuesday Daily Coordinator, Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary and 12-Step Worker Coordinator

To get involved at the Teleservice Committee level email [email protected] or attend the Orientation and Business meeting on March 18.

Marin Pop Up Bookstore

Pre-purchase your A.A. literature and chips by March 16 via the online bookstore for pick-up on Monday, March 18 at the Marin General Service meeting in the Jackson Cafe at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael). Select A.A. literature will also be available for purchase 6:45-9pm.

Calling All Writers: The Point Wants Your Story

Time to get creative, y’all. Share your experience, strength and hope by writing for The Point. The deadline to submit articles for The Point’s April  issue is May 22. If you haven’t already, check out the latest issue here.

Ocean Beach Bonfire in SF

Golden Gate Young People of A.A. (GGYPAA) are having a bonfire on March 23 @ 5pm. Meet them at Ocean Beach (Stairwells 15-20, in San Francisco) for an A.A. meeting, s’mores and fellowship.

Save the Date: Drag Bingo

Service Opportunities…

We Must Stay in Contact

For the love of lucky charms, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office