COVID-19, Update #5: Face-to-Face Meetings

If you are new to A.A. or think you have a problem with alcohol please contact us in any of the following ways:
T: 415-674-1821 (SF) 415-499-0400 (Marin)
Click the blue chat button on the lower right

A  Shelter in Place order has been issued in both San Francisco and Marin Counties. Not all meetings have been reported as closed, however do not go to a physical meeting place for a face-to-face meeting expecting it to be there.

We have focused all of our efforts on getting the remote meetings listed on this new remote (phone / online) meeting schedule. Our next task will be to focus on making it easier to search; your patience and support is appreciated. Meeting Guide app users – we encourage you to use as your one stop shop for meetings and information at this time. At this time remote meetings DO NOT feed into it.

The remote meetings we are listing are those established by local members in place of physical meetings in SF and Marin. To submit a new remote meetings use this Remote Meeting Submission Form.

We have added a guide on how to set up a remote meeting. If you find you still need help, email and we will connect you with a volunteer as soon as .

Central Office is now closed to foot traffic. The safety of our staff and volunteers is a priority. We will continue to answer the phone lines and provide support through HelpChat (our online chat tool).

We will continue to push information out via The Buzz, so if you have not already, please subscribe now. Then add to your contacts and keep your eyes open for the email confirmation (you may need to check your spam folder).

We have learned that our fellowship gets their information primarily from word-of-mouthwe need your help! Share this information, please.

All decisions will be re-evaluated as the situation changes; we are doing our best and appreciate your support and understanding. Your AA Central Office