COVID-19, Update #3
Real Quick:
Remote (phone/online) meetings, established by local members are now listed on our website. We are still working on the best way to format the presentation. We encourage your group to start an online or phone meeting; the AA Online Intergroup is concerned that inbound traffic is going to overwhelm the server soon.
These meetings are rapidly taking the place of face-to-face meetings. We have added a guide on how to set up a remote meeting (Thanks, NYIG! <3) If you find you still need help, email [email protected] and we will connect you with a volunteer.
Additionally, our ICYPAA friends in Austin are hosting a tutorial via Zoom at 4PM (PST) for conducting an online business meeting. Some of the information can likely be carried over to a regular A.A. meeting.
To submit a new remote meetings use this Remote Meeting Submission Form.
The online meeting schedule reflects all closures we are aware of; the temporary closure list has been removed. We kindly request that your meeting secretary be the one to contact us (or another trusted servant) for all meeting closures in order to avoid confusion.
Meeting Guide app users – we encourage you to use as your one stop shop for meetings and information at this time. We do not know if/how the online and phone meetings will feed into it.
We will continue to push information out via The Buzz. Encourage others to subscribe!
We have learned that our fellowship gets their information primarily from word-of-mouth; we need your help! Share this information, please.
Breathe. Breathe in love. Breathe out peace.
All decisions will be re-evaluated as the situation changes; we are doing our best and appreciate your support and understanding.
Your AA Central Office
And for new subscribers…
Central Office is now closed to foot traffic. The safety of our staff and volunteers is a priority. We will continue to answer the phone lines and provide support through HelpChat (our online chat tool).
Literature orders can be placed online for curbside pickup during office hours or shipping via UPS.
Seventh Tradition? Put
a bottle of hand sanitizer in the basket or put the basket on the table instead
of passing it OR
offer a digital contribution option.
Meanwhile, please take
a look at the COVID-19 info on our home page. It contains a lot
of useful information for groups.
More details…
The Central Office has received numerous inquiries asking for suggestions on how to handle meetings in light of COVID-19. In an effort to support the groups and members in San Francisco and Marin, we are providing the information below and ask each of you to consider the unity and common welfare of our Fellowship. COVID-19 is an unprecedented global pandemic; drastic measures to reduce the spread of this infection may be chosen so that the hand of A.A. will be there when this is over.
Each group is autonomous and can choose what action to take using an informed group conscience. It is up to each individual member to take precautions for personal safety. We encourage you to use the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts, as well as information from the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control as guidelines for basic protective measures against the new coronavirus. Local information can be found here (SF) and here (MARIN) Additionally, the General Service Office in New York has an update.
We have made the difficult decision to close Central Office to the public until further notice. We want our volunteer and paid staff to stay safe and healthy while preparing book orders, providing support to callers and maintaining office operations. A.A. members will continue to answer the phone and respond to HelpChat, our online chat tool.
If you need literature, place an order online. We will ship orders via UPS as long as we are able and will offer curbside, will-call pick-up during regular office hours (M-F, 10AM to 6PM and Sat, 10AM to 2PM). These practices will be evaluated on a day-to-day basis.
We will continue to serve the fellowship in the best way possible while balancing the need to respond with caution in keeping our fellowship safe, our website updated and the community informed. Your Board of Directors and Ninth Tradition Service Committees are hard at work trying to keep up.
As more meetings close, we ask you to consider these ideas and resources so your group can stay connected. (This is not an endorsement of any of these services, but a list of suggestions.) If you need assistance, let us know and we will try to connect you with a member who can help you set it up.
- Have a phone tree ready for your group.
- Set
up conference calls at the day and time of our regular meeting. Here are
several free technologies:
- FaceTime for iPhones
- Google Hangouts (available as a Chrome app)
- Zoom
- Cisco Webex (now free)
Seventh Tradition: If your group isn’t already offering a digital contribution option, now is a good time to begin as passing baskets can increase the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Contributions can also be made directly to Central Office online and with Venmo (@GGIntergroup) or PayPal ([email protected]), as well as to many of the other service entities.
Virtual meetings may also want to hold a group conscience on this topic. We will share any information we learn about it, so keep coming back.
Most importantly, if you have a desire to drink, reach out for help to friends in the fellowship or call the hotline: 415-674-1821 (from SF) and 415-499-0400 (from Marin). Teleservice is available 24/7 and our online HelpChat is responded to from 8AM to 10PM should you need to make contact with another sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous outside of a meeting.
It is vital that we each be conscientious of the needs of other members of our groups and each individual members’ capabilities for reaching out and connecting to the fellowship. Some may be reticent or technologically challenged and require more assistance than others. Many private Facebook groups have launched and they can be a great source of comfort. Many individual groups are moving their meetings online. We will list them here as requests come in and as we are capable. Your Special Workers and Trusted Servants are working diligently to stay on top of this ever evolving situation.
Thank you for sharing this information with your groups. Here’s wishing everyone good health and continued sobriety.
A.A. Central Office / Intercounty Fellowship of A.A.
Board of Directors