Digital Newcomer Packet and Zoom Updates
Please consider using New to A.A., a familiar resource on, as a Digital Newcomer Packet. We’ve just refreshed the content and encourage you to drop the link to this page in your Zoom meeting chat boxes!
While we are on the subject of newcomers, does your group use a breakout room? This Zoom feature can be a great way to talk to newcomers and let them know about resources available to support them. In addition to the Newcomer Packet, you can tell them Teleservice is answered 24/7, HelpChat is there for quick questions and we have volunteer members on our 12th Step List who would be happy to engage one-on-one with them either on the phone or via Zoom.
Additionally, as a reminder, all meetings on the Zoom platform will require a Waiting Room or Password as of this weekend; if these changes are not made by meeting hosts/admin by then, Zoom will automatically add a Waiting Room to your meeting.
Finally, while we are on the subject of Waiting Rooms, please remember that aspiring attendees in the Waiting Room cannot respond to chat messages, they can only receive them. This week we received information that a member was asked how they found out about the meeting (presumably in an effort to discourage would be disruptors), but that she had no way to reply.
Calling All Service Opportunities! You’re On Deck
What is CNCA? Glad you asked. It stands for California Northern Coastal Area and is one of six A.A. General Service Areas in California (we’re part of Area 06). Fun fact: CNCA geographically encompasses 21,427 square miles of coastal counties, across 23 districts, serving approx. 2k groups and 60k members! See what your reps are up to at the next business meeting.
A Message to Treasurers from H&I…
“This is a gentle reminder that although the pink cans cannot be virtually passed, we ask that when the 7th Tradition is announced, it is also mentioned to add a few dollars, as you see fit, for the Hospital and Institution’s (H&I) collection. You can also donate at
Your Hospital & Institution Committee is still out here doing everything they can to carry the message to confined alcoholics. During the pandemic and as always, H&I buys AA literature and distributes it at no cost to confined alcoholics.
Contributions to H&I have fallen by more than 30% in Northern California and by 15% in San Francisco.
We’re doing well, let’s do a smidgen better.”
You heard them, everybody, let’s do this! One team, one dream, right?
“The Wonderful World of Archives!”
Are you an A.A. history buff? Do you want to see how cool A.A. is and has been for decades? Well, get excited because the National A.A. Archives is holding a workshop this Saturday, September 26th. Highlights will include a history of the committee and even a preservation demo. What does that mean, you ask? Well show up and find out! More details on our website.
It’s Another Workshop, Y’all!
East Bay Intergroup is hosting a “crash course” workshop this Sunday, 9/27 @ noon. Come see how they’re putting the Twelve Traditions into practice! Check out the flyer below for more info.
“A Special Kind of A.A. Service”
Still looking for fresh ways to be of service outside of your usual meetings? Ever heard of Corrections Correspondence? A.A. is always in need of members on the “outside” to correspond with A.A. members in correctional facilities. If you would like to share your experience, strength and hope with A.A.s who are confined, please download the informational pamphlet online. The tear-off portion (sample image below) can be sent to G.S.O.’s Corrections Desk or emailed to The name of an inmate, selected at random from a geographic region different from your own, will be sent to you from the General Service Office and you will make the initial contact through the mail. Cool!
How We Doin’, Honeybees?
For the love of honey, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here.