Follow-up from last week’s Special Intergroup Meeting
The Intergroup Board of Directors hosted a special meeting on Wednesday, October 21st to discuss the Special Projects Fund and the bequest that was accepted to create the fund. All members of the Marin and San Francisco fellowship were invited to participate.
Background information about the bequest, the slide deck from the meeting, minutes and more can be found here. If your home group does not have an Intergroup Representative, we encourage you to elect one so that your group has a voice and a vote and stays up to date on all matters concerning IFAA. Our next orientation and general meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
Marin Outdoor Meetings Guidelines and Q&A
Earlier this week, Marin General Service and the Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC) Committee held a Town Hall and presented guidelines for hosting outdoor meetings, provided information on the parks involved, and answered questions. All of the details are here – please take a look!
Sanity and Simplicity Event is Tomorrow!
Don’t forget to OMMM. The virtual meditation event hosted by the 11th Step Wholly Together Meditation Meeting of A.A. is happening tomorrow @ 9am PST! See our website or click on the flyer below for details.
Pax West 27th Annual Men’s Dinner (Virtual) Next Friday!
While dinner will, unfortunately, not be provided this year, the Pax West Men’s Dinner & Meeting will be on Friday, November 6th @ 6pm PST. There will be 3 speakers and a Sobriety Countdown. Zoom info is located in the flyer below! Men, let us dine together and let sobriety shine together.
Gratitude Month – It’s coming! How will your group celebrate this November?
What’s Gratitude Month, anyway?
In November, we set aside time to express thanks to the fellowship. Gratitude month dates back to the 1940s when the General Service Board hosted gatherings to express personal gratitude for sobriety and appreciation to our professional friends for their articles, books, radio and T.V. interviews relating to A.A. over the past year.
In the Bay Area, Gratitude Month is traditionally practiced by passing the Seventh Tradition basket a second time, with the entirety of the collection from the second basket being contributed to Central Office.** However, groups around the country and around the world each have their own customs for celebrating Gratitude Month, including holding Tradition discussion meetings in place of the regular format, or by making “gratitude” the discussion topic during the month.
You may have heard that our General Service Office in NY has drawn down from their prudent reserve this year, largely due to a decrease in revenue from literature sales. Your group may want to consider supporting GSO with Gratitude Month collections this year as they build their prudent reserve back up.
Groups are encouraged to come up with their own imaginative ways to foster an attitude of gratitude among the fellowship. Box 459, the GSO’s newsletter, put it so well: “How about trying something new, something your group has never done before, which will make the members’ gratitude more tangible and real?” Here in the Bay Area we’ve always been good about finding new and inventive ways to do things, so let’s be creative!
**Treasurers: Please note “Gratitude Month” along with the other necessary identifying info on your group’s contributions so that they may be properly recorded.
Service Please!
- Technology Committee is at it again, having their monthly meeting this upcoming Monday.
Marin General Service is having their monthly Twelve Concepts Study Meeting on Tuesday
Intergroup will be holding their monthly orientation and meeting on Wednesday:- Orientation @ 6pm
- Business @ 7pm
It’s Yummy Season, Y’all
For the love of CANDY, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here.