Service Opportunities for the Week…
- CNCA 06 Committee Meeting (Online) is on Saturday 10/23.
- Marin Teleservice Orientation & Business Meeting (Online) is on Tuesday 10/26.
- Orientation @ 6:30pm PDT
- Business @ 7:30pm PDT
- Marin PI/CPC Orientation & Business Meeting (Hybrid) is on Thursday 10/28.
- Orientation @ 7pm PDT
- Business @ 7:30pm PDT
Teleservice is Calling for Volunteers!
Pun intended. SF and Marin Teleservice need volunteers to help keep the phone lines answered 24/7. What greater way is there to feel more a part of than getting a commitment on the front lines of A.A.? One-year of continuous sobriety required.
Marin Teleservice holds new volunteer orientations (online) every 4th Tuesday of the month. The next orientation is coming up on Tuesday, 10/26 @ 6:30pm PDT. Check out the website at
SF Teleservice Orientations are always held (online) on the 3rd Monday of every month @ 6pm PDT. The next orientation is on Mon 11/15. Please email [email protected] for more information.
CNCA 06 Area Inventory Assembly Kickoff 11/5 and Assembly 11/6 (Online)!
General Service District 04 is hosting this year’s Area Inventory Assembly Kickoff on Friday, 11/5 @ 6:30pm PDT. Join your fellows in service for a panel discussion followed by performance from The Festering Resentments, the “premier (and only) recovery-based parody singing duo, performing for free and for fun to un-glum-ified lots since 2002.” You won’t want to miss it! Spanish-English interpretation provided. More info here.
After Friday’s Kickoff, be sure to head back for CNCA 06’s Fall Assembly on Saturday, 11/6 @ 8am PDT. More info about Saturday here.
Intergroup Fast-Fact: How is Intergroup Different than General Service?
Basically, Intergroup serves groups in its local community while General Service connects groups nationally and worldwide. “Central offices and general service area committees are complementary, rather than competitive, A.A. operations. Both exist to help insure A.A. unity and to fulfill A.A.’s primary purpose of carrying the message,” A.A. Guidelines Central or Intergroup Offices (MG 02).
For the love of Halloween tricks (and treats), please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in-the-know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A. 🐝