November Intergroup Meeting Summary
The Intergroup held its monthly business meeting this past Wednesday night. Regular business was suspended in order to continue addressing the Special Projects Fund and the bequest which was used to create the fund. Please stay tuned for the meeting summary and slides which will be made available on the website and linked here in The Buzz.
CNCA 06 Fall Assembly is Tomorrow
This year’s CNCA (California Northern Coastal Area) 06 Fall Assembly, “A Clear Vision for You,” will be held tomorrow, Saturday, November 7, from 9 am to 5:30 pm PST. There will be elections, reports and presentations galore – one of which is titled, “What makes an A.A. Leader?” Well, wouldn’t you like to know?! Please see the website for more info. Note: there are separate meeting links for the morning and afternoon sessions.
Tuesday Chip November Lineup
You won’t want to miss these speakers! See below for the November lineup of the Tuesday Chip Meeting out of Marin.
November Issue of The Point has been posted!
Check out the website for the full issue. See below for teasers…
Alcoholics on Zoom by Bree L.
“I figured it would be easy-peasy for this alcoholic. Isolating was easy. It was most comfortable to go it alone and block out the outside world…Isolation would be a piece of cake—although I never thought of the flip side, depression.“
Body of Work by Brenda T.
“Allowing voice around my pain let me connect with others struggling with parallel addictions from trauma—a breath of fresh air in a garden of recovery.”
Humbly Asked by Nora C.
“Even with two alcoholic parents I thought was untouchable and could never be sullied by the word alcoholic. I was, after all, your standard ambitious young professional and stuff like that didn’t happen with my high-achieving friends.”
Principle of Spirituality by John W.
“Hitting bottom was imminent. Warnings had echoed in my mind for months and my only spirituality was a game of shadows. I stalked that deadly first drink during waking hours, then consumed until blackout. As with Sisyphus and his rock, I woke each day to have the cycle begin again.”
— and so much more!
~ Share your story ~
Email your own Word or audio file to:
Central Office Holiday Closure
Central Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, in recognition of Veterans Day. As a reminder, you can still order books and chips online.
Outside of holiday closures, no-contact curbside pick up is generally available Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Crossroads 53rd Anniversary Event!
The Crossroads Fellowship out of Livermore, CA, is hosting a virtual anniversary event, with multiple speakers, a sobriety countdown, and even a silent auction! Please see the gorgeous flyer below for Zoom details and link for the silent auction.
Service, Service and More Service
Upcoming Service Committee meetings for the coming week:
- GGYPAA is having their monthly meeting this upcoming Sunday.
SF Public Relations is having their monthly meeting on Monday.
Marin H&I will be holding their monthly orientation and meeting on Tuesday.- SF Service Manual & Concepts Study will be on Tuesday.
- SF General Service will be having their monthly Orientation and Business meeting on Tuesday:
- Orientation @ 6:30pm
- Business @ 7:30pm
Intergroup Fast Fact! 🧠+
What exactly is an informed group conscience?
The group conscience strives for unanimity (the state of being unanimous) through group enlightenment, spirituality and adherence to our Steps, Traditions and Concepts. The group conscience is the collective conscience of the group membership and this represents substantial unanimity on one issue before definitive action is taken. This is achieved by the group members through the sharing of full information, individual points of view, and the practice of A.A.’s principles.
The term “informed group conscience” implies that pertinent information has been studied and all views have been heard before the group votes.
Breathe in, Breathe out
For the love of zen, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here.