November Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, explores making amends to people who have passed away and how a swim from Alcatraz led to a spiritual awakening. Find the most recent issue here.


Intergroup News

On November 2, Intergroup voted to change its name to San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. In addition, Intergroup voted in favor of establishing an Ad-Hoc Outreach Committee. These changes are designed to have a positive impact on the 12th Step services that Intergroup provides.

Proposed 2023 Budget

Also during the meeting, Intergroup’s Treasurer presented the 2023 draft budget and talked about Intergroup’s financial situation. The draft budget should be shared during your group’s next business meeting, to prepare for a vote at the December 7 Intergroup meeting.

Important Letter for A.A. Meetings

Everyone is being asked to read this letter from San Francisco and Marin Intergroup at A.A. meetings you attend. It can be read during the time set aside for “announcements”. Intergroup is relying on the Fellowship to share this important message about its financial situation and the importance of practicing the 7th Tradition.

Service Opportunities

Announce these service opportunities at your meetings. Anyone can join the service committees. You do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate!

  • Central Office volunteers are needed to take a weekly 2-hour shift. Volunteers help answer the phone lines, greet customers and assist with special projects. One year of sobriety is required. To sign up, click here.

  • Intergroup needs a new Co-Webmaster to help maintain the website. Previous WordPress experience is required and experience as a Webmaster is a plus. For details, email

  • Archives Committee is looking for volunteers to help preserve local A.A. history. Its next meeting is November 20 @ 12pm (at Central Office and online).

  • Sunshine Club brings meetings to A.A. members in Marin and San Francisco who are unable to attend regularly scheduled meetings due to illness, accident or a disabling medical condition. The Sunshine Club is looking for a new co-chair, preferably from Marin. The next volunteer orientation is November 30 @ 7:30pm online. Email for details.

  • San Francisco Public Relations meets on November 14 @ 7pm online. In the spirit of rotation, it is looking for volunteers to take commitments, including a new committee chair. For details email


Gratitude Month is Here!

November is traditionally the month to express gratitude for the gift of sobriety with additional contributions to support A.A. service entities and essential 12th Step services that San Francisco and Marin Intergroup provides. Gratitude Month will be especially important this year as Intergroup is experiencing a deficit due to a decline in individual and group contributions. As noted in Intergroup News above, read and share this letter  with your groups. You can also contribute online at


Thanksgiving Meeting: All About the Book

On November 13 from 12-3pm, come to an A.A. speaker meeting and potluck at St. Vincent’s School (1 St. Vincent Drive, San Rafael). Food is needed for the potluck. If you’d like to be of service at this event, please text Sue B. at (415) 517-8028 for a list of needed items. 


Central Office Closure

Central Office will be closed on November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day. On November 12, it will resume regular hours of operation, which are Tuesday to Friday 10am-6pm and Saturdays 12-4pm.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


On Awakening

For the love of falling back, please share this information with your social media communities (keeping in mind our 11th Tradition of anonymity) and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office