May Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, digs deep into Step 5, and includes reflections on an old timer making an impact on a newly sober member and the power of the A.A. group. You can also listen to an audio recording of an individual’s transition in A.A., trading in “a self-inflicted life of resentment and bitterness for a life of gratitude.” Find the latest issue here.


Have You Checked Out: “Is A.A. for You?”

A.A. offers a self-assessment tool in the pamphlet “Is A.A. for You?”, which includes 12 questions that may help an individual decide if they should give A.A. a try. Order your copy through Central Office or download the PDF via


This Saturday – A.A. Women Pioneers 



Intergroup News

Intergroup held its monthly meeting on May 4. There’s lots of news to share! Here’s the latest to bring back to your groups:

  1. Intergroup voted to approve IFAA’s Bylaws. The signed copy of the Bylaws will be posted to the website shortly.
  2. Help us better communicate with our San Francisco and Marin Fellowship. If you haven’t yet, please fill out the Communications Survey.
  3. Save the date for San Francisco and Marin Founders’ Day Open House and 75th Anniversary Celebration on June 11, 2022 from 1-4pm. Check out the flier here.
  4. Be of service by joining an Intergroup service committee. Take a look at the service opportunities posted on our Events page. Or, reach out to for info about service opportunities outside the group level.

Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Golden Gate Young People in A.A. (GGYPAA) (online) is May 8 @ 6pm.

  • SF Public Relations (online) May 9.

    • Orientation @ 6:30pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7pm

  • Marin H&I (in person) is May 10.

  • San Francisco General Service (online) is May 10.

    • New GSR Orientation and Concept Study @ 6:45pm

    • District Meeting @ 7:30pm

  • Marin Bridging the Gap (online) is May 11

    • Orientation @ 6pm

    • Business Meeting @ 6:15pm


The Forest and the Trees

For the love of spring bouquets, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office