May Issue of The Point is Here

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, is available here. The May theme is “Sharing My Truth”. Would you like to write for The Point? View upcoming monthly themes and writing prompts here.


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s May 3 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • Intergroup is raising medallion prices beginning June 1. The new prices are: $.75 for aluminum chips, $1.50 for bronze chips, and $19.50 for triplate chips. Central Office is well stocked right now, so don’t delay getting chips at the current price! Visit Central Office or purchase online at

  • Intergroup is seeking a new Board Treasurer starting July 2023. The Treasurer helps prepare and present the financial statements and oversees the annual Intergroup operating budget. It is a two-year commitment and a great opportunity to be of service to Alcoholics Anonymous. Please spread the word and for details reach out to

  • Save the Date for upcoming Founders’ Day events:

    • Marin Founders’ Day (San Francisco and Marin Intergroup in collaboration with Marin Fellowship Committee) on June 10 @ 12-5 pm at the Mount Tamalpais United Methodist Church, in Mill Valley.

    • San Francisco Founders’ Day on June 17 @ 12-3:30pm at Lindley Meadow, in Golden Gate Park.

  • Intergroup has the following service opportunities: The Buzz Associate Editor, San Francisco and Marin Archives Chair, San Francisco Public Relations Chair, Sunshine Club Co-Chair, Co-Webmaster, The Point Chair and Editor and Intergroup co-webmaster. Get involved with service and reach out to for details. 

  • Announcing the new name for our monthly giving program: Grateful Givers was the resounding winner amongst members! Your ongoing contributions support important 12th Step services at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at Consider becoming a Grateful Giver today.

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities
Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

  • San Francisco Public Relations is working on Sunday Streets, Project Homeless Connect and public service announcements. To get involved contact and join the next committee meeting on May 8 @ 7pm.

  • San Francisco Teleservice is looking to fill volunteer shifts. Join the orientation on May 15 @ 6pm and reach out to for details.

  • HelpChat is an online chat feature on the website. Volunteers help people find a meeting or chat about their problems with alcohol. To get involved contact and join the next committee meeting on May 16 @ 6pm.

  • The Sunshine Club brings meetings to individuals who cannot attend in-person meetings. It is looking for volunteers in Marin and San Francisco. If you’d like to join Sunshine Club or if you need to schedule a meeting for an A.A. member, contact This committee is also looking for a new Sunshine Club Co-Chair. 

  • Tech Committee identifies tech best practices for A.A. meetings in San Francisco and Marin, as well as Intergroup. The Tech Committee is looking for volunteers including a new co-webmaster to assist with the website and folks with Airtable experience. Contact and join the next meeting on June 5 @ 6pm.

  • Outreach Committee is looking to get more folks involved at Intergroup and 12th Step service work, especially more Marin representation. Contact and join the next meeting on June 7 @ 6pm.

Committee/Entity Liaison Reports

  • San Francisco H&I meets May 20 @ 10am followed by the orientation at 11am at Mission Fellowship, in San Francisco. It is in need of speakers and experienced H&I volunteers to coordinate meetings.

  • Marin Accessibilities Committee raises awareness of the possible barriers in accessing the A.A. message and participation in the A.A. program of recovery. Its next meeting is May 8 @ 7pm online and for more information

  • Marin H&I needs speakers and secretaries. The next orientation is May 9 at 6:15pm with the business meeting to follow at 7:15pm at the Marin Alano Club in San Rafael. 

  • Marin Teleservice is looking for volunteers to take phone shifts and join the committee. Its next volunteer orientation is May 23 @ 6:30pm. And save the date for a 12-Step Call Workshop on May 20 @ 2pm at the Marin Alano Club in San Rafael. Visit

Reminder: Living Sober’s Spring Fling


Post-Conference Assembly Events

Next weekend, join District 06 San Francisco for a Post-Conference Assembly Dinner on May 12 @ 6pm at UCSF Mission Center Building. Dinner is at 6:30 pm, followed by a meeting with Penny C., former H&I Chair for Area 62 S.F. Please see below for more info or visit the CNCA 06 website. On May 13 @ 8:30-5:30 pm CNCA 06 presents the hybrid Post-Conference Assembly, hosted by District 16 Spanish Central at Donworth Events Center, in San Francisco. During this assembly our Area Delegate will share what he saw, felt and heard at this year’s General Service Conference in New York. 


A Night of Family Recovery


Place Your Orders for Marin Pop-Up Bookstore


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Take Action

For the love of putting pen to paper, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office