Memorial Day Speaker Meeting and Barbeque

Join the Fellowship at the Marin Alano Club on Memorial Day for a speaker meeting, barbeque and live music. Speakers Janine R. and Michele B. on May 29 @ 12pm followed by live music and barbeque.


Save the Date: Founders’ Day Festivities

Save the date for two upcoming Founders’ Day events in San Francisco and Marin. Founders’ Day in Marin is June 10 from 1-5pm at the Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church, in Mill Valley. A service panel featuring Joanne L., Marcelo N., Jackie B., and Ole-Jan H. begins at 2pm followed by the main speaker meeting at 3pm with Penny P. Other activities include the Nitecaps band, A.A. trivia contest, kids activities and a potluck. This event is hosted by Marin Fellowship Committee and San Francisco and Marin Intergroup.

On Saturday, June 17, San Francisco and Marin Intergroup presents Founders’ Day picnic in the park at Golden Gate Park’s Lindley Meadow. Join us from 12-3:30pm for a fun-filled fellowship event including picnic, lawn games, dessert potluck and a speaker meeting with Claire H. Help spread the word. To get involved email


Step by Step Workshop: Step Five


Reminder: Grateful Giver Design Contest

Artists and designers, don’t miss out on your chance to submit a logo for the newly named Grateful Givers program on our website. The new logo will replace the current illustration of the dollar. Submit your proposed illustration to before the contest ends on June 30. Intergroup will vote on the winner this summer. The winner gets bragging rights and their illustration showcased on our website! Consider becoming a Grateful Giver today. Your ongoing contributions support important 12th Step services at Intergroup.


Central Office Closed this Saturday

Central Office will be closed this Saturday in honor of Memorial Day and will resume normal business hours next week. It will be open Tuesday to Friday 10-6pm and Saturdays 12-4pm. A.A. literature and chips are still available for purchase online.


Intergroup Needs a New Treasurer

Spread the word: Intergroup needs a new Treasurer. It is a two-year commitment and a great opportunity to be of service to Alcoholics Anonymous. If you are considering this service position and want to learn more, reach out to Or if you know someone who would be a good fit, let us know.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


In All Our Affairs

For the love of spending time with family, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office