Living Sober Presents: Kickball in the Park

Join Western Roundup Living Sober for some fun in the sun (or fog) at Christopher Park in San Francisco tomorrow @ 11am! You bring lawn chairs and sunscreen, we’ll bring lunch. $20 suggested donation but no one will be turned away. Register here


This Saturday – Step 5 Workshop

Don’t forget to check out the Step 5 Workshop tomorrow, May 14 @ 12pm. Join virtually or in person at the Hillside Church of Marin in San Rafael! 


Post-Conference Assembly Tomorrow

In preparation for the General Service Conference in June, California Northern Coastal Area 06 is hosting the Post-Conference Assembly this weekend. “A.A. Comes of Age 2.0: Unified in Love and Service” is happening tomorrow in Newark, California. Please visit the CNCA 06 website for details.


Share Your Experience, Strength, and Hope

Get in touch with your creative side and send your A.A.-related stories, poetry, artwork, or audio files to The Point! The deadline for submissions to be included in the June issue is 5/22. In case you missed it, check out the May issue here. And while you’re at it, why not stop by the next committee meeting tomorrow @ 12:30pm!


Join SF PR for Sunday Streets SF

San Francisco Public Relations Committee is looking for volunteers to help with Sunday Streets SF, a six-series event happening throughout San Francisco this summer. The next Sunday Streets will take place in Bayview, on May 22 from 11am-4pm. We need volunteers at the A.A. informational table. Help carry the message to the suffering alcoholic who may not yet know about A.A. For more information, email or call the Central Office phone line @ 415-674-1820.


Memorial Day Speaker Meeting and Barbecue


Intergroup Summary and Approval of Bylaws

Intergroup held its monthly meeting on May 4. Check out the meeting summary, which includes the approved revisions to Intergroup’s bylaws.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


Shoulder to Shoulder

For the love of fellowship, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.    🐝  

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office