Saturday Night: Drag Bingo

Western Roundup Living Sober is hosting a speaker meeting and bingo event tomorrow night. Come to 1855 Folsom Street, San Francisco @ 6pm for an A.A. speaker meeting with Al-Anon participation and stick around for drag bingo @ 8pm. Extra bingo cards are on hand for those who come dressed in drag and food is available for purchase. Tickets are available here and at the door, though no one will be turned away for lack of funds. 


Service Opportunity: Sunday Streets Coordinator

San Francisco Public Relations Committee is looking for a volunteer to help coordinate Sunday Streets SF. Sunday Streets is a five-series block party/event happening throughout San Francisco from May to October. The first Sunday Streets is May 21 @ 12pm-5pm in Bayview. The Coordinator is responsible for finding volunteers/A.A. groups to participate at the A.A. information table – and making it fun and engaging (bubbles are encouraged!). For more information, email [email protected].



Annual Report: Take to Your Meeting!

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s Annual Report is one of the best ways to see all the important 12th Step work Intergroup does every day. If you would like a printed copy of the annual report to take to your A.A. meetings, send us your contact info and we will drop it in the mail to you. Also, if you haven’t already, take a moment to read through the report and to share it with your groups. 



Gratitude to Faithful Fivers

Faithful Fiver contributions support important 12th Step services at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, including running Central Office, selling A.A. literature, publishing the meeting schedule and our website at If you’d like to sign up as a Faithful Fiver to support the work of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, visit A fun fact from Intergroup’s Annual Report: the average monthly contribution from Faithful Fivers in 2022 was $13.51. Intergroup is considering ideas to rename the group of A.A. members who contribute monthly. Send your thoughts on rebranding ideas for Faithful Fivers to [email protected].


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Don’t do This Alone

For the love of sunshine, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office