Check out Intergroup’s First Annual Report!

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s Annual Report is one of the best ways to see all the important 12th Step work Intergroup does every day.  A few of the 2022 highlights include our new name, hiring a new Executive Director, welcoming volunteers back into Central Office after the pandemic and launching the Marin pop-up bookstore. It also contains many interesting facts, such as the number of visitors to our website, the top selling items in our bookstore and all the meetings that made contributions last year. There’s a lot of great information. Take a moment to read through the report and be sure to share it with your groups!


March Issue of The Point is Here

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, is available here. The March theme is “Choices”. Would you like to write for The Point? View upcoming monthly themes and writing prompts here and join The Point Committee for an online writing workshop on March 12 @ 2pm. The workshop includes a 20-minute presentation followed by writing time. 


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s March 1 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • If you are interested in joining an ad-hoc committee to explore technology/hybrid options for the monthly Intergroup meeting, please email

  • San Francisco and Marin Intergroup needs Central Office Volunteers to answer the phone lines, greet customers and assist with special projects. For more information about this weekly 2+-hour commitment, please email

Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

Committee/Entity Liaison Updates

  • Marin General Service announced PRAASA which starts tomorrow and goes through March 5 in Los Angeles. Also, Marin GSRs are working to gather their groups’ consciences which will then be conveyed to the Area 06 delegate. 

  • SF General Service agenda topics workshop is Saturday, March 11 @ 10am-1:30pm. For details, email Also, District 16 is looking for a Spanish-speaking liaison. 

  • Marin Accessibilities Committee meets March 13 @ 7pm online. Please check out their Inclusive Language handout. Using the correct language makes people feel welcome. The whole structure of A.A. is striving to be all inclusive. 

  • Marin H&I needs speakers and secretaries. The next orientation is March 14 at 6:15pm with the business meeting to follow at 7:15pm at the Marin Alano Club, in San Rafael. 

  • SF H&I meets March 18 @ 10am followed by the orientation at 11am at Mission Fellowship, in San Francisco. They are in need of speakers and experienced H&I volunteers to coordinate meetings.

  • Marin Teleservice is looking for volunteers to take phone shifts and join their committee. Its next volunteer orientation is March 28 @ 6:30pm. Visit

S.F. Public Relations: Meet the Committee

The San Francisco Public Relations Committee provides information about A.A. to the general public and members of the community whose profession brings them in contact with individuals suffering from alcoholism. This includes work with the S.F. District Attorney’s office and the S.F. Public Library, and participating in community events like Sunday Streets. Come learn about service opportunities and participate in a brainstorming session at Central Office (1821 Sacramento St., San Francisco) on March 11 @ 10am.


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Marin County Young People in A.A. (MCYPAA) (in person) is March 5 @ 2pm.

  • The Point (online) is March 6 @ 5:30pm.

  • Technology Committee (online) is March 6 @ 6pm.

  • San Francisco Bridging the Gap (online) is March 7.

    • Orientation @ 6:30pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7pm

  • Marin 12 Concepts Study (online) is March 7 @ 7pm.

  • Marin Bridging the Gap (online) is March 8.

    • Orientation @ 6pm

    • Business Meeting @ 6:15pm


Continuous Action

For the love of turning it over, please share this information with your social media communities (keeping in mind our 11th Tradition of anonymity) and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office