From the Archives: Interview with Bill W. in SF

The Buzz has been celebrating Intergroup and Central Office turning 75 this year by sharing treasures from the Archives Committee, including this 1948 interview with Bill from the San Francisco Examiner. Bill was in San Francisco for the annual meeting of the Nevada-Northern California A.A. Conference, which represented a total of 78 A.A. groups at that time.

The article begins, “The mild mannered man 60,000 nondrinking alcoholics call ‘Bill’ came to San Francisco yesterday.

“Cofounder a dozen years ago of Alcoholics Anonymous, he brought with him the report that A.A. is having success in preventing young people who need help from becoming full blown alcoholics.”

Bill says, “Before, most of us had to wait until we were in our late thirties or a year from the undertaker’s, as I was to discover, that we couldn’t drink; that we were sick, and that there was a way out for us, which is now A.A.”


Next Week is CNCA 06 Pre-Conference Assembly

The General Service Conference is coming up fast! Before that happens, our Area (06) will have a Pre-Conference Assembly to discuss a variety of topics that will be on the agenda at the larger Conference. Please see below for more info, or visit the CNCA 06 website.


SF Teleservice Needs Support

Teleservice is a great way to practice the Twelfth Step—by answering the phones, you are the voice of Alcoholics Anonymous. What better way to be of service? SF Teleservice currently has daily coordinator positions open. Contact [email protected] to find out more or attend the next orientation on April 18 @ 6pm.



Coming in April: Searching and Fearless

The Step by Step Workshop series continues its focus in April with a searching and fearless look at ourselves. Join speaker Jillian E. on April 9 @ 2pm at Hillside Church of Marin in San Rafael or online. 



Audio Speaker Library

Missed a meeting? Check out the speakers in the audio library from the Tuesday Chip meeting in Marin. Tuesday Chip started recording speakers during the pandemic. Its library now has a collection of great speakers from around the country and they’re being made available to our Fellowship. Great recovery any time!



The Buzz is Looking for an Editor

This important commitment is designed for someone who loves being in the know about Fellowship news and events and would take great pride in crafting this weekly digital newsletter. Contact [email protected] if this sounds like you or you just want to know more!


Service Opportunities for the Week …

Spring has Sprung

For the love of new beginnings, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office