Group Inventory Offers Important Feedback

Group inventories help maintain a group’s spiritual health. IFAA (also known as Intergroup) recently held a group inventory to get feedback on how well it is living up to its primary purpose and principles. You can find the full notes from the inventory here

In preparation for the inventory, an ad hoc committee met for months to discuss what topics to cover that would help Intergroup be more effective in serving alcoholics, groups, service entities and the community in San Francisco and Marin.

The group inventory provided feedback on: 

  • What is the primary purpose of Intergroup?
  • Is Intergroup attracting Intergroup Reps (IGRs) from all A.A. groups in SF and Marin?
  • How well is transparency practiced between the IFAA Board of Directors and IGRs?
  • What process for decision-making should Intergroup use?
  • How can Intergroup avoid allowing any member to assume excessive authority?
  • Is Intergroup serving its purpose adequately?

Take a moment to read the feedback. It’s already helping to inform 2022 priorities for Intergroup!


Spring Fling Tickets on Sale

The biggest legacy sober drag show in the Bay Area is back! Western Roundup Living Sober’s fabulous Spring Fling is happening on March 26. A.A. meeting @ 6pm followed by drag supershow @ 7:30pm. Tickets on sale now.


Bringing ‘Sunshine’ to Alcoholics

The Sunshine Club brings A.A. meeting to members of the Fellowship who are unable to get out to meetings due to accident, illness and other medical conditions or circumstances, such as maternity leave. During the pandemic, the group was limited in its activities due to restrictions. Now that many of those have been lifted, the Sunshine Club is eager to recruit A.A. members who want to perform this important service. Want to help? Join the next business meeting on March 20 @ 7pm.



Love The Buzz? You Could Be Its New Editor!

The Buzz is looking for an editor. This important commitment is designed for someone who loves being in the know about Fellowship news and events and would take great pride in crafting this weekly digital newsletter. Write if this sounds like you! 


Intergroup Summary and Proposed Annual Budget

Intergroup held its monthly meeting on March 2. Check out the meeting summary, which includes the proposed IFAA operating budget for 2022.


Central Office Closed: Bookstore Inventory

Central Office will be closed March 19 to conduct its annual bookstore inventory. A.A. literature and chips are still available for purchase online.


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • SF H&I (online) is March 19.
    • Orientation 10am
    • Business meeting 12pm

  • Archives Committee (online) is March 20 @ 12pm.

  • SF Teleservice (online) is March 21.

  • Marin General Service (online) is March 21.

    • Orientation @ 7pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

  • Marin Teleservice (online) is March 22.

    • Orientation @ 6:30pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

  • Marin PI/CPC (online) is March 24.

    • Orientation @ 7pm
    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

Taking Stock

For the love of inventories, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office