Marin Founders’ Day this Saturday

Join us for Founders’ Day tomorrow, June 10 from 1-5pm at the Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church, in Mill Valley. A service panel featuring Joanne L., Marcelo N., Jackie B. and Ole-Jan H. begins at 2pm followed by the main speaker meeting at 3pm with Penny P. and Manish G. Other activities include the Nitecaps band, A.A. trivia contest, kids activities and a potluck! This event is hosted by Marin Fellowship Committee and San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. 

P.S. Be sure to save the date for the San Francisco Founders’ Day on June 17 @ 12pm at Golden Gate Park. 


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s June 7 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • Four new board members were appointed to the Board of Directors, including three from San Francisco: Alison T., Caitlin T., and Phil S. and one from Marin, Denis O’. Thank you for your willingness to serve! And we are so grateful to our outgoing Board members: Charlie B., Chip G., Isae W. and Jim M. You will be missed!

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities
Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

  • Tech Committee identifies tech best practices for A.A. meetings in San Francisco and Marin, as well as Intergroup. Did you know averages 5,000 visitors per month? The Tech Committee is looking for volunteers including a new co-webmaster to assist with the website and folks with Airtable experience. Contact [email protected] and join the next meeting on July 3 @ 6pm.
  • Outreach Committee is looking to get more folks involved at Intergroup, 12th Step service work, and more Marin representation. Help the committee reach its goal of attracting 20 new IGRs to Intergroup this year! To get involved contact [email protected] and join the next meeting on July 12 @ 6 pm.

  • The Point Committee is grateful to Kristee O. and Bernadette S. for their service and thank you Charlie J. and Christine R. for taking the Editor and Associate Editor positions. Check out for monthly themes and writing prompts and send submissions to [email protected]

Committee/Entity Liaison Reports

  • Marin Accessibilities Committee raises awareness of the possible barriers in accessing the A.A. message and participation in the A.A. program of recovery, and recently asked meetings to think about if their meeting space is accessible. The next meeting is June 12 @ 7pm online. For more information contact

  • Marin H&I needs speakers and secretaries. The next orientation is June 13 at 6:15pm with the business meeting to follow at 7:15pm at the Marin Alano Club in San Rafael.  
  • San Francisco H&I is holding an orientation June 17 @ 11am at Mission Fellowship in San Francisco. It is in need of speakers and experienced H&I volunteers to coordinate meetings.

  • Marin Teleservice is looking for volunteers to take phone shifts and join the committee. Its next volunteer orientation is June 27 @ 6:30pm followed by the business meeting at 7:30pm. Visit

Grateful Giver Design Contest

There is still time to submit your entry for the Grateful Giver design contest. The new logo will replace the current Faithful Fiver illustration. Submit your artwork to [email protected] before the contest ends on June 30 and Intergroup will vote on the winner this summer. Also, consider becoming a Grateful Giver today. Your ongoing contributions support important 12th Step services at Intergroup.


Western Roundup Living Sober Conference

The 48th Annual Western Roundup Living Sober Conference is June 30-July 2 in San Francisco. The longest-running U.S. conference for LGBTQIA+ A.A. members is happening in-person and features engaging workshops, inspiring speakers and fun fellowship. Register here.


Carrying the Message

Reminder: San Francisco Public Relations Committee is meeting this Monday, June 12 @ 6:30pm. SFPR needs volunteers for Sunday Streets in the Valencia District on July 30. They are also working on a presentation at the main San Francisco Library in September for the unhoused population. To get involved contact [email protected].



Place Orders for Marin Pop-Up Bookstore

Remember to get your literature orders in by Friday, June 16 so they will be ready for pick-up at the Marin pop-up bookstore on June 19 at the Marin General Service meeting in San Rafael.


Central Office Closed for Juneteenth

Central Office will be closed on June 17 in observance of Juneteenth. If you can, join us that same day at Golden Gate Park for the San Francisco Founders’ Day


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Carry the Message

For the love of our sobriety, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office