Delegate’s Final Report

Come hear all about the 72nd General Service Conference! Jennifer B., Area Delegate, will share what she saw, heard and felt at the conference in New York. Q&A to follow. This is a great way to learn about actions that will soon be taken in A.A. Details in the flyer.



Join One of These Collaboration Efforts

In California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA), several service committees are meeting to learn from each other about how to better serve our primary purpose in A.A. These service committees include: Public Information and Cooperation With the Professional Community (PI/CPC), Hospitals and Institutions (H&I), Bridging the Gap and Accessibilities. You do not have to be a committee member to participate. June 9 @ 7pm

In a similar effort around sharing ideas, East Bay Intergroup is leading a national working group to serve our primary purpose in the digital age. The group comprises current and past members of PI/CPC, Technology, and Treatment and Corrections committees. They’ve created tutorials for webmasters and held classes for groups to help them become more accessible online. Anyone interested can join—you don’t have to be a tech expert to help! June 11 @ 9am


Central Office Hours

Starting June 1, Central Office has changed its regular hours of operation. It is now open Tuesday to Friday 10-6pm and Saturdays 12-4pm. Visit us at 1821 Sacramento St. (cross street Van Ness) to pick up A.A. literature and sobriety medallions. 


San Francisco and Marin Intergroup News

San Francisco and Marin Intergroup held its monthly meeting on June 1. There’s lots of news to share! Here’s the latest to bring back to your groups. 

1. Intergroup held elections for three new Board positions. These candidates, all from Marin, were elected to serve: Andrew S., Gloria E. and Judy W.  Many thanks to outgoing Board members Alan G., Drew H. and Luke H. for their service.

2. Founders’ Day Open House and 75th Anniversary of Intergroup is June 11 @ 1-4pm at Central Office, 1821 Sacramento St., San Francisco. Sign up to volunteer here. Masks are encouraged to help stop the spread of COVID.

3. Central Office is welcoming back volunteers! To learn more or to sign up for a weekly two-hour shift, email [email protected].

4. Be of service by joining an Intergroup service committee. Take a look at the service opportunities listed below or reach out to [email protected] for more information.


June Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point features a look back at the history of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup, in honor of the upcoming Founders’ Day Open House on June 11. Other features include poetry, artwork and a personal reflection on the meaning of sharing experience, strength and hope. Find the latest issue here


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Marin County Young People in A.A. (MCYPAA) (in person) on June 5 @ 2pm.

  • Technology Committee (online) on June 6 @ 6pm.

  • San Francisco Bridging the Gap (online) on June 7.

    • Orientation @ 6:30pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7pm

  • Marin 12 Concepts Study (online) on June 7 @ 7pm.

  • Marin Bridging the Gap (online) on June 8.

    • Orientation @ 6pm

    • Business Meeting @ 6:15pm


We Have Discovered a Common Solution

For the love of rainbows, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office