June Issue of The Point is Here

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, is available here. The June theme is “Being Right Sized”. Would you like to write for The Point? View upcoming monthly themes and writing prompts here. To get involved contact thepoint@aasfmarin.org and join the next committee meeting on June 5 @ 5:30pm.


Join the Tech Committee

The Tech Committee is looking for committee members to better support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup and local online and hybrid A.A. meetings. You don’t need to be an engineer or know how to code to join. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like to see you at its next online business meeting on June 5 @ 6pm


Founders’ Day Celebrations

Did you know Founders’ Day celebrates the last day our co-founder Dr. Bob drank? In recognition of this “wholesale miracle” we are celebrating our 88th Founders’ Day with two events. Spread the word and join us in Marin on June 10 @ 1pm and San Francisco on June 17 @ 12pm to celebrate A.A. Founders’ Day. To get involved or for more information, email fellowship@aasfmarin.org.


Register as a Trusted Servant

Are you a Secretary, Treasurer or Intergroup Representative? If so, please register your commitment with San Francisco and Marin Intergroup as it helps us stay connected to local A.A. meetings. To register, click into your meeting on aasfmarin.org and hit the “Update Meeting Info” button to fill out the registration form. That’s it! We will confirm your submission with a welcome email full of resources to assist you in your new position—and thank you for being of service!


S.F. Public Relations

The San Francisco Public Relations Committee provides information about A.A. to the general public and members of the community whose profession brings them in contact with individuals suffering from alcoholism. This includes work with the S.F. District Attorney’s office and the S.F. Public Library, and participating in community events like Sunday Streets. To get involved contact sfpr@aasfmarin.org and join the next committee meeting on June 12 @ 6:30pm.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


We Must Believe in Ourselves

For the love of summer nights, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office