July Issue of The Point is Here

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, is out now! Read it here. The July theme is “Acting As If”. Would you like to write for The Point? View upcoming monthly themes and writing prompts here. To get involved contact thepoint@aasfmarin.org


Save the Date: 12 Concepts Workshop

Join the 9am Online Daily Women’s Meeting of A.A. for a 12 Concepts: Women in Service workshop. This is an introduction to the 12 Concepts of A.A. and how to apply them at every level of service. This monthly series begins with “Herstory of Service” on July 15 @ 10:30am to 12pm online. 


A.A. Meeting and Trivia Night

Come to the Marin Lutheran Church (649 Meadowsweet Drive, Corte Madera) on July 15 for a speaker meeting at 7pm. Hear Rob J. share their experience, strength and hope and then stick around for trivia at 8pm. This event is co-sponsored by MCYPAA and the Marin Fellowship Committee.


Marin H&I Needs Your Support

Marin H&I is looking for volunteers to take A.A. meetings once a month to residents in facilities in either San Rafael or Kentfield. It’s a great way to be of service and carry the A.A. message similar to the early days of A.A. Consider getting involved and bring a friend/sponsee to the Marin H&I orientation on July 11 @ 6:15pm followed by the business meeting at 7:15pm at the Marin Alano Club, 1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael. If you can’t get involved right now, please spread the word that Marin H&I needs support. Another way to be of service with H&I is to be a sponsor for individuals in San Quentin. To learn more visit handinorcal.org.



Summer Barbecue and Potluck

San Francisco Mission Fellowship and S.F. H&I are hosting a Summer Barbecue and Potluck from 1pm to 5pm on July 22 at Garfield Park (Treat & 26th streets). The A.A. meeting starts at 1:30pm, followed by barbecue. You are encouraged to bring toppings, side dishes or desserts. For more information, visit sfmissionfellowship.org.



Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Marin Bridging the Gap (online) is July 12.

    • Orientation @ 6pm

    • Business Meeting @ 6:15pm


We Must Remember the Promises

For the love of ourselves, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office