July Intergroup Summary

IFAA Intergroup had its most recent meeting on Wednesday, July 7th. For the proposed meeting minutes and financial info, please see here.

Reminder: New Hours for Central Office + Volunteers Needed!

As of Tuesday, July 6th, Central Office began opening from 10am to 6pm, and shifted its days of operation to Tuesday – Saturday.

There are still open volunteer shifts at Central Office! Each shift is 2 hours long, and we need your help filling them. There is a one-year sobriety requirement and responsibilities include welcoming visitors and callers, answering questions about bookstore items, assisting with website navigation, offering details about meetings, service committees, staying current with The Buzz and more. Training and coffee provided. :)

If you would like to take a commitment, please contact us for information on orientation.

Speaking of Volunteers… HelpChat Needs You!

For those who haven’t heard, HelpChat is a chat service through the aasfmarin.org website where many people have their first interaction with a sober member of A.A. There’s lots of room in the schedule for new volunteers! Interested members with at least one year of continuous sobriety can volunteer to answer chats.

HelpChat’s monthly orientations are held every 3rd Tuesday from 5-6pm. The next orientation and business meeting will be on July 20th, this coming Tuesday. Email [email protected] for meeting ID and info.

The Plug for Service Continues…with Teleservice!

SF Teleservice still needs volunteers to help keep the phone lines answered 24/7. What greater way is there to feel more a part of than getting a commitment on the front lines of A.A.? One-year of continuous sobriety required. Orientations are always held on the 3rd Monday of every month @ 6pm. The next orientation is this coming Monday, July 19th, in-person at Central Office. Please email sfteleservice@aasfmarin.org for more information.

Marin Teleservice holds their new volunteer orientations every 4th Tuesday of the month @ 6:30pm. The next orientation is on Tuesday, July 27th, in-person at the Marin Alano Club! Check out the website at marinteleservice.net.

Sunshine Club is Bringing Back In-Person Meetings!

Exciting news! The Sunshine Club is starting to bring in-person meetings back into members’ homes, assisted-living, and is in the process of gaining access to visit members of A.A. who are hospitalized. There were 3 in-person requests in the past week!

Prospective volunteers please note, due to the nature of this service, restrictions and vaccination requirements may apply. 

Call to Action! To reach other members who are isolated and in need of this service, please announce in your groups that Sunshine Club is available to do in-person meetings.

The next Sunshine Club Business Meeting is on July 31st. See here for info. Please email [email protected] with any requests or questions.

Service Committee Meetings for the Week…

  • SF H&I Committee Business Meeting is on Saturday 7/17.

  • Archives Committee meets on Sunday 7/18.

  • SF Teleservice Orientation and Business Meeting (in-person) is on Monday 7/19.

  • Marin General Service Orientation and Business Meeting is on Monday 7/19.
    • Orientation @ 7pm PDT
    • Business @ 7:30pm PDT

  • HelpChat Orientation and Business Meeting is on Tuesday 7/20.
    • Orientation @ 5pm PDT
    • Business @ 6pm PDT

  • Marin PI/CPC Committee (hybrid) meets on Thursday 7/22.

Trusted Servants Turnover and Reminder to Treasurers 

Calling all Newly Elected Trusted Servants! We encourage you to register with Central Office. Having current meeting contacts is vital to staying connected. To register (Secretary, Treasurer, Intergroup Representative), click into your meeting on aasfmarin.org, hit the “Update Meeting Info” button, and fill out the form. We will confirm your submission with a welcome email full of resources to assist you in your new position!

And a reminder to Treasurers – don’t forget to send in your contributions! Thank you for your service.

Service Keeps Us Sober 

For the love of service, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in-the-know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.   🐝

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office