Intergroup News
The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s July 12 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.
Intergroup appointed a new Treasurer, Hedy H. (Marin). We are so grateful to Hedy for stepping up to be of service and to our outgoing Treasurer: Jim M. You will be missed!
Intergroup did a lot of voting last night! After much discussion, Intergroup voted on the four-part proposal to change the structure of our monthly meetings while we remain online. Here’s the outcome:
Proposal: Quarterly, rather than monthly, Service Committee Liaison Reports
Outcome: Motion did not pass
After hearing minority opinion, this proposal was voted on again.
During the re-vote, the proposal failed to reach the 18 ‘yes’ votes needed for this motion to pass.
At the end of the meeting, we incorrectly announced that the motion had passed with the re-vote. This correction will be added to the minutes and we will discuss it at the August Intergroup meeting.
Proposal: Break-out rooms at every monthly meeting
Outcome: Motion did not pass
Proposal: IGRs share a brief description of their home group each month
Outcome: Motion passed
Proposal: Raffle every monthly meeting
Outcome: Motion did not pass
In addition to voting on the structure of the meeting, the following Intergroup Committee Chairs were officially appointed by the Intergroup body:
Isae W, Communications Committee; Colleen S, HelpChat; Marty M, Outreach Committee; and Tom V, Sunshine Club
Here is the message to take back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.
- Central Office Volunteers are needed to answer the phone lines, greet customers and assist with special projects. Minimum of one year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, please email
Join an Intergroup Service Committee! Check out the newly updated for the complete list of Intergroup Committees, including what they do, when they meet and service opportunities.
- The Tech Committee is looking for committee members to better support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup and local online/hybrid A.A. meetings. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like your help! Email to join and attend the next meeting on August 7 @ 6pm.
Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities
Remember: Anyone can join our service committees; you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.
Communications Committee announced that The Buzz, The Point, and the Communications Committee are merging together for a trial-period. These committees have been working more closely over the past 18 months. Unifying as one committee—while remaining separate publications—will help foster ideas and shared responsibility. To get involved contact and join the next committee meeting on August 14 @ 5:30pm.
HelpChat is an online chat feature on the website. Volunteers help people find a meeting or chat about their problems with alcohol. To get involved contact and join the next committee meeting on July 18 @ 6pm.
Outreach Committee is looking to get more folks involved at Intergroup, 12th Step service work and more Marin representation. To get involved contact and join the next meeting on August 2 @ 6pm.
The Sunshine Club brings meetings to individuals who cannot attend in-person meetings. It is looking for volunteers in Marin and San Francisco. If you’d like to join Sunshine Club or if you need to schedule a meeting for an A.A. member, contact This committee is also looking for a new Sunshine Club Co-Chair in Marin.