Learn About New Agenda Topics

Sponsored by San Francisco General Service, this workshop covers everything G.S.R.s need to navigate this year’s Agenda Topics: How to use background material, how to collect an informed group conscience and more—including progress on the Big Book Fifth Edition. March 12 (Online) @ 10am.



Enjoy Editing? The Point Needs You!

The Point is a monthly publication for San Francisco and Marin members to share experience, strength and hope. It is looking for a new editor. If you love editing—and you’ve been searching for that perfect service opportunity—this may be the position for you! Email thepoint@aasfmarin.org to share your interest in this commitment and learn more.


Now Available: Prayer & Meditation

The stories in this book show how members begin to pray and meditate and then branch out to develop very personal, and often creative, ways to practice. Prayer & Meditation is now available at our Central Office bookstore or you can order online.



From the Archives: Bill W.’s Visits to SF

The Buzz has been celebrating Intergroup and Central Office turning 75 this year by sharing treasures like this letter from the Archives Committee, highlighting the history of the Intercounty Fellowship of A.A.

Bill W. made several visits to San Francisco during the 1940s and 1950s and also visited San Quentin to support the newly formed H&I meetings. This letter from Bill and Lois in March, 1948, was written on the train after one of those visits, expressing their gratitude to the Fellowship.


Time to Turn it Over

The next Step by Step Workshop series will be focused on the Third Step. Join this speaker-discussion meeting on March 12 @ 2pm at the Hillside Church of Marin in San Rafael or online.


Chat Online with a Newcomer

Visitors to our aasfmarin.org website see a blue “need help” bubble in the corner, which prompts them to chat if they think they have a problem with alcohol. Share your experience, strength and hope from your phone or computer by joining the HelpChat team. It’s a great way to help a newcomer. Go here to sign up for an orientation.


Service Opportunities for the Week …

A Letter From a Train

For the love of carrying the message, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office