August Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring works by local A.A. members, explores how we greet newcomers who are unsure if A.A. is for them and the shifts in perspective experienced by a member in recovery. There is also an audio recording of a member sharing the experience of service through H&I. Find the latest issue here. 


Intergroup News

Intergroup held its monthly meeting on August 3. There’s alot of news to share! Here’s the latest to take back to your groups.

  • Spread the Word – Marin Pop-Up Bookstore is August 15 @ 6:45 to 7:30pm and 9 to 9:30pm. Literature and chips can be pre-ordered by 2pm on 8/13 (and select literature will be available for sale) at the monthly Marin General Service meeting at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais, San Rafael). Please print and share this flyer in your meetings.

  • Become a Faithful Fiver and support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s efforts to carry the A.A. message of hope and recovery to the still suffering alcoholic in Marin and San Francisco. Help us reach our goal of 350 Faithful Fivers by the end of this year!

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities

Anyone can join these service committees. You do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate!

  • Technology Committee is looking for volunteers with experience in WordPress and Airtable. Its next meeting is September 5 @ 6 pm via zoom. Email for details.

  • Archives Committee is looking for a new committee chair. It meets on August 20 @ 12pm (in Central Office and on zoom).

  • San Francisco Public Relations meets on August 8 @ 7pm online. In the spirit of rotation, it is looking for volunteers to take commitments. Get involved with Sunday Streets on 8/21 and the Reentry Fair on 9/9 in San Francisco.

  • Sunshine Club’s next volunteer orientation is 8/31 @ 7:30pm on zoom. Please announce that the Sunshine Club brings A.A. meetings to members of the Fellowship who are unable to get out to regularly scheduled meetings due to accident, illness and other medical conditions or circumstances such as maternity leave. If you would like a meeting or would like to volunteer, email

  • HelpChat Committee provides a live chat service (via Slack) for anyone new to A.A. or existing members that reaches out from the website. Its next meeting is 8/16 @ 6pm, and it is in need of a new committee chair. To learn more, email


Reminder: Creating Access to A.A. as a Whole

This virtual town hall for online A.A. groups is August 6. Learn how virtual groups can join a district, participate in General Service and share your experience, questions and needs related to virtual groups and A.A. as a whole. 


Join the Step by Step Workshop on Step 8

The Step by Step Workshop series continues with “Became Willing to Make Amends…”. Join speakers Simon E. and Del C., who are sponsor and sponsee, on August 13 @ 4pm at Hillside Church of Marin in San Rafael. You can also participate virtually.



Reminder: National A.A. Technology Workshop

The National A.A. Technology Workshop (NAATW) is hosting an immersive event on September 9-11 about the theme “Moving Forward Together”. Those interested in using technology in service to A.A. are encouraged to attend in order to share their experience, gather ideas and bring learnings back to their groups. This is a hybrid event, so you can consider attending in-person in Tukwila, WA or participating virtually. 


Service Opportunities for the Week …


A Design for Living

For the love of “Fogust”, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office