Important Announcement About Marin Teleservice Helpline

Everyone is being asked to read this important announcement at A.A. meetings about the status of the Marin Teleservice helpline. It can be read during the time set aside for announcements: 

“Please be advised the Marin Teleservice helpline is no longer operating, due to a termination of service when the service provider disconnected the phone number. Going forward, call San Francisco Teleservice at 415-674-1821 to receive help and talk to a recovering alcoholic. Share this announcement at all local A.A. meetings you attend.”

“Currently Marin Teleservice is reviewing its options, which may include merging with San Francisco Teleservice. Consolidating the Marin and San Francisco services would allow Marin Teleservice Committee to better focus on serving the helpline rather than the administrative back-end. As Marin Teleservice examines its options, we are asking A.A. groups for input. If your group has input or ideas, please email before its next committee meeting on August 22.”


August Edition of The Point

The latest edition of The Point, featuring stories, poems, and art by local A.A. members, is out now! Read it here. Would you like to submit art or write for The Point? Share your experience, strength and hope with the San Francisco and Marin fellowship, and click here for details.


Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s August 2 meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • The Marin Pop Up Bookstore is celebrating one year of bringing literature to Marin via the pop up. Please continue to spread the word and support the pop-up. Literature and chips can be pre-ordered (and select literature will be available for sale) at the monthly Marin General Service meeting at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais, San Rafael) on Monday 8/21 from 6:45-9:15pm.

  • Need a service commitment? Anyone may join an Intergroup Service Committee, you do not need to be an IGR to get involved! Check out for the complete list of Intergroup Committees, including what they do, when they meet and opportunities to get involved.

  • Become a Grateful Giver and support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s efforts to carry the A.A. message of hope and recovery to the still suffering alcoholic in Marin and San Francisco. And thank you to our current Grateful Givers!

Intergroup Service Committee Opportunities
Remember, anyone can join service committees. You do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to participate.

  • San Francisco Public Relations needs volunteers for the Re-entry Resource Fair on September 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They are also working on a presentation at the main San Francisco Library on September 3 for the unhoused population. To get involved contact and join the next committee meeting on August 14 @ 7pm.

  • The Communications Committee provides a wide-range of communications support to Intergroup. The committee has merged together with The Buzz and The Point for a trial-period. While remaining separate publications, the merged committee will help foster ideas and shared responsibilities across communications. Some of its recent projects include the Annual Report, the communications survey, Intergroup’s name change and logo development, and Intergroup’s statement of purpose. To get involved contact and join the next committee meeting on August 14 @ 5:30pm.

  • Outreach Committee works to attract more participation from the Fellowship by spreading awareness of IGR participation and A.A. service opportunities at the Intergroup level. IGRs are encouraged to share a brief announcement at any meetings you attend that do not currently have an IGR. The announcement aims to increase IGR participation as we only have 42 active IGRs in San Francisco and Marin. To get involved at the committee level, contact and join the next meeting on September 6 @ 6pm.

  • The Fellowship Committee serves both Marin and San Francisco by putting on events and promoting fellowship in our area. We are looking for committee members and a new chair to help organize fun sober activities and educational workshops on A.A. related issues. Some of our events include Founders’ Day, helping with Unity Day events and the Ugly Sweater Appreciation party (coming up later this year). To get involved, email

Committee/Entity Liaison Reports

  • Marin Accessibilities Committee raises awareness of the possible barriers in accessing the A.A. message and participation in the A.A. program of recovery. It will be presenting at the District 06 San Francisco General Service meeting this month on access in A.A. and how it impacts local groups. Its next meeting is August 14 @ 7pm online and for more information

  • Marin Teleservice announced that the Marin Teleservice helpline is no longer in service. Everyone is encouraged to make the Marin Teleservice announcement at any meetings you attend. The committee is currently exploring its options, and is asking for input from A.A. groups before the next Marin Teleservice meeting on August 22 @ 7:30pm

  • San Francisco General Service is encouraging GSRs to highlight sections of the Delegate’s Report from the most recent General Service Conference to A.A. meetings, such as an update on the plain language version of the Big Book. 
  • San Francisco H&I is encouraging A.A. groups to get H&I Representatives if they don’t have one and continue to pass the pink can! SF H&I is currently serving 26 in-person meetings. The next SF H&I orientation is August 19 @ 11am and its business meeting is September 16 @ 10am.

Join the Tech Committee

The Tech Committee is assisting Central Office with testing the new VOIP system for San Francisco Teleservice. The committee is looking for committee members to better support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup and local A.A. meetings. If you are familiar with Airtable or WordPress, the Tech Committee would especially like your help! Email to join and attend the next meeting on August 7 @ 6pm.


Sober Summer Dance Party


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • Marin County Young People in A.A. (MCYPAA) (in-person) is August 6 @ 2pm.


We Must Do Our Best

For the love of the Bay Area, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. The Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office