Save the Date: Sharing & Connection for Women in Recovery

Come to the Marin Alano Club (1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael) on September 24 to share learnings with other women in recovery. Topics include “Inclusivity in A.A. Literature” and “Practicing All Our Principles in Meetings”. Speaker info coming soon.


This Sunday: Sunday Streets SF

San Francisco Public Relations Committee is looking for volunteers to help with Sunday Streets SF. Sunday Streets is a six-series event happening throughout San Francisco this summer. The next Sunday Streets is this Sunday @ 11am-4 pm in SOMA. Volunteers are needed at the A.A. information table! Help carry the message to the still-suffering alcoholic who may not know about A.A. For more information, email


Share Your Personal Story About A.A. Service

How did service keep you connected to your first home group? Was it a greeter commitment that kept you coming back? Maybe you deepened your learning about the Traditions as a General Service Rep. Each of us has a story to share about how service in A.A. changed our lives. The Point is looking for these stories for a special edition in honor of Unity Day, to be published in October. Share your story! Reach out to for more information.


This Saturday: A.A. History and Speaker Event

There were many remarkable women in the early days of A.A., including Marty Mann, who helped raise awareness about the importance of treatment and education of the disease of alcoholism, among other achievements. Learn about one of our prominent pioneers tomorrow @ 9:30am. All are welcome at this virtual LGBTQ+ event, featuring a presentation by Mily T. of San Francisco.


This Sunday: A.A. Meeting and Bocce Ball

Come to the Marin Bocce Federation (550 B Street, San Rafael) on August 21 for a speaker meeting at 12pm. Hear Bekah share their experience, strength and hope and then stick around for bocce ball and barbecue.


Register as a Trusted Servant

If you are a newly elected trusted servant (e.g., Secretary, Treasurer, Intergroup Representative), you are encouraged to register with San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. A current list of meeting contacts is vital to stay connected. To register, click into your meeting on and hit the “Update Meeting Info” button to fill out the registration form. That’s it! We will confirm your submission with a welcome email full of resources to assist you in your new position!


Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • SF H&I (in person) is August 20

  • Archives (online) is August 21.

  • Marin Teleservice is August 23.

    • Orientation @ 6:30pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

  • Marin PI/CPC (online) is August 25.

    • Orientation @ 7pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm


Sunlight of the Spirit

For the love of Rule 62, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office